58,698 research outputs found

    Fluorescent Nanodiamonds for Detecting Free-Radical Generation in Real Time during Shear Stress in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells

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    Free-radical generation is suspected to play a key role in cardiovascular diseases. Another crucial factor is shear stress. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECS), which form the lining of blood vessels, require a physiological shear stress to activate many vasoactive factors. These are needed for maintaining vascular cell functions such as nonthrombogenicity, regulation of blood flow, and vascular tone. Additionally, blood clots form at regions of high shear stress within a blood vessel. Here, we use a new method called diamond magnetometry which allows us to measure the dynamics of free-radical generation in real time under shear stress. This quantum sensing technique allows free-radical detection with nanoscale resolution at the single-cell level. We investigate radical formation in HUVECs in a microfluidic environment under different flow conditions typically found in veins and arteries. Here, we looked into free-radical formation before, during, and after flow. We found that the free-radical production varied depending on the flow conditions. To confirm the magnetometry results and to differentiate between radicals, we performed conventional fluorescent reactive oxygen species (ROS) assays specific for superoxide, nitric oxide, and overall ROS

    Postsynaptic α1-Adrenergic vasoconstriction is impaired in young patients with vasovagal syncope and is corrected by nitric oxide synthase inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: Syncope is a sudden transient loss of consciousness and postural tone with spontaneous recovery; the most common form is vasovagal syncope (VVS). During VVS, gravitational pooling excessively reduces central blood volume and cardiac output. In VVS, as in hemorrhage, impaired adrenergic vasoconstriction and venoconstriction result in hypotension. We hypothesized that impaired adrenergic responsiveness because of excess nitric oxide can be reversed by reducing nitric oxide. METHODS AND RESULTS: We recorded cardiopulmonary dynamics in supine syncope patients and healthy volunteers (aged 15-27 years) challenged with a dose-response using the α1-agonist phenylephrine (PE), with and without the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, monoacetate salt (L-NMMA). Systolic and diastolic pressures among control and VVS were the same, although they increased after L-NMMA and saline+PE (volume and pressor control for L-NMMA). Heart rate was significantly reduced by L-NMMA (P<0.05) for control and VVS compared with baseline, but there was no significant difference in heart rate between L-NMMA and saline+PE. Cardiac output and splanchnic blood flow were reduced by L-NMMA for control and VVS (P<0.05) compared with baseline, while total peripheral resistance increased (P<0.05). PE dose-response for splanchnic flow and resistance were blunted for VVS compared with control after saline+PE, but enhanced after L-NMMA (P<0.001). Postsynaptic α1-adrenergic vasoconstrictive impairment was greatest in the splanchnic vasculature, and splanchnic blood flow was unaffected by PE. Forearm and calf α1-adrenergic vasoconstriction were unimpaired in VVS and unaffected by L-NMMA. CONCLUSIONS: Impaired postsynaptic α1-adrenergic vasoconstriction in young adults with VVS can be corrected by nitric oxide synthase inhibition, demonstrated with our use of L-NMMA

    Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Microcirculatory Reactions after Ischemia-Reperfusion of the Rat Urinary Bladder

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    Background: Nitric oxide ( NO) plays a role in inflammation. Our aim was to investigate the role of NO in the microcirculatory changes after ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) of the bladder using intravital videomicroscopy (IVM). Methods: In rats, 60 min of bladder ischemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion was performed in the presence of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), the NO precursor L-arginine, or saline pre-treatments. Venular red blood cell velocity (RBCV), functional capillary density (FCD), vessel diameters, and leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in postcapillary venules were determined. Concentrations of nitrite/nitrate in the plasma and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels in the lungs and the bladder were measured. Results: Elevations of the numbers of rolling and adherent leukocytes, and of plasma nitrite/nitrate levels were found, while FCD and RBCV decreased. L-NAME pretreatment ameliorated the enhanced leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions without influencing the microcirculatory perfusion. In contrast, the L - arginine pretreatment further increased plasma nitrite/nitrate levels and preserved the FCD and RBCV, but did not affect leukocyte-endothelial interactions. None of these treatments influenced MPO activities. Conclusion: Our results suggest that NO plays an enhancing role in the I/R-induced neutrophil-endothelial interactions of the bladder. Supplementation of NO ameliorates the microcirculatory perfusion deficit without influencing the postischemic microcirculatory inflammatory reactions. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    eNOS transfection of adipose-derived stem cells yields bioactive nitric oxide production and improved results in vascular tissue engineering.

