1,855,810 research outputs found

    Symmetric minimal quantum tomography by successive measurements

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    We consider the implementation of a symmetric informationally complete probability-operator measurement (SIC POM) in the Hilbert space of a d-level system by a two-step measurement process: a diagonal-operator measurement with high-rank outcomes, followed by a rank-1 measurement in a basis chosen in accordance with the result of the first measurement. We find that any Heisenberg-Weyl group-covariant SIC POM can be realized by such a sequence where the second measurement is simply a measurement in the Fourier basis, independent of the result of the first measurement. Furthermore, at least for the particular cases studied, of dimension 2, 3, 4, and 8, this scheme reveals an unexpected operational relation between mutually unbiased bases and SIC POMs; the former are used to construct the latter. As a laboratory application of the two-step measurement process, we propose feasible optical experiments that would realize SIC POMs in various dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The ultimate quantum limits on the accuracy of measurements

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    A quantum generalization of rate-distortion theory from standard communication and information theory is developed for application to determining the ultimate performance limit of measurement systems in physics. For the estimation of a real or a phase parameter, it is shown that the root-mean-square error obtained in a measurement with a single-mode photon level N cannot do better than approximately N exp -1, while approximately exp(-N) may be obtained for multi-mode fields with the same photon level N. Possible ways to achieve the remarkable exponential performance are indicated

    Coherent population trapping in a dressed two-level atom via a bichromatic field

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    We show theoretically that by applying a bichromatic electromagnetic field, the dressed states of a monochromatically driven two-level atom can be pumped into a coherent superposition termed as dressed-state coherent population trapping. Such effect can be viewed as a new doorknob to manipulate a two-level system via its control over dressed-state populations. Application of this effect in the precision measurement of Rabi frequency, the unexpected population inversion and lasing without inversion are discussed to demonstrate such controllability.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Diffusion length measurements using the scanning electron microscope

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    A measurement technique employing the scanning electron microscope is described in which values of the true bulk diffusion length are obtained. It is shown that surface recombination effects can be eliminated through the application of highly doped surface field layers. The influence of high injection level effects and low-high junction current generation on the resulting measurement was investigated. Close agreement is found between the diffusion lengths measured by this method and those obtained using a penetrating radiation technique

    Experimental realization of a measurement conditional unitary operation at single photon level and application to detector characterization

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    Our last experimental results on the realization of a measurement-conditional unitary operation at single photon level are presented. This gate operates by rotating by 90o90^o the polarization of a photon produced by means of Type-II Parametric Down Conversion conditional to a polarization measurement on the correlated photon. We then propose a new scheme for measuring the quantum efficiency of a single photon detection apparatus by using this set-up. We present experimental results obtained with this scheme compared with {\it traditional} biphoton calibration. Our results show the interesting potentiality of the suggested scheme.Comment: to appear in Proc. of SPIE meeting, Denver august 200

    Quantum measurement of a mesoscopic spin ensemble

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    We describe a method for precise estimation of the polarization of a mesoscopic spin ensemble by using its coupling to a single two-level system. Our approach requires a minimal number of measurements on the two-level system for a given measurement precision. We consider the application of this method to the case of nuclear spin ensemble defined by a single electron-charged quantum dot: we show that decreasing the electron spin dephasing due to nuclei and increasing the fidelity of nuclear-spin-based quantum memory could be within the reach of present day experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, published versio

    An LLVM Instrumentation Plug-in for Score-P

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    Reducing application runtime, scaling parallel applications to higher numbers of processes/threads, and porting applications to new hardware architectures are tasks necessary in the software development process. Therefore, developers have to investigate and understand application runtime behavior. Tools such as monitoring infrastructures that capture performance relevant data during application execution assist in this task. The measured data forms the basis for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the code. Monitoring infrastructures need mechanisms to record application activities in order to conduct measurements. Automatic instrumentation of the source code is the preferred method in most application scenarios. We introduce a plug-in for the LLVM infrastructure that enables automatic source code instrumentation at compile-time. In contrast to available instrumentation mechanisms in LLVM/Clang, our plug-in can selectively include/exclude individual application functions. This enables developers to fine-tune the measurement to the required level of detail while avoiding large runtime overheads due to excessive instrumentation.Comment: 8 page

    Temperature and heat flux measurements: Challenges for high temperature aerospace application

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    The measurement of high temperatures and the influence of heat transfer data is not strictly a problem of either the high temperatures involved or the level of the heating rates to be measured at those high temperatures. It is a problem of duration during which measurements are made and the nature of the materials in which the measurements are made. Thermal measurement techniques for each application must respect and work with the unique features of that application. Six challenges in the development of measurement technology are discussed: (1) to capture the character and localized peak values within highly nonuniform heating regions; (2) to manage large volumes of thermal instrumentation in order to efficiently derive critical information; (3) to accommodate thermal sensors into practical flight structures; (4) to broaden the capabilities of thermal survey techniques to replace discrete gages in flight and on the ground; (5) to provide supporting instrumentation conduits which connect the measurement points to the thermally controlled data acquisition system; and (6) to develop a class of 'vehicle tending' thermal sensors to assure the integrity of flight vehicles in an efficient manner