116 research outputs found

    Large Graph Analysis in the GMine System

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    Current applications have produced graphs on the order of hundreds of thousands of nodes and millions of edges. To take advantage of such graphs, one must be able to find patterns, outliers and communities. These tasks are better performed in an interactive environment, where human expertise can guide the process. For large graphs, though, there are some challenges: the excessive processing requirements are prohibitive, and drawing hundred-thousand nodes results in cluttered images hard to comprehend. To cope with these problems, we propose an innovative framework suited for any kind of tree-like graph visual design. GMine integrates (a) a representation for graphs organized as hierarchies of partitions - the concepts of SuperGraph and Graph-Tree; and (b) a graph summarization methodology - CEPS. Our graph representation deals with the problem of tracing the connection aspects of a graph hierarchy with sub linear complexity, allowing one to grasp the neighborhood of a single node or of a group of nodes in a single click. As a proof of concept, the visual environment of GMine is instantiated as a system in which large graphs can be investigated globally and locally

    Efficient Subgraph Matching on Billion Node Graphs

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    The ability to handle large scale graph data is crucial to an increasing number of applications. Much work has been dedicated to supporting basic graph operations such as subgraph matching, reachability, regular expression matching, etc. In many cases, graph indices are employed to speed up query processing. Typically, most indices require either super-linear indexing time or super-linear indexing space. Unfortunately, for very large graphs, super-linear approaches are almost always infeasible. In this paper, we study the problem of subgraph matching on billion-node graphs. We present a novel algorithm that supports efficient subgraph matching for graphs deployed on a distributed memory store. Instead of relying on super-linear indices, we use efficient graph exploration and massive parallel computing for query processing. Our experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of performing subgraph matching on web-scale graph data.Comment: VLDB201

    Hybrid algorithms for subgraph pattern queries in graph databases

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    Numerous methods have been proposed over the years for subgraph query processing, as it is central to graph analytics. Existing work is fragmented into two major categories. Methods in the filter-then-verify (FTV) category first construct an index of the DB graphs. Given a query, the index is used to filter out graphs that cannot contain the query. On the remaining graphs, a subgraph isomorphism algorithm is applied to verify whether each graph indeed contains the query. A second category of algorithms is mainly concerned with optimizing the Subgraph Isomorphism (SI) testing process (an NP-Complete problem) in order to find all occurrences of the query within each DB graph, also known as the matching problem. The current research trend is to totally dismiss FTV methods, because SI methods have been shown to enjoy much shorter query execution times and because of the alleged high costs of managing the DB graph index in FTV methods. Thus, a number of new SI methods are being proposed annually. In the current work, we initially study the performance of the latest SI algorithms over datasets consisting of a large number of graphs. With our study, we evaluate the algorithms’ performance and we provide comparison details with former studies. As a second step, we combine the powerful filtering of a top-performing FTV method, with the various SI methods, which leads to the best practice conclusion that SI and FTV shouldn’t be thought of as disjoint types of solutions, as their union achieves better results than any one of them individually. Specifically, we experimentally analyze and quantify the (positive) impact of including the essence of indexed FTV methods within SI methods, showing that query processing times can be significantly improved at modest additional memory costs. We show that these results hold over a variety of well-known SI methods and across several real and synthetic datasets. As such, hybrids of the type reveal a missing opportunity and a blind spot in related literature and trends

    GraphCache: A Caching System for Graph Queries

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    Graph query processing is essential for graph analytics, but can be very time-consuming as it entails the NP-Complete problem of subgraph isomorphism. Traditionally, caching plays a key role in expediting query processing. We thus put forth GraphCache (GC), the first full-edged caching system for general subgraph/supergraph queries. We contribute the overall system architecture and implementation of GC. We study a number of novel graph cache replacement policies and show that different policies win over different graph datasets and/or queries; we therefore contribute a novel hybrid graph replacement policy that is always the best or near-best performer. Moreover, we discover the related problem of cache pollution and propose a novel cache admission control mechanism to avoid cache pollution. Furthermore, we show that GC can be used as a front end, complementing any graph query processing method as a pluggable component. Currently, GC comes bundled with 3 top-performing filter-then-verify (FTV) subgraph query methods and 3 well-established direct subgraph-isomorphism (SI) algorithms - representing different categories of graph query processing research. Finally, we contribute a comprehensive performance evaluation of GC. We employ more than 6 million queries, generated using different workload generators, and executed against both real-world and synthetic graph datasets of different characteristics, quantifying the benefits and overheads, emphasizing the non-trivial lessons learned