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    This study evaluates the durability of a novel tissue engineered blood vessel (TEBV) created by seeding a natural vascular tissue scaffold (decellularized human saphenous vein allograft) with autologous adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) differentiated into endothelial-like cells. Previous work with this model revealed the graft to be thrombogenic, likely due to inadequate endothelial differentiation as evidenced by minimal production of nitric oxide (NO). To evaluate the importance of NO expression by the seeded cells, we created TEBV using autologous ASC transfected with the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene to produce NO. We found that transfected ASC produced NO at levels similar to endothelial cell (EC) controls in vitro which was capable of causing vasorelaxation of aortic specimens ex vivo. TEBV (n = 5) created with NO-producing ASC and implanted as interposition grafts within the aorta of rabbits remained patent for two months and demonstrated a non-thrombogenic surface compared to unseeded controls (n = 5). Despite the xenograft nature of the scaffold, the TEBV structure remained well preserved in seeded grafts. In sum, this study demonstrates that upregulation of NO expression within adult stem cells differentiated towards an endothelial-like lineage imparts a non-thrombogenic phenotype and highlights the importance of NO production by cells to be used as endothelial cell substitutes in vascular tissue engineering applications

    Vascular remodeling of the mouse yolk sac requires hemodynamic force

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    The embryonic heart and vessels are dynamic and form and remodel while functional. Much has been learned about the genetic mechanisms underlying the development of the cardiovascular system, but we are just beginning to understand how changes in heart and vessel structure are influenced by hemodynamic forces such as shear stress. Recent work has shown that vessel remodeling in the mouse yolk sac is secondarily effected when cardiac function is reduced or absent. These findings indicate that proper circulation is required for vessel remodeling, but have not defined whether the role of circulation is to provide mechanical cues, to deliver oxygen or to circulate signaling molecules. Here, we used time-lapse confocal microscopy to determine the role of fluid-derived forces in vessel remodeling in the developing murine yolk sac. Novel methods were used to characterize flows in normal embryos and in embryos with impaired contractility (Mlc2a^(–/–)). We found abnormal plasma and erythroblast circulation in these embryos, which led us to hypothesize that the entry of erythroblasts into circulation is a key event in triggering vessel remodeling. We tested this by sequestering erythroblasts in the blood islands, thereby lowering the hematocrit and reducing shear stress, and found that vessel remodeling and the expression of eNOS (Nos3) depends on erythroblast flow. Further, we rescued remodeling defects and eNOS expression in low-hematocrit embryos by restoring the viscosity of the blood. These data show that hemodynamic force is necessary and sufficient to induce vessel remodeling in the mammalian yolk sa

    A systematic review of neuroprotective strategies after cardiac arrest: from bench to bedside (Part I - Protection via specific pathways).

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    Neurocognitive deficits are a major source of morbidity in survivors of cardiac arrest. Treatment options that could be implemented either during cardiopulmonary resuscitation or after return of spontaneous circulation to improve these neurological deficits are limited. We conducted a literature review of treatment protocols designed to evaluate neurologic outcome and survival following cardiac arrest with associated global cerebral ischemia. The search was limited to investigational therapies that were utilized to treat global cerebral ischemia associated with cardiac arrest. In this review we discuss potential mechanisms of neurologic protection following cardiac arrest including actions of several medical gases such as xenon, argon, and nitric oxide. The 3 included mechanisms are: 1. Modulation of neuronal cell death; 2. Alteration of oxygen free radicals; and 3. Improving cerebral hemodynamics. Only a few approaches have been evaluated in limited fashion in cardiac arrest patients and results show inconclusive neuroprotective effects. Future research focusing on combined neuroprotective strategies that target multiple pathways are compelling in the setting of global brain ischemia resulting from cardiac arrest

    Mitokondriális eredetű nitrogén szabadgyökök és ATP-függő K-csatornák szerepe az organellum működésében = The involvement of mitochondrial-derived nitrogen radicals and mitoK-ATP channels in the regulation of organelle function

