4,436 research outputs found

    Antecedents of Business Intelligence Implementation for Addressing Organizational Agility in Small Business Context

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    Research on business intelligence (BI) has been rapidly proliferated in the field of information systems (IS). However, a limited number of studies has discovered its practical value and impact in business sectors. A lack of research on BI implementation specifically within small businesses may have an adverse impact on the effective decision making, especially to meet the demand of their organizational agility. The aim of this study is to conduct a theoretical analysis to identify antecedents of BI implementation in the small business context for improving the decision-making capability towards organizational agility. We operate a literature survey within the IS research domain to reveal the insights about the relation between BI and organizational agility. In this regard, 75 key articles have been reviewed and analyzed to find contributions towards BI and its impact on organizational agility. It is anticipated that the important antecedents are organizational, technological and personnel capabilities for BI implementation. The findings provide valuable insights for further research on BI implementation, especially to address organizational agility in small businesses. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol10/iss1/5

    Policy Helix and Antecedents of Cybersecurity Policymaking Agility

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    The cyber threat landscape is constantly changing, and organisations need to stay current with the dynamism of their internal and external environment. One important aspect is to be agile in cybersecurity policymaking (CSPM) to identify signals, devise proper policies, and mitigate risks. However, the literature in this aspect is still understudied, and this paper strives to fill this gap by investigating the notion of agility in cybersecurity policymaking and identifying its antecedents. The paper investigates the importance of agility as a means to counter emerging threats, contributing actionable insights and best practices to the ongoing discourse on cybersecurity policymaking. The findings emphasise the vital role of agility in pursuing cyber resilience and encourage policymakers and stakeholders to embrace this principle. Ultimately, this study deepens the understanding of the agile policymaking process and introduces asset management, vulnerability management, cyber risk management, and robust awareness processes as the antecedents of CSPM agility. The findings can provide insights for both the theory and practice of IS research by introducing the concept of agility in CSPM and identifying its antecedents


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    The ultimate goal of this dissertation is to explain how agility intersects in the field of marketing capabilities, in order to deepen the understanding about a new marketing capability: the Agile Marketing Capability. My dissertation consists of three papers. The first paper inquires how the Agile Marketing Capability can be formally theorized and conceptualized, identifying its key theorizing elements and putting the basis for its further exploration and analysis. The outcomes of this first study identify the core dimensions (or constructs) of the Agile Marketing Capability, advance a holistic theoretical model, and discuss the underlying constructs and relationships. With this first conceptualization of a marketing-focused capability of agility, I start outlining a new path of marketing capabilities, seeking to redefine marketing capabilities by learning more about Agile Marketing implementation. Thus, I lay the terrain for future exploration and forecast of this topic, and enrich the debate on the opportunity to integrate agile principles into marketing studies, and ultimately impact marketing capabilities. The second paper provides an initial empirical investigation of agile capability in marketing field, exploring its main defining features and thus elaborating some key theoretical and empirical dimensions which may characterize and compose the Agile Marketing Capability. The outcomes of this second study identify and organize the key theoretical concepts and dimensions of the Agile Marketing Capability in a theoretical framework. To summarize study results I also formulate some propositions, which could stimulate future theoretical and empirical research towards this topic. The findings of this research considerably advance extant knowledge on capabilities greater aligned with digital transformation challenges, which is a topic still at an early stage in current literature. Specifically, the analysis carried out in the second paper improves the understanding on agility in digital and international marketing settings, contributing to extend dynamic capabilities and marketing capabilities literature. In the meantime, the framework and propositions of this study, as well as the empirical findings, contribute to explain what strategic actions are needed to foster marketing agility, thus pursuing and implementing an Agile Marketing Capability. The third and final paper extends the body of knowledge of agile capabilities in marketing field by looking at how different organizations pursue and implement the Agile Marketing Capability. The outcomes of this third study deepen the conceptualization and definition of the Agile Marketing Capability dimensions, proposing a four-stage Agile Marketing Capability maturity framework. The framework provides key actions, activities and behaviours organized in progressive maturity levels to enable organizations to assess and improve their capabilities in Agile Marketing implementation. The findings of this work contribute to deepen the body of knowledge on marketing capabilities and agility research streams, explaining the benefits that could derive from employing agile approaches and capabilities in marketing, and how their employment actually may enhance organizations’ extant marketing capabilities, particularly in turbulent and fast-changing contexts. Notably, the analysis performed in this third study sheds light on progressive behaviors and actions representative of different maturity levels in the development and management of the Agile Marketing Capability. The maturity framework proposed in this paper and the empirical findings clarify to managers and practitioners how to assess current maturity level in the development of such capability, understand potential improvement actions, and, thus, achieve higher levels of performance. Briefly, it provides useful guidelines for organizations to become more agile in their marketing capabilities

