3 research outputs found

    Tingkat Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Indonesia

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    This study aims to obtain information about the level of digital literacy of Indonesian students. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Based on the results of research conducted on 306 Indonesian students from several universities spread across the islands of Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and Riau, it was found that the positive response from respondents in the aspect of information literacy was 87.27%, Digital Scholarship 93.77%, Learning Skills 85 .50%, ICT Literacy 69.50%, Privacy Management 77.57%, Communication and Collaboration 79.83% and Media Literacy 78.57%. So it can be concluded that 81.71% of respondents are used to doing daily activities that lead to indicators of a person's high level of digital literacy. The current learning process must also utilize technology according to current needs. Everyone should be able to continue to improve their digital literacy skills. This is because digital technology is also very supportive of a person's process of self-development and seeking knowledge as much as possible without any limitations of space and time

    Application of Practical Curriculum for College Specialty of Economic Management under TPACK Framework – Taking “Enterprise Operation and Decision Simulation System” Curriculum as an Example

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    As a new type of educational knowledge integration framework under the appeal for informatization, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) has become a prerequisite for teachers to integrate technologies into their teaching effectively. A comprehensive analysis of the current challenges faced by practical curriculums on economic management is presented in this paper. A curriculum design model was constructed based on the TPACK theoretic framework and the constructivism learning theory. The curriculum “Enterprise Operation and Decision Simulation System” was taken as an example, and the practical curriculum system for economic management under the TPACK framework was designed from three aspects, namely, teaching content, teaching methodology, and teaching technique. On this basis, an econometric analysis software was used to analyze the effects of curriculum implementation. Research indicates that TPACK plays a significant role in improving teaching quality, elevating student satisfaction, and cultivating students’ professional application and practice abilities. The research conclusion is of certain reference value to the practical teaching reform and development in universities

    Estudio de la integración de las TIC en la formación del profesorado a través del modelo TPACK

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    Una educación digital desarrolla competencias digitales e informacionales en los usuarios a través de la integración de la tecnología con los procesos educativos. Ella mejora los sistemas de desarrollo profesional del docente universitario a través de la capacitación y formación en competencias digitales, y por ende, se mejoran los procesos educativos en el aula universitaria. El presente estudio pretende indagar la incidencia del modelo pedagógico TPACK (Conocimiento tecnológico y pedagógico del contenido) en el diagnóstico de integración de las TIC en la práctica docente en tiempos de Covid19. Por ende, luego de una revisión bibliográfica sobre el modelo TPACK y sus diferentes variaciones, se propone la elaboración de instrumentos de diagnóstico y evaluación que garanticen la calidad de una educación digital del profesorado. Los resultados del estudio demuestran los niveles de integración de la tecnología con la pedagogía y con el contenido disciplinario