1,010 research outputs found

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Development and certification of mixed-criticality embedded systems based on probabilistic timing analysis

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    An increasing variety of emerging systems relentlessly replaces or augments the functionality of mechanical subsystems with embedded electronics. For quantity, complexity, and use, the safety of such subsystems is an increasingly important matter. Accordingly, those systems are subject to safety certification to demonstrate system's safety by rigorous development processes and hardware/software constraints. The massive augment in embedded processors' complexity renders the arduous certification task significantly harder to achieve. The focus of this thesis is to address the certification challenges in multicore architectures: despite their potential to integrate several applications on a single platform, their inherent complexity imperils their timing predictability and certification. Recently, the Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) technique emerged as an alternative to deal with hardware/software complexity. The innovation that MBPTA brings about is, however, a major step from current certification procedures and standards. The particular contributions of this Thesis include: (i) the definition of certification arguments for mixed-criticality integration upon multicore processors. In particular we propose a set of safety mechanisms and procedures as required to comply with functional safety standards. For timing predictability, (ii) we present a quantitative approach to assess the likelihood of execution-time exceedance events with respect to the risk reduction requirements on safety standards. To this end, we build upon the MBPTA approach and we present the design of a safety-related source of randomization (SoR), that plays a key role in the platform-level randomization needed by MBPTA. And (iii) we evaluate current certification guidance with respect to emerging high performance design trends like caches. Overall, this Thesis pushes the certification limits in the use of multicore and MBPTA technology in Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) and paves the way towards their adoption in industry.Una creciente variedad de sistemas emergentes reemplazan o aumentan la funcionalidad de subsistemas mecánicos con componentes electrónicos embebidos. El aumento en la cantidad y complejidad de dichos subsistemas electrónicos así como su cometido, hacen de su seguridad una cuestión de creciente importancia. Tanto es así que la comercialización de estos sistemas críticos está sujeta a rigurosos procesos de certificación donde se garantiza la seguridad del sistema mediante estrictas restricciones en el proceso de desarrollo y diseño de su hardware y software. Esta tesis trata de abordar los nuevos retos y dificultades dadas por la introducción de procesadores multi-núcleo en dichos sistemas críticos: aunque su mayor rendimiento despierta el interés de la industria para integrar múltiples aplicaciones en una sola plataforma, suponen una mayor complejidad. Su arquitectura desafía su análisis temporal mediante los métodos tradicionales y, asimismo, su certificación es cada vez más compleja y costosa. Con el fin de lidiar con estas limitaciones, recientemente se ha desarrollado una novedosa técnica de análisis temporal probabilístico basado en medidas (MBPTA). La innovación de esta técnica, sin embargo, supone un gran cambio cultural respecto a los estándares y procedimientos tradicionales de certificación. En esta línea, las contribuciones de esta tesis están agrupadas en tres ejes principales: (i) definición de argumentos de seguridad para la certificación de aplicaciones de criticidad-mixta sobre plataformas multi-núcleo. Se definen, en particular, mecanismos de seguridad, técnicas de diagnóstico y reacción de faltas acorde con el estándar IEC 61508 sobre una arquitectura multi-núcleo de referencia. Respecto al análisis temporal, (ii) presentamos la cuantificación de la probabilidad de exceder un límite temporal y su relación con los requisitos de reducción de riesgos derivados de los estándares de seguridad funcional. Con este fin, nos basamos en la técnica MBPTA y presentamos el diseño de una fuente de números aleatorios segura; un componente clave para conseguir las propiedades aleatorias requeridas por MBPTA a nivel de plataforma. Por último, (iii) extrapolamos las guías actuales para la certificación de arquitecturas multi-núcleo a una solución comercial de 8 núcleos y las evaluamos con respecto a las tendencias emergentes de diseño de alto rendimiento (caches). Con estas contribuciones, esta tesis trata de abordar los retos que el uso de procesadores multi-núcleo y MBPTA implican en el proceso de certificación de sistemas críticos de tiempo real y facilita, de esta forma, su adopción por la industria.Postprint (published version

    High-Integrity Performance Monitoring Units in Automotive Chips for Reliable Timing V&V

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    As software continues to control more system-critical functions in cars, its timing is becoming an integral element in functional safety. Timing validation and verification (V&V) assesses softwares end-to-end timing measurements against given budgets. The advent of multicore processors with massive resource sharing reduces the significance of end-to-end execution times for timing V&V and requires reasoning on (worst-case) access delays on contention-prone hardware resources. While Performance Monitoring Units (PMU) support this finer-grained reasoning, their design has never been a prime consideration in high-performance processors - where automotive-chips PMU implementations descend from - since PMU does not directly affect performance or reliability. To meet PMUs instrumental importance for timing V&V, we advocate for PMUs in automotive chips that explicitly track activities related to worst-case (rather than average) softwares behavior, are recognized as an ISO-26262 mandatory high-integrity hardware service, and are accompanied with detailed documentation that enables their effective use to derive reliable timing estimatesThis work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. Enrico Mezzet has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación postdoctoral fellowship number IJCI-2016- 27396.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the Energy Efficiency and Performance of Irregular Application Executions on Multicore, NUMA and Manycore Platforms