    Knowledge Profile in PAJAIS: A Review of Literature and Future Research Directions

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    It is our pleasure and honor to be the Editor-in-Chief of the Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS). After cultivating over a decade, PAJAIS has become an important platform for researchers to share their high-quality papers. The mission of PAJAIS is to be a leading IS journal. Although the journal intends to have close ties with the communities in Asia Pacific regions, it is an open platform that welcomes submissions on any IS-related topics from authors around the world. In order to provide readers with a better understanding of the profile of PAJAIS, this editorial is the first in the series to summarize what has been published. Our founding editor, Prof. Ting-Peng Liang, and I started this series with a discussion of the publications in PAJAIS

    Agility and Resilience as Sources of Competitive Advantages a Theoretical and Empirical Investigation

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    Today’s hypercompetitive global climate makes lasting competitive edge unsuitable. Firms face increasing complexity due to the rapid entry and growth of internationalizing firms from emerging markets, technological breakthroughs, discontinuous innovation, and the uncertainties surrounding unexpected shocks transmitted across world markets, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. In this research, I examine how firms have built and applied two adaptive abilities (agility and resilience) to respond to environmental changes and disruptions to create sustainable competitive advantage. An agile organization is simultaneously a resilient organization. Despite agility’s increased relevance in the academy and practitioners\u27 publications, its epistemological and ontological analyses are superficial at best. Specifically, supported by inductive and deductive analysis, I bring clarity to agility’s concept and its boundary conditions. Thus, I propose an integrative multilevel framework of the antecedents, the enablers, and the outcomes of the process of agility performance. Moreover, through in-depth interviews with executives, I explore how agility and resilience manifested in emerging market multinational firms (EMNEs) enhance their competitiveness by using both adaptive abilities in their international operations. The findings reveal that all organizations possess some degrees of agility and resilience simultaneously as two faces of the same coin. Furthermore, agility and resilience are interdependent, comprising five common domains

    Exploring the antecedents of dynamic capabilities in a software product company : Dynamic capabilities enabling adaptation to change

