3 research outputs found

    Antichains and counterpoint dichotomies

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    We construct a special type of antichain (i. e., a family of subsets of a set, such that no subset is contained in another) using group-theoretical considerations, and obtain an upper bound on the cardinality of such an antichain. We apply the result to bound the number of strong counterpoint dichotomies up to affine isomorphisms

    Prime injections and quasipolarities

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    Let pp be a prime number. Consider the injection ι:Z/nZ→Z/pnZ:x↦px, \iota:\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}/pn\mathbb{Z}:x\mapsto px, and the elements eu.v:=(u,v)∈Z/nZ⋊Z/nZ×e^{u}.v:=(u,v)\in \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}\rtimes \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}^{\times} and ew.r:=(w,r)∈Zpn⋊Zpn×e^{w}.r:=(w,r)\in \mathbb{Z}_{p n}\rtimes \mathbb{Z}_{p n}^{\times}. Suppose eu.v∈Z/nZ⋊Z/nZ×e^{u}.v\in \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}\rtimes \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}^{\times} is seen as an automorphism of Z/nZ\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} by eu.v(x)=vx+ue^{u}.v(x)=vx+u; then eu.ve^{u}.v is a quasipolarity if it is an involution without fixed points. In this brief note give an explicit formula for the number of quasipolarites of Z/nZ\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} in terms of the prime decomposition of nn, and we prove sufficient conditions such that (ew.r)∘ι=ι∘(eu.v)(e^{w}.r)\circ \iota =\iota\circ (e^{u}.v), where ew.re^{w}.r and eu.ve^{u}.v are quasipolarities

    Wang-Sun Formula in GL→(Z/2kZ)\overrightarrow{GL}(\mathbb{Z}/2k\mathbb{Z})

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    Wang and Sun proved a certain summatory formula involving derangements and primitive roots of the unit. We study such a formula but for the particular case of the set of affine derangements in GL→(Z/2kZ)\overrightarrow{GL}(\mathbb{Z}/2k\mathbb{Z}) and its subset of involutive affine derangements in particular; in this last case its value is relatively simple and it is related to even unitary divisors of kk