6 research outputs found

    A Fast Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Total Variation Deblurring Without Boundary Artifacts

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    Recently, a fast alternating minimization algorithm for total variation image deblurring (FTVd) has been presented by Wang, Yang, Yin, and Zhang [{\em SIAM J. Imaging Sci.}, 1 (2008), pp. 248--272]. The method in a nutshell consists of a discrete Fourier transform-based alternating minimization algorithm with periodic boundary conditions and in which two fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) are required per iteration. In this paper, we propose an alternating minimization algorithm for the continuous version of the total variation image deblurring problem. We establish convergence of the proposed continuous alternating minimization algorithm. The continuous setting is very useful to have a unifying representation of the algorithm, independently of the discrete approximation of the deconvolution problem, in particular concerning the strategies for dealing with boundary artifacts. Indeed, an accurate restoration of blurred and noisy images requires a proper treatment of the boundary. A discrete version of our continuous alternating minimization algorithm is obtained following two different strategies: the imposition of appropriate boundary conditions and the enlargement of the domain. The first one is computationally useful in the case of a symmetric blur, while the second one can be efficiently applied for a nonsymmetric blur. Numerical tests show that our algorithm generates higher quality images in comparable running times with respect to the Fast Total Variation deconvolution algorithm

    Diffusion equations and inverse problems regularization.

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    The present thesis can be split into two dfferent parts: The first part mainly deals with the porous and fast diffusion equations. Chapter 2 presents these equations in the Euclidean setting highlighting the technical issues that arise when trying to extend results in a Riemannian setting. Chapter 3 is devoted to the construction of exhaustion and cut-o_ functions with controlled gradient and Laplacian, on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by a (possibly unbounded) nonpositive function of the distance from a fixed reference point, and without any assumptions on the topology or the injectivity radius. The cut-offs are then applied to the study of the fast and porous media diffusion, of Lq-properties of the gradient and of the selfadjointness of Schrödinger-type operators. The second part is concerned with inverse problems regularization applied to image deblurring. In Chapter 5 new variants of the Tikhonov filter method, called fractional and weighted Tikhonov, are presented alongside their saturation properties and converse results on their convergence rates. New iterated fractional Tikhonov regularization methods are then introduced. In Chapter 6 the modified linearized Bregman algorithm is investigated. It is showed that the standard approach based on the block circulant circulant block preconditioner may provide low quality restored images and different preconditioning strategies are then proposed, which improve the quality of the restoration

    Tikhonov-type iterative regularization methods for ill-posed inverse problems: theoretical aspects and applications

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    Ill-posed inverse problems arise in many fields of science and engineering. The ill-conditioning and the big dimension make the task of numerically solving this kind of problems very challenging. In this thesis we construct several algorithms for solving ill-posed inverse problems. Starting from the classical Tikhonov regularization method we develop iterative methods that enhance the performances of the originating method. In order to ensure the accuracy of the constructed algorithms we insert a priori knowledge on the exact solution and empower the regularization term. By exploiting the structure of the problem we are also able to achieve fast computation even when the size of the problem becomes very big. We construct algorithms that enforce constraint on the reconstruction, like nonnegativity or flux conservation and exploit enhanced version of the Euclidian norm using a regularization operator and different semi-norms, like the Total Variaton, for the regularization term. For most of the proposed algorithms we provide efficient strategies for the choice of the regularization parameters, which, most of the times, rely on the knowledge of the norm of the noise that corrupts the data. For each method we analyze the theoretical properties in the finite dimensional case or in the more general case of Hilbert spaces. Numerical examples prove the good performances of the algorithms proposed in term of both accuracy and efficiency

    Spectral features of matrix-sequences, GLT, symbol, and application in preconditioning Krylov methods, image deblurring, and multigrid algorithms.

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    The final purpose of any scientific discipline can be regarded as the solution of real-world problems. With this aim, a mathematical modeling of the considered phenomenon is often compulsory. Closed-form solutions of the arising functional equations are usually not available and numerical discretization techniques are required. In this setting, the discretization of an infinite-dimensional linear equation via some linear approximation method, leads to a sequence of linear systems of increasing dimension whose coefficient matrices could inherit a structure from the continuous problem. For instance, the numerical approximation by local methods of constant or nonconstant coefficients systems of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) over multidimensional domains, gives rise to multilevel block Toeplitz or to Generalized Locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences, respectively. In the context of structured matrices, the convergence properties of iterative methods, like multigrid or preconditioned Krylov techniques, are strictly related to the notion of symbol, a function whose role relies in describing the asymptotical distribution of the spectrum. This thesis can be seen as a byproduct of the combined use of powerful tools like symbol, spectral distribution, and GLT, when dealing with the numerical solution of structured linear systems. We approach such an issue both from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. On the one hand, we enlarge some known spectral distribution tools by proving the eigenvalue distribution of matrix-sequences obtained as combination of some algebraic operations on multilevel block Toeplitz matrices. On the other hand, we take advantage of the obtained results for designing efficient preconditioning techniques. Moreover, we focus on the numerical solution of structured linear systems coming from the following applications: image deblurring, fractional diffusion equations, and coupled PDEs. A spectral analysis of the arising structured sequences allows us either to study the convergence and predict the behavior of preconditioned Krylov and multigrid methods applied to the coefficient matrices, or to design effective preconditioners and multigrid solvers for the associated linear systems

    Antireflective Boundary Conditions for Deblurring Problems

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    This survey paper deals with the use of antireflective boundary conditions for deblurring problems where the issues that we consider are the precision of the reconstruction when the noise is not present, the linear algebra related to these boundary conditions, the iterative and noniterative regularization solvers when the noise is considered, both from the viewpoint of the computational cost and from the viewpoint of the quality of the reconstruction. In the latter case, we consider a reblurring approach that replaces the transposition operation with correlation. For many of the considered items, the anti-reflective algebra coming from the given boundary conditions is the optimal choice. Numerical experiments corroborating the previous statement and a conclusion section end the paper