2 research outputs found

    Implementaci贸n de mecanismos de seguridad brindados por Android para el desarrollo de aplicaciones m贸viles bancarias en Lima

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n nos muestra los principales mecanismos de seguridad que se deben aplicar durante el desarrollo de aplicaciones bancarias para dispositivos Android. En su contenido se explica en un inicio los principales problemas de seguridad que tiene los dispositivos m贸viles y sus aplicaciones de manera general seg煤n varias fuentes de investigaci贸n nacionales e internacionales. Junto a estas vulnerabilidades presentamos los mecanismos que se usan para mitigarlas y su relaci贸n con los pilares de la informaci贸n. Tambi茅n nos centramos en las vulnerabilidades espec铆ficas de las aplicaciones bancarias seg煤n reportes y estudios en bancos Internacionales y en Latinoam茅rica, proponiendo medidas para cubrir estos problemas, a trav茅s del desarrollo de una demo que emule las actividades de una aplicaci贸n bancaria, sobre la cual aplicaremos mecanismos que cubran un cierto n煤mero de las vulnerabilidades encontradas. Dentro del trabajo est谩 incluida estad铆stica que recolectamos de usuarios acerca de seguridad en dispositivos m贸viles y los resultados de la implementaci贸n de los mecanismos de seguridad en la demo de la aplicaci贸n bancaria.This research work shows us the main security mechanisms that must be applied during the development of banking applications for Android devices. In its content, the main security problems of mobile devices and their applications are explained in a general way, according to several national and international research sources. Together with these vulnerabilities we present the mechanisms that are used to mitigate them and their relationship with the pillars of the information. We also focus on the specific vulnerabilities of banking applications according to reports and studies in International banks and in Latin America, proposing measures to cover these problems, through the development of a demo that emulates the activities of a banking application, on which we will apply mechanisms that cover a certain number of the vulnerabilities found. Within the work is included statistics that we collect from users about security in mobile devices and the results of the implementation of security mechanisms in the demo of the banking application.Campus Lima Centr

    Android Users Privacy Awareness Survey

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    Having a share of over 80% of the smartphone market, Android has become an important mobile operating system that is used by billions of users on daily basis. With the widespread use of smartphones in general, and Android in specific, privacy concerns grow with that expansion in the user base. With the millions of applications being downloaded by users daily, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between the good and the bad in terms of security and privacy. In this paper, we present the results of a survey conducted among 4027 Android users worldwide. This survey was conducted to measure the awareness of Android users regarding their privacy. The study measures the users' interaction with the permissions required by different applications they install. The results of the survey show apparent weakness in the awareness of Android users regarding the privacy of their data