17,933 research outputs found

    A General Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Modeling: State of the Art and Case Study

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    Nowadays there is a large availability of discrete event simulation software that can be easily used in different domains: from industry to supply chain, from healthcare to business management, from training to complex systems design. Simulation engines of commercial discrete event simulation software use specific rules and logics for simulation time and events management. Difficulties and limitations come up when commercial discrete event simulation software are used for modeling complex real world-systems (i.e. supply chains, industrial plants). The objective of this paper is twofold: first a state of the art on commercial discrete event simulation software and an overview on discrete event simulation models development by using general purpose programming languages are presented; then a Supply Chain Order Performance Simulator (SCOPS, developed in C++) for investigating the inventory management problem along the supply chain under different supply chain scenarios is proposed to readers.Comment: International Journal of Computer Science Issues online at http://ijcsi.org/articles/A-General-Simulation-Framework-for-Supply-Chain-Modeling-State-of-the-Art-and-Case-Study.ph

    A conceptual architecture for interactive educational multimedia

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    Learning is more than knowledge acquisition; it often involves the active participation of the learner in a variety of knowledge- and skills-based learning and training activities. Interactive multimedia technology can support the variety of interaction channels and languages required to facilitate interactive learning and teaching. A conceptual architecture for interactive educational multimedia can support the development of such multimedia systems. Such an architecture needs to embed multimedia technology into a coherent educational context. A framework based on an integrated interaction model is needed to capture learning and training activities in an online setting from an educational perspective, to describe them in the human-computer context, and to integrate them with mechanisms and principles of multimedia interaction

    Modelling Reactive Multimedia: Design and Authoring

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    Multimedia document authoring is a multifaceted activity, and authoring tools tend to concentrate on a restricted set of the activities involved in the creation of a multimedia artifact. In particular, a distinction may be drawn between the design and the implementation of a multimedia artifact. This paper presents a comparison of three different authoring paradigms, based on the common case study of a simple interactive animation. We present details of its implementation using the three different authoring tools, MCF, Fran and SMIL 2.0, and we discuss the conclusions that may be drawn from our comparison of the three approaches

    Utilising ontology-based modelling for learning content management

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    Learning content management needs to support a variety of open, multi-format Web-based software applications. We propose multidimensional, model-based semantic annotation as a way to support the management of access to and change of learning content. We introduce an information architecture model as the central contribution that supports multi-layered learning content structures. We discuss interactive query access, but also change management for multi-layered learning content management. An ontology-enhanced traceability approach is the solution

    Development and Evaluation of an Adaptive Hypermedia System Based on Multiple Student Characteristics

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    Adaptive Educational Hypermedia systems (AEH) are amongst the most recent types of application to provide individualised instruction to students who undertake online courses. Such systems attempt to adapt to how individuals learn by personalizing instruction for each individual student depending upon one or more “characteristics” of the student. Prior knowledge and learning style have been identified as being prominent characteristics in this process but AEH systems implemented to date have generally been limited to only employing one of these characteristics. Such systems have also been limited in that they are specific to a particular course content and cannot be easily adapted to present different learning materials. This thesis describes the development and evaluation of a new AEH system that provides a generic template for different learning materials as well as a student model that incorporates five distinct student characteristics as an aid to learning: primary characteristics are prior knowledge, learning style and the presence or absence of animated multimedia aids (multimedia mode); secondary characteristics include page background preference and link colour preference. The use of multimedia artefacts as a student characteristic (and hence as an independent variable in this study) has not previously been implemented or evaluated. A separate non-AEH system, identical to the AEH system except for the absence of adaptation to individuals, was developed in parallel as a control. The system development consists of a requirements analysis, design and implementation. The design models including use case diagrams, conceptual design, sequence diagrams, navigation design and presentation design are expressed using Unified Modelling Language (UML). The AEH system which was developed in a generic template implemented using Java Servlets, XHTML, XML, JavaScript and HTML. The generic template is a domain-independent AEH system that has functions of both adaptivity and adaptability. The system was evaluated in an experimental research involving 67 undergraduate engineering students in the Department of Electronics at Yogyakarta State University. The learning material of Analogue Electronics was implemented into both the AEH system and non-AEH systems under seven chapter headings. The participants were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. During the 9 weeks of experimentation, the students studied the learning material in two randomly allocated groups, an experimental group using the AEH system and a control group using the non-AEH system. A pre-test was administered to measure initial student knowledge. The student achievement was measured at the end of each chapter of material using a chapter test and at the end of the experimentation as a whole using a post-test. Basic statistical analysis of t-test and Mann-Whitney U were conducted to investigate any difference of student achievement between the two groups. A further detailed analysis using multilevel modelling was conducted to investigate any possible effects of the adaptive parameters on the student achievement. A total of 7 hypotheses were tested during data analysis. Research findings are described as follows. Students who learned using the AEH system performed better significantly than those who learned using the NON-AEH system. The implementation of test repetition as a function of knowledge adaptation in the AEH system increased student achievement significantly. This was found to be the prominent effect. When the effect of test repetition was removed, the implementation of learning style and multimedia mode adaptation in the AEH system was still found to have significant effect upon student performance. Students whose learning style and multimedia preferences were matched with the system (AEH or non-AEH) achieved better results. In terms of the relative merit of each contributing factor toward a student’s achievement, the order of the effects was found to be (1) knowledge, (2) multimedia, and (3) learning style. Whilst repeated knowledge testing is an established cause of improved performance, the positive effects on student performance of using multimedia artefacts over choice of learning style is a new finding

    Towards a Unified Knowledge-Based Approach to Modality Choice

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    This paper advances a unified knowledge-based approach to the process of choosing the most appropriate modality or combination of modalities in multimodal output generation. We propose a Modality Ontology (MO) that models the knowledge needed to support the two most fundamental processes determining modality choice – modality allocation (choosing the modality or set of modalities that can best support a particular type of information) and modality combination (selecting an optimal final combination of modalities). In the proposed ontology we model the main levels which collectively determine the characteristics of each modality and the specific relationships between different modalities that are important for multi-modal meaning making. This ontology aims to support the automatic selection of modalities and combinations of modalities that are suitable to convey the meaning of the intended message


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    Successful Instructional Diagrams by Ric Lowe, London, Kogan Page, 1993. ISBN: 0–7494–0711–5

    Workflow resource pattern modelling and visualization

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    Workflow patterns have been recognized as the theoretical basis to modeling recurring problems in workflow systems. A form of workflow patterns, known as the resource patterns, characterise the behaviour of resources in workflow systems. Despite the fact that many resource patterns have been discovered, people still preclude them from many workflow system implementations. One of reasons could be obscurityin the behaviour of and interaction between resources and a workflow management system. Thus, we provide a modelling and visualization approach for the resource patterns, enabling a resource behaviour modeller to intuitively see the specific resource patterns involved in the lifecycle of a workitem. We believe this research can be extended to benefit not only workflow modelling, but also other applications, such as model validation, human resource behaviour modelling, and workflow model visualization