3 research outputs found

    Antecedents and consequences of KMS usage in Chunghwa Telecom company

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    [[abstract]]"The knowledge management system (KMS) has attracted significant attention from researchers and practitioners as a facilitator of better employee performance. However, although companies have implemented KMS, empirical research findings offer inconsistent correlation between employee performance and KMS usage. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the antecedent factors influencing the KMS usage which might lead to better employee satisfaction and performance. Specifically, a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model for testing the influence of KMS usage is proposed. A number of hypotheses are thus developed and were empirically tested using survey data obtained from employees in Chunghwa Telecom Company. The PLS software solutions wre seleted to validate the measurements and the structuralproperties of the proposed research model. The results suggest that employee performance is affected by employee satisfaction and extent of KMS usage, which are in turn jointly determined by knowledge maps fit, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use.

    Pokazatelji kvalitete e-učenja: poslovanje naspram obrazovanja

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    Nowadays, the technological revolution brings significant changes in all spheres of society, including learning in both the business and education environments. Consequently, the quality and usefulness of e-learning systems are gaining importance in the contemporary competitive market. In order to enhance users’ satisfaction, organizations have to put more effort into identifying and understanding significant influential factors. This study strives to establish quality indicators as factors that affect e-learning user satisfaction by comparing business and education contexts. The results gathered through 1350 valid questionnaires are evaluated using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The conceptual model is developed and consists of six quality indicators: Individual Impact, Cooperation Quality, Information Quality, System Quality, Usefulness, and Satisfaction. By considering relationships between Information Quality and System Quality according to the Usefulness of e-learning, findings indicate important differences between education and business users’ perceptions. This research contributes to the dual observation of the expectations and attitudes of the observed groups of respondents.U današnje vrijeme tehnološka revolucija donosi značajne promjene u svim sferama društva uključujući učenje u poslovnom i obrazovnom okružju. Posljedično, kvaliteta i korisnost sustava za e-učenje dobivaju važnost u suvremenom konkurentnom tržištu. Kako bi se povećalo zadovoljstvo korisnika, organizacije moraju uložiti više napora u identificiranje i razumijevanje značajnih utjecajnih čimbenika. Ovo istraživanje nastoji uspostaviti pokazatelje kvalitete kao čimbenike koji utječu na zadovoljstvo korisnika e-učenja uspoređujući poslovni i obrazovni kontekst. Rezultati prikupljeni putem 1350 važećih upitnika procjenjuju se korištenjem modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM). Konceptualni jemodel razvijen i sastoji se od šest pokazatelja kvalitete: individualni učinak, kvaliteta suradnje, kvaliteta informacija, kvaliteta sustava, korisnost i zadovoljstvo. Razmatrajući odnose između kvalitete informacija i kvalitete sustava prema korisnosti e-učenja, nalazi ukazuju na važne razlike između obrazovanja i percepcije poslovnih korisnika. Ovo istraživanje doprinosi dualnom promatranju očekivanja i stavova promatranih skupina ispitanika.

    Examining Small Business Adoption of Computerized Accounting Systems Using the Technology Acceptance Model.

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    Small business owners who fail to adopt modern technology risk placing themselves at a competitive disadvantage. Drawing on Davis\u27s technology acceptance model, the purpose of this study was to examine how small business owners in Central Ohio come to accept and use computerized accounting systems (CAS). The research question addressed the correlation between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and the intent to adopt CAS using multiple linear regression. Data were collected using a survey mailed to 347 small business owners which yielded a sample size of 71 respondents. Results showed a positive correlation between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and the intent to adopt CAS; therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. The model predicted about 71% of the variations in intent to adopt CAS. Using the portion of the sample where small business owners had not yet adopted CAS (n = 34), the model was able to predict about 63% of the variation, and in the portion where small business owners had already adopted CAS (n = 37), the model was able to predict about 70% of the variation. However, when splitting the sample between small businesses whose owners had already adopted CAS and those who had not yet adopted CAS, importance of ease of use and usefulness changed. Usefulness is more important to nonadopters and ease of use is more important for continued use. The implication for social change is the potential to reduce business failures. The study showed that 83% of small businesses over 5 years old currently use a CAS and only 56% under 5 years old use a CAS. Society could benefit from an increase in the number of successful small businesses, which would then contribute to economic expansion