17 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Ecosystem

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    This paper analyzes the supply and demand for Bitcoinbased Ponzi schemes. There are a variety of these types of scams: from long cons such as Bitcoin Savings & Trust to overnight doubling schemes that do not take off. We investigate what makes some Ponzi schemes successful and others less so. By scouring 11 424 threads on bitcointalk.org, we identify 1 780 distinct scams. Of these, half lasted a week or less. Using survival analysis, we identify factors that affect scam persistence. One approach that appears to elongate the life of the scam is when the scammer interacts a lot with their victims, such as by posting more than a quarter of the comments in the related thread. By contrast, we also find that scams are shorter-lived when the scammers register their account on the same day that they post about their scam. Surprisingly, more daily posts by victims is associated with the scam ending sooner

    Short Paper: An Exploration of Code Diversity in the Cryptocurrency Landscape

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    Interest in cryptocurrencies has skyrocketed since their introduction a decade ago, with hundreds of billions of dollars now invested across a landscape of thousands of different cryptocurrencies. While there is significant diversity, there is also a significant number of scams as people seek to exploit the current popularity. In this paper, we seek to identify the extent of innovation in the cryptocurrency landscape using the open-source repositories associated with each one. Among other findings, we observe that while many cryptocurrencies are largely unchanged copies of Bitcoin, the use of Ethereum as a platform has enabled the deployment of cryptocurrencies with more diverse functionalities

    The Art of The Scam: Demystifying Honeypots in Ethereum Smart Contracts

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    Modern blockchains, such as Ethereum, enable the execution of so-called smart contracts - programs that are executed across a decentralised network of nodes. As smart contracts become more popular and carry more value, they become more of an interesting target for attackers. In the past few years, several smart contracts have been exploited by attackers. However, a new trend towards a more proactive approach seems to be on the rise, where attackers do not search for vulnerable contracts anymore. Instead, they try to lure their victims into traps by deploying seemingly vulnerable contracts that contain hidden traps. This new type of contracts is commonly referred to as honeypots. In this paper, we present the first systematic analysis of honeypot smart contracts, by investigating their prevalence, behaviour and impact on the Ethereum blockchain. We develop a taxonomy of honeypot techniques and use this to build HoneyBadger - a tool that employs symbolic execution and well defined heuristics to expose honeypots. We perform a large-scale analysis on more than 2 million smart contracts and show that our tool not only achieves high precision, but is also highly efficient. We identify 690 honeypot smart contracts as well as 240 victims in the wild, with an accumulated profit of more than $90,000 for the honeypot creators. Our manual validation shows that 87% of the reported contracts are indeed honeypots

    Detection of illicit accounts over the Ethereum blockchain

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    The recent technological advent of cryptocurrencies and their respective benefits have been shrouded with a number of illegal activities operating over the network such as money laundering, bribery, phishing, fraud, among others. In this work we focus on the Ethereum network, which has seen over 400 million transactions since its inception. Using 2179 accounts flagged by the Ethereum community for their illegal activity coupled with 2502 normal accounts, we seek to detect illicit accounts based on their transaction history using the XGBoost classifier. Using 10 fold cross-validation, XGBoost achieved an average accuracy of 0.963 ( ± 0.006) with an average AUC of 0.994 ( ± 0.0007). The top three features with the largest impact on the final model output were established to be ‘Time diff between first and last (Mins)’, ‘Total Ether balance’ and ‘Min value received’. Based on the results we conclude that the proposed approach is highly effective in detecting illicit accounts over the Ethereum network. Our contribution is multi-faceted; firstly, we propose an effective method to detect illicit accounts over the Ethereum network; secondly, we provide insights about the most important features; and thirdly, we publish the compiled data set as a benchmark for future related works

    Kedigdayaan Produk Domestik Bruto: Aspek Sejarah Dan Popularitas Di Masa Depan

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    Paparan ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri sejarah PDB dimana membahas mengenai bagaimana rumusnya dikembangkan dan mengapa menjadi begitu populer. Untuk itu tulisan ini menganalisis kepentingan ekonomi politis utama di balik dukungan terhadap PDB dan tipe masyarakat yang turut dihasilkannya. Objektivitas memiliki kajian komprehensif atas kritik terpenting  terhadap PDB dan alternatif yang dikembangkan para ahli  terkait dengan gerakan masyarakat sipil di masa kini. Dalam kajian ekonomi politis kritik terhadap PDB telah menjadi katalis bagi perjuangan masyarakat di Negara berkembang untuk berpikir ulang mengenai ketimpangan dan ketidakadilan yang telah lama ada. This presentation aims to trace the history of GDP which discusses how the formula was developed and why it became so popular. For this reason, this paper analyzes the main political economic interests behind the support for GDP and the type of society that it produces. Objectivity has a comprehensive study of the most important critique of GDP and alternatives developed by experts related to the civil society movement in the present. In the study of political economy criticism of GDP has become a catalyst for the struggle of the people in developing countries to rethink the inequality and injustice that have long existed.   Keywords: PDB; government policy; economic growth, &nbsp

