61,383 research outputs found

    Beyond Frontal Faces: Improving Person Recognition Using Multiple Cues

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    We explore the task of recognizing peoples' identities in photo albums in an unconstrained setting. To facilitate this, we introduce the new People In Photo Albums (PIPA) dataset, consisting of over 60000 instances of 2000 individuals collected from public Flickr photo albums. With only about half of the person images containing a frontal face, the recognition task is very challenging due to the large variations in pose, clothing, camera viewpoint, image resolution and illumination. We propose the Pose Invariant PErson Recognition (PIPER) method, which accumulates the cues of poselet-level person recognizers trained by deep convolutional networks to discount for the pose variations, combined with a face recognizer and a global recognizer. Experiments on three different settings confirm that in our unconstrained setup PIPER significantly improves on the performance of DeepFace, which is one of the best face recognizers as measured on the LFW dataset

    People tracking and re-identification by face recognition for RGB-D camera networks

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    This paper describes a face recognition-based people tracking and re-identification system for RGB-D camera networks. The system tracks people and learns their faces online to keep track of their identities even if they move out from the camera's field of view once. For robust people re-identification, the system exploits the combination of a deep neural network- based face representation and a Bayesian inference-based face classification method. The system also provides a predefined people identification capability: it associates the online learned faces with predefined people face images and names to know the people's whereabouts, thus, allowing a rich human-system interaction. Through experiments, we validate the re-identification and the predefined people identification capabilities of the system and show an example of the integration of the system with a mobile robot. The overall system is built as a Robot Operating System (ROS) module. As a result, it simplifies the integration with the many existing robotic systems and algorithms which use such middleware. The code of this work has been released as open-source in order to provide a baseline for the future publications in this field

    Statistical Analysis of Dynamic Actions

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    Real-world action recognition applications require the development of systems which are fast, can handle a large variety of actions without a priori knowledge of the type of actions, need a minimal number of parameters, and necessitate as short as possible learning stage. In this paper, we suggest such an approach. We regard dynamic activities as long-term temporal objects, which are characterized by spatio-temporal features at multiple temporal scales. Based on this, we design a simple statistical distance measure between video sequences which captures the similarities in their behavioral content. This measure is nonparametric and can thus handle a wide range of complex dynamic actions. Having a behavior-based distance measure between sequences, we use it for a variety of tasks, including: video indexing, temporal segmentation, and action-based video clustering. These tasks are performed without prior knowledge of the types of actions, their models, or their temporal extents

    Expanded Parts Model for Semantic Description of Humans in Still Images

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    We introduce an Expanded Parts Model (EPM) for recognizing human attributes (e.g. young, short hair, wearing suit) and actions (e.g. running, jumping) in still images. An EPM is a collection of part templates which are learnt discriminatively to explain specific scale-space regions in the images (in human centric coordinates). This is in contrast to current models which consist of a relatively few (i.e. a mixture of) 'average' templates. EPM uses only a subset of the parts to score an image and scores the image sparsely in space, i.e. it ignores redundant and random background in an image. To learn our model, we propose an algorithm which automatically mines parts and learns corresponding discriminative templates together with their respective locations from a large number of candidate parts. We validate our method on three recent challenging datasets of human attributes and actions. We obtain convincing qualitative and state-of-the-art quantitative results on the three datasets.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI
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