86,089 research outputs found

    Extending OntoUML Modelling Capabilities on the OpenPonk Platform

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na rozšíření možností pro vytváření OntoUML modelů na platformě OpenPonk. Toto rozšíření je rozděleno do čtyř částí. Prvním rozšířením je grafické uživatelské rozhraní pro zobrazování výsledků verifikačního frameworku. Druhá část je prezenotvána novým frameworkem, sloužícím k automatické aktualizaci OunoUML verifikací. Třetím rozšířením je automatická detekce OntoUML anit-patternů. Poslední část se sestává z vybudování nové sekce portálu ontouml.org, obsahující dokumentaci k jednotlivým anti-patternům. V závěru práce je detekce anti-patternů demostrována na referenčním modelu.This work focuses on extending OntoUML modelling capabilities on the OpenPonk platform. This is done in four parts. First part of the expansion is graphical user interface for displaying results of the verification framework. Second part is represented by new framework, which is used for automatic updating of OntoUML verifications. Third part of the expansion is automatic detection of OntoUML anti-patterns. Last part consists of new section on portal ontouml.org, dedicated to anti-pattern documentation. End of this thesis focuses on demonstration of the anti-pattern detection using reference model

    Cadabra: reference guide and tutorial

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    Cadabra is a computer algebra system for the manipulation of tensorial mathematical expressions such as they occur in “field theory problems”. It is aimed at, but not necessarily restricted to, high-energy physicists. It is constructed as a simple tree-manipulating core, a large collection of standalone algorithmic modules which act on the expression tree, and a set of modules responsible for output of nodes in the tree. All of these parts are written in C++. The input and output formats closely follow TEX, which in many cases means that cadabra is much simpler to use than other similar programs. It intentionally does not contain its own programming language; instead, new functionality is added by writing new modules in C++

    Simulating Supersymmetry with ISAJET 7.0/ ISASUSY 1.0

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    We review the physics assumptions and input used in ISAJET~7.0 / ISA\-SUSY~1.0 that are relevant for simulating fundamental processes within the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) at ppˉp\bar p and pppp colliders. After a brief discussion of the underlying MSSM framework, we discuss event simulation and list the sparticle production processes and decay modes that have been incorporated into our calculations. We then describe how to set up and run an ISAJET / ISASUSY job and the user input and output formats. The ISAJET program is sufficiently flexible that some non-minimal supersymmetry scenarios may be simulated as well. Finally, plans for future upgrades which include the extension to e+ee^+ e^- collisions, are listed.Comment: 17 pages, FSU-HEP-930329 UH-511-764-9

    The Future of Professional Education in Natural Family Planning

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    Nurses and other health care professionals often have little knowledge of methods of natural family planning (NFP) and do not readily prescribe natural methods for their patients. One reason for this is that little or no information on NFP is provided in nursing or medical schools. The holistic, informational, and integrative nature of NFP fits well with professional nursing practice. A university online distance education NFP teacher training program, which offers academic credit and includes theory, practice, and the latest developments in fertility monitoring, has been developed for health care professionals. Professional NFP services in the United States need to meet worldwide standards and include documenting and assessing pregnancy outcomes, tailoring NFP services to the client or couple, and simplifying them for ease of use in a standard health care practice

    Scalable Detection and Isolation of Phishing

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    This paper presents a proposal for scalable detection and isolation of phishing. The main ideas are to move the protection from end users towards the network provider and to employ the novel bad neighborhood concept, in order to detect and isolate both phishing e-mail senders and phishing web servers. In addition, we propose to develop a self-management architecture that enables ISPs to protect their users against phishing attacks, and explain how this architecture could be evaluated. This proposal is the result of half a year of research work at the University of Twente (UT), and it is aimed at a Ph.D. thesis in 2012