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    International audienceUntil the last decade, performance of HPC architectures has been almost exclusively quantifiedby their processing power. However, energy efficiency is being recently considered as importantas raw performance and has become a critical aspect to the development of scalablesystems. These strict energy constraints guided the development of a new class of so-calledlight-weight manycore processors. This study evaluates the computing and energy performanceof two well-known irregular NP-hard problems — the Traveling-Salesman Problem (TSP) andK-Means clustering—and a numerical seismic wave propagation simulation kernel—Ondes3D—on multicore, NUMA, and manycore platforms. First, we concentrate on the nontrivial task ofadapting these applications to a manycore, specifically the novel MPPA-256 manycore processor.Then, we analyze their performance and energy consumption on those di↵erent machines.Our results show that applications able to fully use the resources of a manycore can have betterperformance and may consume from 3.8x to 13x less energy when compared to low-power andgeneral-purpose multicore processors, respectivel

    Modeling and Mapping of Optimized Schedules for Embedded Signal Processing Systems

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    The demand for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in embedded systems has been increasing rapidly due to the proliferation of multimedia- and communication-intensive devices such as pervasive tablets and smart phones. Efficient implementation of embedded DSP systems requires integration of diverse hardware and software components, as well as dynamic workload distribution across heterogeneous computational resources. The former implies increased complexity of application modeling and analysis, but also brings enhanced potential for achieving improved energy consumption, cost or performance. The latter results from the increased use of dynamic behavior in embedded DSP applications. Furthermore, parallel programming is highly relevant in many embedded DSP areas due to the development and use of Multiprocessor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) technology. The need for efficient cooperation among different devices supporting diverse parallel embedded computations motivates high-level modeling that expresses dynamic signal processing behaviors and supports efficient task scheduling and hardware mapping. Starting with dynamic modeling, this thesis develops a systematic design methodology that supports functional simulation and hardware mapping of dynamic reconfiguration based on Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) graphs. By building on the DIF (Dataflow Interchange Format), which is a design language and associated software package for developing and experimenting with dataflow-based design techniques for signal processing systems, we have developed a novel tool for functional simulation of PSDF specifications. This simulation tool allows designers to model applications in PSDF and simulate their functionality, including use of the dynamic parameter reconfiguration capabilities offered by PSDF. With the help of this simulation tool, our design methodology helps to map PSDF specifications into efficient implementations on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Furthermore, valid schedules can be derived from the PSDF models at runtime to adapt hardware configurations based on changing data characteristics or operational requirements. Under certain conditions, efficient quasi-static schedules can be applied to reduce overhead and enhance predictability in the scheduling process. Motivated by the fact that scheduling is critical to performance and to efficient use of dynamic reconfiguration, we have focused on a methodology for schedule design, which complements the emphasis on automated schedule construction in the existing literature on dataflow-based design and implementation. In particular, we have proposed a dataflow-based schedule design framework called the dataflow schedule graph (DSG), which provides a graphical framework for schedule construction based on dataflow semantics, and can also be used as an intermediate representation target for automated schedule generation. Our approach to applying the DSG in this thesis emphasizes schedule construction as a design process rather than an outcome of the synthesis process. Our approach employs dataflow graphs for representing both application models and schedules that are derived from them. By providing a dataflow-integrated framework for unambiguously representing, analyzing, manipulating, and interchanging schedules, the DSG facilitates effective codesign of dataflow-based application models and schedules for execution of these models. As multicore processors are deployed in an increasing variety of embedded image processing systems, effective utilization of resources such as multiprocessor systemon-chip (MPSoC) devices, and effective handling of implementation concerns such as memory management and I/O become critical to developing efficient embedded implementations. However, the diversity and complexity of applications and architectures in embedded image processing systems make the mapping of applications onto MPSoCs difficult. We help to address this challenge through a structured design methodology that is built upon the DSG modeling framework. We refer to this methodology as the DEIPS methodology (DSG-based design and implementation of Embedded Image Processing Systems). The DEIPS methodology provides a unified framework for joint consideration of DSG structures and the application graphs from which they are derived, which allows designers to integrate considerations of parallelization and resource constraints together with the application modeling process. We demonstrate the DEIPS methodology through cases studies on practical embedded image processing systems
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