    A Taxonomy of Violations in Digital Asset Markets

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    Numerous frauds, market manipulations and other violations have recently shaken investor confidence in digital asset markets and digital assets themselves. Yet, investor confidence and market integrity are key requirements for the continued success of crypto and other digital assets. In order to facilitate the integrity of digital asset markets and avoid integrity incidents in the future, a systematic overview of violations and their main characteristics is needed to develop appropriate countermeasures. Therefore, we develop a taxonomy of violations in digital asset markets and evaluate the taxonomy based on real-world cases. Our results show that many types of market manipulation in traditional financial markets can also be observed in digital asset markets. However, there are new and additional violations in digital asset markets. We also find that many violations depend on specific capabilities of the violator, certain trading conditions, and asset-specific characteristics

    Cryptocurrencies and future financial crime.

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    Background: Cryptocurrency fraud has become a growing global concern, with various governments reporting an increase in the frequency of and losses from cryptocurrency scams. Despite increasing fraudulent activity involving cryptocurrencies, research on the potential of cryptocurrencies for fraud has not been examined in a systematic study. This review examines the current state of knowledge about what kinds of cryptocurrency fraud currently exist, or are expected to exist in the future, and provides comprehensive definitions of the frauds identified. Methods: The study involved a scoping review of academic research and grey literature on cryptocurrency fraud and a 1.5-day expert consensus exercise. The review followed the PRISMA-ScR protocol, with eligibility criteria based on language, publication type, relevance to cryptocurrency fraud, and evidence provided. Researchers screened 391 academic records, 106 of which went on to the eligibility phase, and 63 of which were ultimately analysed. We screened 394 grey literature sources, 128 of which passed on to the eligibility phase, and 53 of which were included in our review. The expert consensus exercise was attended by high-profile participants from the private sector, government, and academia. It involved problem planning and analysis activities and discussion about the future of cryptocurrency crime. Results: The academic literature identified 29 different types of cryptocurrency fraud; the grey literature discussed 32 types, 14 of which were not identified in the academic literature (i.e., 47 unique types in total). Ponzi schemes and (synonymous) high yield investment programmes were most discussed across all literature. Participants in the expert consensus exercise ranked pump-and-dump schemes and ransomware as the most profitable and feasible threats, though pump-and-dumps were, notably, perceived as the least harmful type of fraud. Conclusions: The findings of this scoping review suggest cryptocurrency fraud research is rapidly developing in volume and breadth, though we remain at an early stage of thinking about future problems and scenarios involving cryptocurrencies. The findings of this work emphasise the need for better collaboration across sectors and consensus on definitions surrounding cryptocurrency fraud to address the problems identified

    AI-powered Fraud Detection in Decentralized Finance: A Project Life Cycle Perspective

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    In recent years, blockchain technology has introduced decentralized finance (DeFi) as an alternative to traditional financial systems. DeFi aims to create a transparent and efficient financial ecosystem using smart contracts and emerging decentralized applications. However, the growing popularity of DeFi has made it a target for fraudulent activities, resulting in losses of billions of dollars due to various types of frauds. To address these issues, researchers have explored the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to detect such fraudulent activities. Yet, there is a lack of a systematic survey to organize and summarize those existing works and to identify the future research opportunities. In this survey, we provide a systematic taxonomy of various frauds in the DeFi ecosystem, categorized by the different stages of a DeFi project's life cycle: project development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. This taxonomy is based on our finding: many frauds have strong correlations in the stage of the DeFi project. According to the taxonomy, we review existing AI-powered detection methods, including statistical modeling, natural language processing and other machine learning techniques, etc. We find that fraud detection in different stages employs distinct types of methods and observe the commendable performance of tree-based and graph-related models in tackling fraud detection tasks. By analyzing the challenges and trends, we present the findings to provide proactive suggestion and guide future research in DeFi fraud detection. We believe that this survey is able to support researchers, practitioners, and regulators in establishing a secure and trustworthy DeFi ecosystem.Comment: 38 pages, update reference