2 research outputs found

    Analysis of the use of learning methodologies : a study in the teaching of logistics and transports

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    Orientador: Orlando Fontes Lima JúniorDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e UrbanismoResumo: As metodologias ativas de aprendizagem vêm sendo utilizadas cada vez mais em todo o mundo com o objetivo de proporcionar aulas mais dinâmicas e otimizar a absorção dos conteúdos ministrados aos alunos. Estas metodologias diferenciam-se dos modelos tradicionais de ensino uma vez que buscam tornar o aluno protagonista de seu processo de aprendizagem utilizando abordagens ativas ao longo das aulas. Embora ainda se note certa resistência e dificuldade no seu uso, estas metodologias mostram-se bastante apropriadas e oportunas para aplicação no ensino de logística e transportes tanto na modalidade presencial como a distância. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar o uso das metodologias ativas de aprendizagem no ensino de logística e transportes destacando seus benefícios e dificuldades. Além disso, também desenvolveu um manual contendo protocolos de aplicação destas metodologias ativas no processo de ensino para que auxilie os docentes da área a tornarem suas aulas mais dinâmicas e inovadoras. Além deste manual, o trabalho contém uma revisão da literatura para identificação das principais metodologias ativas utilizadas, comparação com as metodologias tradicionais e as respectivas características de cada uma das abordagens no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A partir desta revisão também foram identificadas lacunas referentes a não utilização do uso das metodologias ativas Peer Instruction, Flipped Classroom em logística e transportes. Isto direcionou a pesquisa para um estudo de caso sobre o uso destas metodologias em curso de pós-graduação com alunos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado em logística da Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Unicamp. Quanto aos resultados, foi feita uma análise crítica sobre o uso destas metodologias, os benefícios obtidos, os desafios da aplicação e os aspectos que ainda podem ser melhorados em aulas futuras de logística e transportes. Os resultados apontam uma melhoria na motivação e maior interação entre os alunos, sendo recomendada a utilização tanto no ensino presencial quanto a distância de logística e transportes. É válido destacar que o uso destas metodologias ativas depende, também, da mudança da postura dos docentes e de seus métodos tradicionais utilizados bem como o aceite do uso de tecnologia nas aulasAbstract: Active learning methodologies are increasingly being used around the world with the aim of providing more dynamic classes and optimizing the absorption of content delivered to students. These methodologies differ from traditional teaching models since they seek to make the student the protagonist of their learning process using active approaches throughout the classes. Although there is still some resistance and difficulty in its use, these methodologies prove to be quite appropriate and timely for application in the teaching of logistics and transportation, both in face and distance mode. This research has as main objective to analyze the use of active learning methodologies in the teaching of logistics and transport highlighting its benefits and difficulties. In addition, it has also developed a manual containing protocols for the application of these active methodologies in the teaching process to help teachers in the area to make their classes more dynamic and innovative. In addition to this manual, the work contains a review of the literature to identify the main active methodologies used, comparison with the traditional methodologies and the respective characteristics of each of the approaches in the teaching-learning process. From this review were also identified gaps regarding non-use of the active methodologies Peer Instruction, Flipped Classroom in logistics and transport. This led the research to a case study on the use of these methodologies in undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees in logistics of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism of Unicamp. Regarding the results, a critical analysis was made on the use of these methodologies, the benefits obtained, the challenges of the application and the aspects that can still be improved in future classes of logistics and transport. The results indicate an improvement in the motivation and greater interaction among the students, being recommended the use both in face-to-face teaching and the distance of logistics and transport. It is worth mentioning that the use of these active methodologies also depends on the change of teachers' posture and their traditional methods used as well as the acceptance of technology use in classroomsMestradoTransportesMestre em Engenhria Civi

    Application of Information Technologies to Active Teaching in Logistic Information Systems

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    Information Technology has always been a popular choice among high-school graduates when deciding on a field of study. Despite the comparatively high education levels among Latvian employees, there is still a lack of knowledge and practical skills crucial for competitiveness in a market based economy. In order to ensure relevance of the qualifications and adaptability in the fast changing environment, active learning and teaching have a special importance. Recent developments in information technology call for a serious reconsideration of the actual teaching methods and provide opportunities for developing a new educational methodology. The current paper focuses on application of IT within the course of logistics information systems for developing student practical skills and abilities. The necessity for an active teaching and learning e-environment is highlighted, and a concept of its realisation based on Web 2.0 technologies is discussed within LIS