3,132 research outputs found

    Experimental test of higher-order Laguerre–Gauss modes in the 10 m Glasgow prototype interferometer

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    Brownian noise of dielectric mirror coatings is expected to be one of the limiting noise sources, at the peak sensitivity, of next generation ground based interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. The use of higher-order Laguerre–Gauss (LG) beams has been suggested to reduce the effect of coating thermal noise in future generations of gravitational wave detectors. In this paper we describe the first test of interferometry with higher-order LG beams in an environment similar to a full-scale gravitational wave detector. We compare the interferometric performance of higher-order LG modes and the fundamental mode beams, injected into a 10 m long suspended cavity that features a finesse of 612, a value chosen to be typical of future gravitational wave detectors. We found that the expected mode degeneracy of the injected LG3, 3 beam was resolved into a multiple peak structure, and that the cavity length control signal featured several nearby zero crossings. The break up of the mode degeneracy is due to an astigmatism (defined as |Rcy − Rcx|) of 5.25 ± 0.5 cm on one of our cavity mirrors with a radius of curvature (Rc) of 15 m. This observation agrees well with numerical simulations developed with the FINESSE software. We also report on how these higher-order mode beams respond to the misalignment and mode mismatch present in our 10 m cavity. In general we found the LG3, 3 beam to be considerably more susceptible to astigmatism and mode mismatch than a conventional fundamental mode beam. Therefore the potential application of higher-order Laguerre–Gauss beams in future gravitational wave detectors will impose much more stringent requirements on both mode matching and mirror astigmatism

    Impact of end effector technology on telemanipulation performance

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    Generic requirements for end effector design are briefly summarized as derived from generic functional and operational requirements. Included is a brief summary of terms and definitions related to end effector technology. The second part contains a brief overview of end effector technology work as JPL during the past ten years, with emphasis on the evolution of new mechanical, sensing and control capabilities of end effectors. The third and major part is devoted to the description of current end effector technology. The ongoing work addresses mechanical, sensing and control details with emphasis on mechanical ruggedness, increased resolution in sensing, and close electronic and control integration with overall telemanipulator control system

    Comparison of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links

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    The performance of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links are evaluated and compared. It is shown that the performance of optical links is very sensitive to the pointing and tracking errors at the transmitter and receiver. In the presence of random pointing and tracking errors, optimal antenna gains exist that will minimize the required transmitter power. In addition to limiting the antenna gains, random pointing and tracking errors also impose a power penalty in the link budget. This power penalty is between 1.6 to 3 dB for a direct detection QPPM link, and 3 to 5 dB for a heterodyne QFSK system. For the heterodyne systems, the carrier phase noise presents another major factor of performance degradation that must be considered. In contrast, the loss due to synchronization error is small. The link budgets for direct and heterodyne detection systems are evaluated. It is shown that, for systems with large pointing and tracking errors, the link budget is dominated by the spatial tracking error, and the direct detection system shows a superior performance because it is less sensitive to the spatial tracking error. On the other hand, for systems with small pointing and tracking jitters, the antenna gains are in general limited by the launch cost, and suboptimal antenna gains are often used in practice. In which case, the heterodyne system has a slightly higher power margin because of higher receiver sensitivity

    Time and Frequency Transfer in a Coherent Multistatic Radar using a White Rabbit Network

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    Networks of coherent multistatic radars require accurate and stable time and frequency transfer (TFT) for range and Doppler estimation. TFT techniques based on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), have been favoured for several reasons, such as enabling node mobility through wireless operation, geospatial referencing, and atomic clock level time and frequency stability. However, such systems are liable to GNSS-denial, where the GNSS carrier is temporarily or permanently removed. A denial-resilient system should consider alternative TFT techniques, such as the White Rabbit (WR) project. WR is an Ethernet based protocol, that is able to synchronise thousands of nodes on a fibre-optic based network with sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds of jitter. This thesis evaluates WR as the TFT network for a coherent multistatic pulse-Doppler radar – NeXtRAD. To test the hypothesis that WR is suitable for TFT in a coherent multistatic radar, the time and frequency performance of a WR network was evaluated under laboratory conditions, comparing the results against a network of multi-channel GPS-disciplined oscillators (GPSDO). A WR-disciplined oscillator (WRDO) is introduced, which has the short-term stability of an ovenised crystal (OCXO), and long-term stability of the WR network. The radar references were measured using a dual mixer time difference technique (DMTD), which allows the phase to be measured with femtosecond level resolution. All references achieved the stringent time and frequency requirements for short-term coherent bistatic operation, however the GPSDOs and WRDOs had the best short-term frequency stability. The GPSDOs had the highest amount of long-term phase drift, with a peak-peak time error of 9.6 ns, whilst the WRDOs were typically stable to within 0.4 ns, but encountered transient phase excursions to 1.5 ns. The TFT networks were then used on the NeXtRAD radar, where a lighthouse, Roman Rock, was used as a static target to evaluate the time and frequency performance of the references on a real system. The results conform well to the laboratory measurements, and therefore, WR can be used for TFT in coherent radar

    Label-Free Biochemical Recognition Using MEMS Resonators for Microarray Technology

