2,927 research outputs found

    Uso do sensoriamento remoto e SIG para o zoneamento ecológico da reserva florestal Embrapa/Epagri em Caçador - SC.

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    Organizado por Patricia Póvoa de Mattos, Celso Garcia Auer, Rejane Stumpf Sberze, Katia Regina Pichelli e Paulo César Botosso

    Marvão, entre o passado e o presente

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    Neste capítulo aborda-se, de uma forma sintética, a dinamica antropização da paisagem no actual território do concelho de marvão desde a pré-história até aos nossos dias

    Antropização da zona de amortecimento da reserva biológica serra dos toledos (Itajubá-MG) e seu efeito na qualidade do solo.

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    Areas that comprise “damping zones” are important in minimizing the effects of impacts on the environment as they can affect the conservation unit, and in helping to maintain its natural resources. However, they are not protected and many are handled improperly, compromising the sustainability of the conservation units they should protect. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of human disturbance in the damping zone on the soil quality inside the Biological Reserve Serra dos Toledos,Itajubá-MG. For this, there were selected three areas under different activities in the damping zone (pasture, agriculture, and native forest) and three areas sided to those, within the Reserve. They were characterized according to various physical, chemical,microbiological, and visual soil quality procedures. Areas that had the worst physical, visual, and microbiological conditions were those located in the damping zone under agriculture and pasture. The microbiological attributes were sensitive to the different areas, due to the direct relation between negative impact of agriculture practiced in the damping zone and the soil quality within the Biological Reserve studied

    Mapeamento e identificação da época de desmatamento das áreas de expansão da agricultura no MATOPIBA.

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    Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a expansão da agricultura do bioma Cerrado na região do MATOPIBA, através de máscaras agrícolas geradas a partir das séries temporais de índice de vegetação NDVI do sensor MODIS, e identificar a época em que ocorreu o desmatamento das áreas de expansão, utilizando os mapas de área antropizada do Projeto de Monitoramento do Desmatamento dos Biomas Brasileiros por Satélite (PMDBBS)