463 research outputs found


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    Pada saat ini, semakin banyak variasi kuliner  (makanan), sehingga menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit maupun gejala penyakit jika kita mengkonsumsinya terlalu berlebihan. Dengan adanya masalah ini, maka akan banyak orang yang berobat ke rumah sakit. Pada masa ini, selain rumah sakit juga berkembang Puskesmas maupun klinik kecil baik ditingkat Desa, Kelurahan maupun Kecamatan. Klinik pun terbagi atas berbagai macam yaitu klinik umum dan klinik gigi. Klinik maupun Puskesmas menyediakan peralatan medis untuk membantu menyembuhkan pasien atau untuk tindakan medis. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki maupun memberikan rekomendasi apakah alat medis pada klinik tersebut masih layak untuk diganti atau masih baik. Beberapa contoh alat medis yaitu tensimeter, thermometer , timbangan bayi, stetoskop dan timbangan orang dewasa. Tensimeter terdiri atas beberapa jenis yaitu tensimeter jarum, tensimeter air raksa dan sekarang telah berkembang tensimeter digital. Pengabdian yang dilakukan pada klinik ini yaitu mengidentifikasi peralatan tensimeter dan thermometer yang masih ada, jika terdapat kerusakan maka akan dilakukan perbaikan. Hasil dari pengabdian ini ditemukan kerusakan pada tiga tensimeter air raksa. Kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari pengabdian ini adalah dengan adanya program pengabdian ini maka kita dapat membantu klinik tersebut

    Enhanced model-based assessment of the hemodynamic status by noninvasive multi-modal sensing

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    Advances in non-invasive blood pressure measurement techniques

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    Hypertension, or elevated blood pressure (BP), is a marker for many cardiovascular diseases and can lead to life threatening conditions such as heart failure, coronary artery disease and stroke. Several techniques have recently been proposed and investigated for non-invasive BP monitoring. The increasing desire for telemonitoring solutions that allow patients to manage their own conditions from home has accelerated the development of new BP monitoring techniques. In this review, we present the recent progress in non-invasive blood pressure monitoring solutions emphasizing clinical validation and trade-offs between available techniques. We introduce the current BP measurement techniques with their underlying operating principles. New promising proof-of-concept studies are presented and recent modeling and machine learning approaches for improved BP estimation are summarized. This aids discussions on how new BP monitors should evaluated in order to bring forth new home monitoring solutions in wearable form factor. Finally, we discuss on unresolved challenges in making convenient, reliable and validated BP monitoring solutions.</p

    Development, Validation, and Clinical Application of a Numerical Model for Pulse Wave Velocity Propagation in a Cardiovascular System with Application to Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurements

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    High blood pressure blood pressure is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and affects almost one-third of the U.S. adult population. Historical cuff-less non-invasive techniques used to monitor blood pressure are not accurate and highlight the need for first principal models. The first model is a one-dimensional model for pulse wave velocity (PWV) propagation in compliant arteries that accounts for nonlinear fluids in a linear elastic thin walled vessel. The results indicate an inverse quadratic relationship (R^2=.99) between ejection time and PWV, with ejection time dominating the PWV shifts (12%). The second model predicts the general relationship between PWV and blood pressure with a rigorous account of nonlinearities in the fluid dynamics, blood vessel elasticity, and finite dynamic deformation of a membrane type thin anisotropic wall. The nonlinear model achieves the best match with the experimental data. To retrieve individual vascular information of a patient, the inverse problem of hemodynamics is presented, calculating local orthotropic hyperelastic properties of the arterial wall. The final model examines the impact of the thick arterial wall with different material properties in the radial direction. For a hypertensive subject the thick wall model provides improved accuracy up to 8.4% in PWV prediction over its thin wall counterpart. This translates to nearly 20% improvement in blood pressure prediction based on a PWV measure. The models highlight flow velocity is additive to the classic pressure wave, suggesting flow velocity correction may be important for cuff-less, non-invasive blood pressure measures. Systolic flow correction of the measured PWV improves the R2 correlation to systolic blood pressure from 0.81 to 0.92 for the mongrel dog study, and 0.34 to 0.88 for the human subjects study. The algorithms and insight resulting from this work can enable the development of an integrated microsystem for cuff-less, non-invasive blood pressure monitoring

    Proceedings of ICMMB2014

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    Continuous central venous saturation monitoring in critically ill patients

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    Table 1 (abstract P39). Patients\u2019 variables according to ScvO2 range ScvO2 75 Patients 15/37 36/37 36/37 SpO2 (%) 95.8 \ub1 3.0 95.0 \ub1 3.3 96.4 \ub1 2.3 HR (bpm) 90.6 \ub1 16.1 90.5 \ub1 18.1 90.7 \ub1 16.5 MAP (mmHg) 82.5 \ub1 10.6 83.4 \ub1 12.7 82.2 \ub1 11.7 CVP (mmHg) 18.3 \ub1 4.6 20.2 \ub1 8.2 19.2 \ub1 5.