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    Firms operating in the software industry are constantly faced with new opportunities and threats that stem from the volatility of the market. Customer needs change and competing solutions come up in high frequency as software development practices have gotten better during the last decade. Companies need to obtain dynamic capabilities to address rapidly changing markets. This study examines how dynamic capabilities and their underlying microfoundations enable adaption to change in the environment. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study of Company X. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews with employees in the area of product management. Furthermore, data from interviews were complemented with various documentation to understand the phenomenon better. The findings of this study show that sensing, seizing, and transforming dynamic capabilities deploy their underpinning microfoundations in ways that enable the company to sense opportunities and threats, address those findings, and transform its (intangible) resource base as required for handling change in the environment. The phenomenon results in three distinct outcomes that are represented as principles of agility: agility foundations, agility fostering culture and learning fast. This thesis contributes to the literature on dynamic capabilities, product management and agility. The dynamic capabilities literature has previously overlooked the software industry, and this study fills this gapOhjelmistoalalla toimivat yritykset kohtaavat jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia ja uhkia, jotka syntyvät markkinoiden epävakaudesta. Asiakastarpeet muuttuvat ja kilpailevia ratkaisuja syntyy paljon, sillä ohjelmistokehityskäytännöt ovat parantuneet viime vuosikymmenen ajan. Yrityksillä on oltava dynaamisia kyvykkyyksiä, jotta ne voivat vastata nopeasti muuttuviin markkinoihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, miten dynaamiset kyvykkyydet ja niiden taustalla olevat mikroperustat mahdollistavat sopeutumisen ympäristön muutoksiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena (Company X). Tiedot kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla, joita tehtiin tuotehallinnan työntekijöiden kanssa. Lisäksi haastatteluista saatuja tietoja täydennettiin erilaisilla asiakirjoilla, jotta tutkittava ilmiö ymmärrettäisiin paremmin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kolme dynaamista kyvykkyyttä havaitseminen (sensing), hallitseminen (seizing) ja muuntaminen (transforming), käyttävät perustana olevia mikroperustojaan tavoilla, joiden avulla yritys pystyy havaitsemaan mahdollisuuksia ja uhkia, puuttumaan näihin havaintoihin ja muuntamaan (aineetonta) resurssiperustaansa ympäristön muutosten hallinnan edellyttämällä tavalla. Ilmiö johtaa kolmeen eri lopputulokseen, jotka esitetään ketteryyden periaatteina: ketteryyden perusteet, ketteryyttä edistävä kulttuuri ja nopea oppiminen. Tämä tutkielma täydentää dynaamisia kyvykkyyksiä, tuotehallintaa ja ketteryyttä käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien kirjallisuudessa on aiemmin jätetty huomiotta ohjelmistoala, ja tämä tutkimus täyttää tämän aukon

    The Concept of Supply Chain Agility: Conceptualization, Antecedents, and the Impact on Firm Performance

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    Agility has been identified as one of the most salient issues of contemporary supply chain management. Despite its importance, there has been limited theory development in the firm supply chain agility area. Elements and linkages among agility elements are underdeveloped, and it is uncommon for any two authors to adopt the same definition. A rigorously validated survey instrument is also needed to enable researchers to credibly build on theories regarding causal links among agility-related capabilities, practices and performance outcomes. The sports science and military science theoretical bases are investigated to better understand agility and identify its dimensions, and define it in a supply chain context. Further, a comprehensive measurement instrument that draws on the foundations of social and life science theory is developed and empirically validated so that researchers can rigorously expand agility theory The antecedents of firm supply chain agility have been primarily addressed at an operational level. This dissertation expands on the work of Braunscheidel and Suresh (2009) who explored the role of different managerial orientations in achieving supply chain agility. Finally, scholars have issued research calls for an in-depth understanding of the performance outcomes of firm supply chain agility and accentuated the need to empirically examine such outcomes from an efficiency and effectiveness perspective. This dissertation responds to such calls, and further investigates the impact of firm supply chain agility on the firm’s financial performance using secondary, Compustat data. Thus, this research further contributes to theory development by providing a better understanding of how firm supply chain agility impacts firm performance. Relevant managerial implications are also presented

    Unlocking the drivers of big data analytics value in firms

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    Côrte-Real, N., Ruivo, P., Oliveira, T., & Popovič, A. (2019). Unlocking the drivers of big data analytics value in firms. Journal of Business Research, 97(April), 160-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.072Although big data analytics (BDA) is considered the next “frontier” in data science by creating potential business opportunities, the way to extract those opportunities is unclear. This paper aims to understand the antecedents of BDA value at a firm level. The authors performed a study using a mixed methodology approach. First, by carrying out a Delphi study to explore and rank the antecedents affecting the creation of BDA value. Based on the Delphi results, we propose an empirically validated model supported by a survey conducted on 175 European firms to explain the antecedents of BDA sustained value. The results show that the proposed model explains 62% of BDA sustained value at the firm level, where the most critical contributor is BDA use. We provide directions for managers to support their decisions on BDA strategy definition and refinement. For academics, we extend BDA value literature and outline some potential research opportunities.authorsversionpublishe