    Social Network Data Management

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    With the increasing usage of online social networks and the semantic web's graph structured RDF framework, and the rising adoption of networks in various fields from biology to social science, there is a rapidly growing need for indexing, querying, and analyzing massive graph structured data. Facebook has amassed over 500 million users creating huge volumes of highly connected data. Governments have made RDF datasets containing billions of triples available to the public. In the life sciences, researches have started to connect disparate data sets of research results into one giant network of valuable information. Clearly, networks are becoming increasingly popular and growing rapidly in size, requiring scalable solutions for network data management. This thesis focuses on the following aspects of network data management. We present a hierarchical index structure for external memory storage of network data that aims to maximize data locality. We propose efficient algorithms to answer subgraph matching queries against network databases and discuss effective pruning strategies to improve performance. We show how adaptive cost models can speed up subgraph matching query answering by assigning budgets to index retrieval operations and adjusting the query plan while executing. We develop a cloud oriented social network database, COSI, which handles massive network datasets too large for a single computer by partitioning the data across multiple machines and achieving high performance query answering through asynchronous parallelization and cluster-aware heuristics. Tracking multiple standing queries against a social network database is much faster with our novel multi-view maintenance algorithm, which exploits common substructures between queries. To capture uncertainty inherent in social network querying, we define probabilistic subgraph matching queries over deterministic graph data and propose algorithms to answer them efficiently. Finally, we introduce a general relational machine learning framework and rule-based language, Probabilistic Soft Logic, to learn from and probabilistically reason about social network data and describe applications to information integration and information fusion

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationLinked data are the de-facto standard in publishing and sharing data on the web. To date, we have been inundated with large amounts of ever-increasing linked data in constantly evolving structures. The proliferation of the data and the need to access and harvest knowledge from distributed data sources motivate us to revisit several classic problems in query processing and query optimization. The problem of answering queries over views is commonly encountered in a number of settings, including while enforcing security policies to access linked data, or when integrating data from disparate sources. We approach this problem by efficiently rewriting queries over the views to equivalent queries over the underlying linked data, thus avoiding the costs entailed by view materialization and maintenance. An outstanding problem of query rewriting is the number of rewritten queries is exponential to the size of the query and the views, which motivates us to study problem of multiquery optimization in the context of linked data. Our solutions are declarative and make no assumption for the underlying storage, i.e., being store-independent. Unlike relational and XML data, linked data are schema-less. While tracking the evolution of schema for linked data is hard, keyword search is an ideal tool to perform data integration. Existing works make crippling assumptions for the data and hence fall short in handling massive linked data with tens to hundreds of millions of facts. Our study for keyword search on linked data brought together the classical techniques in the literature and our novel ideas, which leads to much better query efficiency and quality of the results. Linked data also contain rich temporal semantics. To cope with the ever-increasing data, we have investigated how to partition and store large temporal or multiversion linked data for distributed and parallel computation, in an effort to achieve load-balancing to support scalable data analytics for massive linked data

    GSI: GPU-friendly Subgraph Isomorphism

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    Subgraph isomorphism is a well-known NP-hard problem that is widely used in many applications, such as social network analysis and query over the knowledge graph. Due to the inherent hardness, its performance is often a bottleneck in various real-world applications. Therefore, we address this by designing an efficient subgraph isomorphism algorithm leveraging features of GPU architecture, such as massive parallelism and memory hierarchy. Existing GPU-based solutions adopt a two-step output scheme, performing the same join process twice in order to write intermediate results concurrently. They also lack GPU architecture-aware optimizations that allow scaling to large graphs. In this paper, we propose a GPU-friendly subgraph isomorphism algorithm, GSI. Different from existing edge join-based GPU solutions, we propose a Prealloc-Combine strategy based on the vertex-oriented framework, which avoids joining-twice in existing solutions. Also, a GPU-friendly data structure (called PCSR) is proposed to represent an edge-labeled graph. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real graphs show that GSI outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms by up to several orders of magnitude and has good scalability with graph size scaling to hundreds of millions of edges.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, conferenc
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