992 research outputs found

    A Culture, a People, a Nation - Understanding of a Culture through Icons and Symbols.

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    Addresses the global issues of icons and symbols as a tool for the definition that society ascribes to a particular culture, people, or nation, followed by a specific focus on Spain and Spanish culture. The icons and symbols include such figures as Don Quijote, Reina Sofía, and Andrés Segovia, as well as, the Roman Acqueduct of Segovia, the Moorish fortress of Granada. The heritage of Toledo

    Examen del estado regulatorio y de negocios de la televisión pública valenciana: retos próximos

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    Con ocasión del primer aniversario tras 'el cierre de la Televisión Pública Valenciana' (29-11-2013), que venía emitiendo sus contenidos desde el 9 octubre 1989, tal vez sea un buen momento para realizar un sucinto examen sobre la situación en la que se encuentra la televisión pública en la Comunitat Valenciana. Un análisis que aborde las nuevas propuestas de televisión pública de lo que sin duda constituye no sólo un servicio público, sino más bien puede suponer un serio negocio; la situación actual del sector desde un punto de vista regulatorio y los elementos más destacados del horizonte inmediato por el que se dirige este medio de comunicación.On the occasion of the first anniversary following "the closure of the Valencian Public Broadcaster" (29-11-2013), which had been operating since the 9th October, 1989, it may be a good time to make a brief review of the current state of the public television in the Valencian Community. The aim is to analyse the proposed new public television system, which far from being simply a public service could also be thought to constitute serious business; and examine the current situation of the industry from a regulatory point of view as well as the most remarkable aspects of the new path which is followin

    La financiación del servicio público de televisión a través de la publicidad: la falta de previsión estatal frente a la autonómica

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    En el presente trabajo analizaremos como desde la Unión Europea se prevé un sistema para la financiación de las televisiones públicas que deberán seguir los Estados miembros y como de forma paulatina han ido aplicando estas políticas, con especial referencia al caso español. En este sentido, destacaremos la figura de la publicidad, como una vía de financiación de la televisión pública autonómica, y que pese a su tradición jurídica, la televisión pública estatal ha desistido de la misma. Así pues, nos ocuparemos de las consecuencias jurídicas que esta decisión ha supuesto y si la misma se adecúa a la regulación europea.The aim of this paper will look at as a system of financing of public television channels in Member States is expected from the European Union and how gradually have been applying these policies, with particular reference to the spanish case. In this sense, we will highlight the figure of advertising, as a way of funding of the regional public television, and that despite their legal tradition, the State public television has withdrawn it. So, we will deal with the legal consequences that this decision has meant and if it fits the European regulation

    Review: Marianne Tansman's "La guitare dans la vie d'Alexandre Tansman" (2018)

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    This is a review of Marianne Tansman's book La guitare dans la vie d'Alexandre Tansman, written in 2018. The book consists of a chronological account of the composer's relation with the guitar and with the guitarist Andrés Segovia, and produces remarks both on the style and particularities of Tansman's works for guitar as well as broader considerations on Tansman's artistic point of view. By the end of the text, it is compared to other works on the issue of the guitar in the life of Tansman, and some directions for further research on the subject are suggested

    A vida e a obra de Andrés Segovia e a evolução da interpretação guitarrística a partir deste músico

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    Este projeto artístico tem como objetivo aprofundar a vida e a obra de Andrés Segovia, analisando as suas motivações, assim como os objetivos que foi traçando para que conseguisse elevar o nome da guitarra. Da mesma forma, procuramos entender de que modo é que a interpretação da guitarra evoluiu, olhando comparativamente para as interpretações gravadas de Segovia e de guitarristas da atualidade.In this artistic project we aim to analyze in depth the life and the work of Andrés Segovia, as well as the motivations and goals he set throughout his life to elevate the name of the guitar. At the same time, we try to understand in which way the interpretation of the guitar has evolved, doing a comparative analysis between Segovia’s and some of the modern guitarists’ recorded intepretations of important works for the guitar
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