53 research outputs found

    Deep Functional Maps: Structured Prediction for Dense Shape Correspondence

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    We introduce a new framework for learning dense correspondence between deformable 3D shapes. Existing learning based approaches model shape correspondence as a labelling problem, where each point of a query shape receives a label identifying a point on some reference domain; the correspondence is then constructed a posteriori by composing the label predictions of two input shapes. We propose a paradigm shift and design a structured prediction model in the space of functional maps, linear operators that provide a compact representation of the correspondence. We model the learning process via a deep residual network which takes dense descriptor fields defined on two shapes as input, and outputs a soft map between the two given objects. The resulting correspondence is shown to be accurate on several challenging benchmarks comprising multiple categories, synthetic models, real scans with acquisition artifacts, topological noise, and partiality.Comment: Accepted for publication at ICCV 201

    Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks

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    Establishing correspondence between shapes is a fundamental problem in geometry processing, arising in a wide variety of applications. The problem is especially difficult in the setting of non-isometric deformations, as well as in the presence of topological noise and missing parts, mainly due to the limited capability to model such deformations axiomatically. Several recent works showed that invariance to complex shape transformations can be learned from examples. In this paper, we introduce an intrinsic convolutional neural network architecture based on anisotropic diffusion kernels, which we term Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN). In our construction, we generalize convolutions to non-Euclidean domains by constructing a set of oriented anisotropic diffusion kernels, creating in this way a local intrinsic polar representation of the data (`patch'), which is then correlated with a filter. Several cascades of such filters, linear, and non-linear operators are stacked to form a deep neural network whose parameters are learned by minimizing a task-specific cost. We use ACNNs to effectively learn intrinsic dense correspondences between deformable shapes in very challenging settings, achieving state-of-the-art results on some of the most difficult recent correspondence benchmarks

    Geometric deep learning

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    The goal of these course notes is to describe the main mathematical ideas behind geometric deep learning and to provide implementation details for several applications in shape analysis and synthesis, computer vision and computer graphics. The text in the course materials is primarily based on previously published work. With these notes we gather and provide a clear picture of the key concepts and techniques that fall under the umbrella of geometric deep learning, and illustrate the applications they enable. We also aim to provide practical implementation details for the methods presented in these works, as well as suggest further readings and extensions of these ideas

    UV Exposed Optical Fibers with Frequency Domain Reflectometry for Device Tracking in Intra-Arterial Procedures

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    Shape tracking of medical devices using strain sensing properties in optical fibers has seen increased attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel guidance system for intra-arterial procedures using a distributed strain sensing device based on optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) to track the shape of a catheter. Tracking enhancement is provided by exposing a fiber triplet to a focused ultraviolet beam, producing high scattering properties. Contrary to typical quasi-distributed strain sensors, we propose a truly distributed strain sensing approach, which allows to reconstruct a fiber triplet in real-time. A 3D roadmap of the hepatic anatomy integrated with a 4D MR imaging sequence allows to navigate the catheter within the pre-interventional anatomy, and map the blood flow velocities in the arterial tree. We employed Riemannian anisotropic heat kernels to map the sensed data to the pre-interventional model. Experiments in synthetic phantoms and an in vivo model are presented. Results show that the tracking accuracy is suitable for interventional tracking applications, with a mean 3D shape reconstruction errors of 1.6 +/- 0.3 mm. This study demonstrates the promising potential of MR-compatible UV-exposed OFDR optical fibers for non-ionizing device guidance in intra-arterial procedures

    VConv-DAE: Deep Volumetric Shape Learning Without Object Labels

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    With the advent of affordable depth sensors, 3D capture becomes more and more ubiquitous and already has made its way into commercial products. Yet, capturing the geometry or complete shapes of everyday objects using scanning devices (e.g. Kinect) still comes with several challenges that result in noise or even incomplete shapes. Recent success in deep learning has shown how to learn complex shape distributions in a data-driven way from large scale 3D CAD Model collections and to utilize them for 3D processing on volumetric representations and thereby circumventing problems of topology and tessellation. Prior work has shown encouraging results on problems ranging from shape completion to recognition. We provide an analysis of such approaches and discover that training as well as the resulting representation are strongly and unnecessarily tied to the notion of object labels. Thus, we propose a full convolutional volumetric auto encoder that learns volumetric representation from noisy data by estimating the voxel occupancy grids. The proposed method outperforms prior work on challenging tasks like denoising and shape completion. We also show that the obtained deep embedding gives competitive performance when used for classification and promising results for shape interpolation

    Mesh-based Autoencoders for Localized Deformation Component Analysis

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    Spatially localized deformation components are very useful for shape analysis and synthesis in 3D geometry processing. Several methods have recently been developed, with an aim to extract intuitive and interpretable deformation components. However, these techniques suffer from fundamental limitations especially for meshes with noise or large-scale deformations, and may not always be able to identify important deformation components. In this paper we propose a novel mesh-based autoencoder architecture that is able to cope with meshes with irregular topology. We introduce sparse regularization in this framework, which along with convolutional operations, helps localize deformations. Our framework is capable of extracting localized deformation components from mesh data sets with large-scale deformations and is robust to noise. It also provides a nonlinear approach to reconstruction of meshes using the extracted basis, which is more effective than the current linear combination approach. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations
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