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    Highly sensitive biosensors capable of detecting and characterizing smallest quantities of cellular and molecular targets are needed in pharmaceutical and medical diagnostics industries. In this work, the importance of biological target recognition specifically proteins through microarray technologies has been discussed and the most successful tools and techniques have been studied. Moreover, a thermally actuated Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) resonator has been demonstrated and fabricated in this work as an accurate, reliable and low cost biotechnology tool. As a proof of concept, amine to epoxide coupling of octadecylamine to functionalized silicon dioxide surface have been shown through resonator frequency monitoring. The frequency deviation of the sensors implied a meaningful surface coverage after analyte immobilization. Furthermore, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the devices at different stages of the surface modification supported that the frequency deviations are due to epoxide and octadecylamine attachments. In addition, two surface passivation techniques against non-specific adsorption of avidin have been investigated on silicon surface

    Broadband quadrature-squeezed vacuum and nonclassical photon number correlations from a nanophotonic device

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    We report the first demonstrations of both quadrature squeezed vacuum and photon number difference squeezing generated in an integrated nanophotonic device. Squeezed light is generated via strongly driven spontaneous four-wave mixing below threshold in silicon nitride microring resonators. The generated light is characterized with both homodyne detection and direct measurements of photon statistics using photon number-resolving transition edge sensors. We measure 1.0(1)1.0(1)~dB of broadband quadrature squeezing (∼4{\sim}4~dB inferred on-chip) and 1.5(3)1.5(3)~dB of photon number difference squeezing (∼7{\sim}7~dB inferred on-chip). Nearly-single temporal mode operation is achieved, with raw unheralded second-order correlations g(2)g^{(2)} as high as 1.87(1)1.87(1) measured (∼1.9{\sim}1.9~when corrected for noise). Multi-photon events of over 10 photons are directly detected with rates exceeding any previous quantum optical demonstration using integrated nanophotonics. These results will have an enabling impact on scaling continuous variable quantum technology.Comment: Significant improvements and updates to photon number squeezing results and discussions, including results on single temporal mode operatio

    Piezoelectric and Magnetoelastic Strain in the Transduction and Frequency Control of Nanomechanical Resonators

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    Stress and strain play a central role in semiconductors, and are strongly manifested at the nanometer-scale regime. Piezoelectricity and magnetostriction produce internal strains that are anisotropic and addressable via a remote electric or magnetic field. These properties could greatly benefit the nascent field of nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), which promises to impact a variety of sensor and actuator applications. The piezoelectric semiconductor GaAs is used as a platform for probing novel implementations of resonant nanomechanical actuation and frequency control. GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures can be grown epitaxially, are easily amenable to suspended nanostructure fabrication, have a modest piezoelectric coefficient roughly twice that of quartz, and if appropriately doped with manganese, can form dilute magnetic compounds. In ordinary piezoelectric transducers there is a clear distinction between the metal electrodes and piezoelectric insulator. But this distinction is blurred in semiconductors. An integrated piezoelectric actuation mechanism is demonstrated in a series of suspended anisotype GaAs junctions, notably pin diodes. A dc bias was found to alter the resonance amplitude and frequency in such devices. The results are in good agreement with a model of strain based actuation encompassing the diode’s voltage-dependent carrier depletion width and impedance. A bandstructure engineering approach is employed to control the actuation efficiency by appropriately designing the doping level and thickness of the GaAs structure. Actuation and frequency are also sensitively dependent on the device’s crystallographic orientation. This combined tuning behavior represents a novel type of depletion-mediated electromechanical coupling in piezoelectric semiconductor nanostructures. All devices are actuated piezoelectrically, whereas three techniques are demonstrated for sensing: optical interferometry, piezoresistance and piezoelectricity. Finally, a nanoelectromechanical GaMnAs resonator is used to obtain the first measurement of magnetostriction in a dilute magnetic semiconductor. Resonance frequency shifts induced by field-dependent magnetoelastic stress are used to simultaneously map the magnetostriction and magnetic anisotropy constants over a wide range of temperatures. Owing to the central role of carriers in controlling ferromagnetic interactions in this material, the results appear to provide insight into a unique form of magnetoelastic behavior mediated by holes

    Real-Time Bio Sensing Using Micro-Channel Encapsulated MEMS Resonators

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    This work presents a label-free bio-molecular detection technique based on realtime monitoring of the resonant frequency of micromechanical thermal-piezoresistive rotational mode disk resonators encapsulated in microfluidic channels. Mass loading via adsorption of molecular layers on the surface of such devices results in a frequency shift. In order to provide a reliable platform for sample-resonator interactions and to protect the resonators from contaminants, the resonators were encapsulated in PDMS-based microfluidic channels. Micro-channel encapsulation also allows insulation of electrical signals from the analyte solution. To characterize the performance of such devices as real-time label-free bio-molecular detectors, the strong non-covalent binding of Avidin with its ligand, biotin was utilized. To further validate the measured frequency shifts and confirm that the frequency shifts are due to molecular attachments to the resonator surfaces, fluorescent labeled molecules followed by fluorescent imaging was used confirming the existence of the expected molecular layers on the resonator surfaces
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