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    Elsőként a mitoKATP csatornák alegységeit terveztük azonosítani humán szív mintákon. A kísérletek során megbizonyosodtunk afelől, hogy a korábban ilyen csatornáknak gondolt fehérjék nincsenek jelen megfelelő számban és formában a mitokondriális membránokban, ezért a nem valószínű hogy a mitokondirális ATP-függő kálium áramokat valós mitoKATP csatornák folytatnák. A mitokondriális NO szintáz (mtNOS) enzimrendszer vizsgálata azonban nem várt új felfedezésekhez vezetett. Az előkísérletekben is bemutatott, a pályázat során több fajra és szövetre (ember, egér, patkány, malac, szív, agy és máj) kiterjesztett, több párhuzamos módszerrel nyert eredményeink szerint bizonítottuk, hogy a feltételezett mtNOS nem azonos egyik ismert NOS variánssal sem. Megállapítottuk hogy a mitokondriális légzési lánc ubiquinon ciklusának működése mentén keletkező nitrogén gyökök azok, amelyeket korábban a mtNOS-nak tulajdonítottak. A reakcióút pontosabb tisztázása végett mitokondriumokat oxidatív stressznek vetettünk alá, ezzel fehérje modifikációt indukáltunk. Proteomikai módszerekkel (2D gélelektroforzis és tömegspektrometria) azonosítottuk nitrált és poly-ADP-rbozilált (PAR-ált) fehérjéket, köztük a mitokondirális dihidro-lipoamid dehidrogenázt amely a poliADP-riboziláció folyamatot is katalizálhatja. Kísérleteink ezzel egy teljesen új, független mitokondriális reakcióutat tártak fel. További kísérleteink a mitokondriális nitrogén monoxid metabolizmus és a cukorbetegség kapcsolatát vizsgálták. | Our experimental findings indicated that there previously suspected potential mitoKATP channel subunits are not present in the required format and amount in human heart mitochondria, therefore, they cannot play a role in K fluxes. We extended our preliminary results about the nature of the putative mitochondrial NO synthase (mtNOS) to several species and tissues (human, mouse, rat, pig, heart, brain and liver) and concluded that mtNOS is not a variant of any known NOS enzymes. Mitochondria are capable of producing significant amounts of nitrogen radicals through the catalyzation of nitrosothiol release by the ubiquinon cycle of the respiratory chain. Subjecting mitochondria to oxidative stress resulted in the nitration and poly-ADPribosylation (PARylation) of proteins. Proteomic identification of the affected molecules revealed that dihydrolipoamide-dehydrogenase is PARylated and may act as a polyADP-ribose-polymerase (PARP). Thus, we uncovered a completely new and independent mechanism of mitochondrial nitrosative stress, which is catalyzed by enzymes of the respiratory chain. Then, we concentrated our efforts on the potential role of mitochondrial oxidants in pathological reactions such as diabetes

    Evaluation of Vascular Control Mechanisms Utilizing Video Microscopy of Isolated Resistance Arteries of Rats

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    This protocol describes the use of in vitro television microscopy to evaluate vascular function in isolated cerebral resistance arteries (and other vessels), and describes techniques for evaluating tissue perfusion using Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) and microvessel density utilizing fluorescently labeled Griffonia simplicifolia (GS1) lectin. Current methods for studying isolated resistance arteries at transmural pressures encountered in vivo and in the absence of parenchymal cell influences provide a critical link between in vivo studies and information gained from molecular reductionist approaches that provide limited insight into integrative responses at the whole animal level. LDF and techniques to selectively identify arterioles and capillaries with fluorescently-labeled GS1 lectin provide practical solutions to enable investigators to extend the knowledge gained from studies of isolated resistance arteries. This paper describes the application of these techniques to gain fundamental knowledge of vascular physiology and pathology in the rat as a general experimental model, and in a variety of specialized genetically engineered designer rat strains that can provide important insight into the influence of specific genes on important vascular phenotypes. Utilizing these valuable experimental approaches in rat strains developed by selective breeding strategies and new technologies for producing gene knockout models in the rat, will expand the rigor of scientific premises developed in knockout mouse models and extend that knowledge to a more relevant animal model, with a well understood physiological background and suitability for physiological studies because of its larger size