5 research outputs found

    Cloud based Smart Irrigation for Agricultural Area of Pakistan

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    A beneficial product of Smart Irrigation for Agricultural Area of Pakistan has been presented in this paper. Pakistan stands in need of a participatory solution that is efficiently workable, sustainable, and profitable, to develop the way for the agricultural sector by improving crop productivity with minimum water loss. The goal of this project is to introduce Cloud support to the Smart Irrigation System for Agricultural Area of Pakistan. To achieve this objective Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is used to determine how much water to apply and when to irrigate. The system is divided into four main modules, i.e. Sensor node, Coordinator node, Server Module and Web Application. On the basis of acquired parameters from the WSN, the software application is programmed to take intelligent decisions increase the efficiency of the agricultural system

    Planificaci贸n de trayectorias bi-objetivo en rob贸tica a茅rea para agricultura de precisi贸n

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    Este trabajo presenta las experiencias y resultados obtenidos al aplicar tecnicas de plani铿乧acion de trayectorias para veh谋culos aereos no tripulados con el objetivo doble de tomar imagenes aereas de alta resolucion para realizar mosaicos de cultivos asi como recoger los datos recopilados por motas o sistemas sensoriales inalambricos con capacidad de crear y gestionar redes. Dichas redes son utilizadas para la monitorizacion y evaluacion de tendencias en variables como la temperatura o humedad

    Monitoring for Precision Agriculture using Wireless Sensor Network-A review

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    This paper explores the potential of WSN in the area of agriculture in India. Aiming at the sugarcane crop, a multi-parameter monitoring system is designed based on low-power ZigBee wireless communication technology for system automation and monitoring. Real time data is collected by wireless sensor nodes and transmitted to base station using zigbee. Data is received, saved and displayed at base station to achieve soil temperature, soil moisture and humidity monitoring. The data is continuously monitored at base station and if it exceeds the desired limit, a message is sent to farmer on mobile through GSM network for controlling actions. The implementation of system software and hardware are given, including the design of wireless node and the implementation principle of data transmission and communication modules. This system overcomes the limitations of wired sensor networks and has the advantage of flexible networking for monitoring equipment, convenient installation and removing of equipment, low cost and reliable nodes and high capacity

    No Communication Nodes Synchronization for a Low Power Consumption MAC Protocol in WSN based on IR-UWB

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    Synchronization is an important issue in multi hops Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Such networks are known by their limited resources of energy, storage, computation, and bandwidth. In addition if the networks entities are deployed with high density, it makes the synchronization mandatory for these networks. Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band (IR-UWB) technology is a promising solution for this kind of networks due to its various advantages such as its robustness to severe multipath fading even in indoor environments, its low cost, low complexity, and low power consumption. To exploit the specific features of this technology, we need a convenient MAC protocol. WideMac was presented as a new low power consumption MAC protocol designed for WSN using IR-UWB transceivers. Because of the luck of synchronization in this protocol, this paper presents a solution for the synchronization problem especially in the case of no communication between the Network鈥檚 nodes. To implement and evaluate the proposed synchronization mechanism, we used MiXiM platform under OMNet++ Simulator