8 research outputs found

    A verification approach to applied system security

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    We present a method for the security analysis of realistic models over off-the-shelf systems and their configuration by formal, machine-checked proofs. The presentation follows a large case study based on a formal security analysis of a CVS-Server architecture. The analysis is based on an abstract architecture (enforcing a role-based access control), which is refined to an implementation architecture (based on the usual discretionary access control provided by the POSIX environment). Both architectures serve as a skeleton to formulate access control and confidentiality properties. Both the abstract and the implementation architecture are specified in the language Z. Based on a logical embedding of Z into Isabelle/HOL, we provide formal, machine-checked proofs for consistency properties of the specification, for the correctness of the refinement, and for security propertie

    Interactive Refinement Of Hierarchical Object Graphs

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    Developers need to understand the runtime structure of object-oriented code, and abstract object graphs can help. To extract abstract object graphs that convey design intent in the form of object hierarchy, additional information is needed to express this hierarchy in the code using ownership types, but adding ownership type qualifiers after the fact involves manual overhead, and requires developers to switch between adding qualifiers in the code and looking at abstract object graphs to understand the object structures that the qualifiers describe. We describe an approach where developers express their design intent by refining an object graph directly, while an inference analysis infers valid qualifiers in the code. A separate extraction analysis then uses these qualifiers and extracts an updated object graph. We implement and test the approach on several small test cases and confirm its feasibility

    Automated Refinement Of Hierarchical Object Graphs

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    Object graphs help explain the runtime structure of a system. To make object graphs convey design intent, one insight is to use abstraction by hierarchy, i.e., to show objects that are implementation details as children of architecturally-relevant objects from the application domain. But additional information is needed to express this object hierarchy, using ownership type qualifiers in the code. Adding qualifiers after the fact involves manual overhead, and requires developers to switch between adding qualifiers in the code and looking at abstract object graphs to understand the object structures that the qualifiers describe. We propose an approach where developers express their design intent by refining an object graph directly, while an inference analysis infers valid qualifiers in the code. We present, formalize and implement the inference analysis. Novel features of the inference analysis compared to closely related work include a larger set of qualifiers to support less restrictive object hierarchy (logical containment) in addition to strict hierarchy (strict encapsulation), as well as object uniqueness and object borrowing. A separate extraction analysis then uses these qualifiers and extracts an updated object graph. We evaluate the approach on two subject systems. One of the subject systems is reproduced from an experiment using related techniques and another ownership type system, which enables a meaningful comparison. For the other subject system, we use its documentation to pick refinements that express design intent. We compute metrics on the refinements (how many attempts on each subject system) and classify them by their type. We also compute metrics on the inferred qualifiers and metrics on the object graphs to enable quantitative comparison. Moreover, we qualitatively compare the hierarchical object graphs with the flat object graphs and with each other, by highlighting how they express design intent. Finally, we confirm that the approach can infer from refinements valid qualifiers such that the extracted object graphs reflect the design intent of the refinements

    Efficiency and Automation in Threat Analysis of Software Systems

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    Context: Security is a growing concern in many organizations. Industries developing software systems plan for security early-on to minimize expensive code refactorings after deployment. In the design phase, teams of experts routinely analyze the system architecture and design to find potential security threats and flaws. After the system is implemented, the source code is often inspected to determine its compliance with the intended functionalities. Objective: The goal of this thesis is to improve on the performance of security design analysis techniques (in the design and implementation phases) and support practitioners with automation and tool support.Method: We conducted empirical studies for building an in-depth understanding of existing threat analysis techniques (Systematic Literature Review, controlled experiments). We also conducted empirical case studies with industrial participants to validate our attempt at improving the performance of one technique. Further, we validated our proposal for automating the inspection of security design flaws by organizing workshops with participants (under controlled conditions) and subsequent performance analysis. Finally, we relied on a series of experimental evaluations for assessing the quality of the proposed approach for automating security compliance checks. Findings: We found that the eSTRIDE approach can help focus the analysis and produce twice as many high-priority threats in the same time frame. We also found that reasoning about security in an automated fashion requires extending the existing notations with more precise security information. In a formal setting, minimal model extensions for doing so include security contracts for system nodes handling sensitive information. The formally-based analysis can to some extent provide completeness guarantees. For a graph-based detection of flaws, minimal required model extensions include data types and security solutions. In such a setting, the automated analysis can help in reducing the number of overlooked security flaws. Finally, we suggested to define a correspondence mapping between the design model elements and implemented constructs. We found that such a mapping is a key enabler for automatically checking the security compliance of the implemented system with the intended design. The key for achieving this is two-fold. First, a heuristics-based search is paramount to limit the manual effort that is required to define the mapping. Second, it is important to analyze implemented data flows and compare them to the data flows stipulated by the design

    Architecture-centric testing for security

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    This thesis presents a novel architecture-centric approach, which uses Implied Scenarios (IS) to detect design-vulnerabilities in the software architecture. It reviews security testing approaches, and draws on their limitations in addressing unpredictable behaviour in the face of evolution. The thesis introduces the concept of Security ISs as unanticipated (possibly malicious) behaviours that indicate potential insecurities in the architecture. The IS approach uses the architecture as the appropriate level of abstraction to tackle the complexity of testing. It provides potential for scalability to test large scale complex applications. It proposes a three-phased method for security testing: (1) Detecting design-level vulnerabilities in the architecture in an incremental manner by composing functionalities as they evolve. (2) Classifying the impact of detected ISs on the security of the architecture. (3) Using the detected ISs and their impact to guide the refinement of the architecture. The refinement is test-driven and incremental, where refinements are tested before they are committed. The thesis also presents SecArch, an extension to the IS approach to enhance its search-space to detect hidden race conditions. The thesis reports on the applications of the proposed approach and its extension to three case studies for testing the security of distributed and cloud architectures in the presence of uncertainty in the operating environment, unpredictability of interaction and possible security IS

    Static Extraction Of Dataflow Communication For Security

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    The cost of security vulnerabilities in widely-deployed code such as mobile applications is high. As a result, many companies are using Architectural Risk Analysis (ARA) to find security vulnerabilities before releasing their applications. The existing analyses are focused on finding local coding bugs such as a hard-coded password, rather than architectural flaws such as bypassing the authentication component. During ARA, to find vulnerabilities that are architectural flaws, security architects use a forest-level view of the runtime architecture instead of reading the code. Unfortunately, such a view is often missing from the documentation or is inconsistent with the code. This thesis contributes Scoria, a semi-automated approach for finding architectural flaws that uses a static analysis to extract from code with annotations an approximation of the runtime architecture as an abstract object graph with dataflow edges that refer to abstract objects. The annotations express local, modular hints about architectural tiers, logical containment, and strict encapsulation, such that the extracted object graph is hierarchical, which provides architects with both high-level and detailed understanding of the runtime architecture. Moreover, the abstract object graph is sound such that it has unique representatives for all objects and dataflow communication that may exist at runtime. Architects assisted by Scoria can write as machine-checkable constraints various security policies that are documented only informally. The constraints are in terms of object provenance and indirect communication and can find vulnerabilities missed by constraints that focus only on the presence or the absence of communication, or constraints that track only information flow from sources to sinks. The evaluation consists of expressing several rules from the CERT Secure Coding Standard for Java for which automated detection was previously unavailable. Scoria is also being used to find information disclosure in open-source Android apps. Based on an existing benchmark, Scoria performs better than commercial and research tools in terms of precision and recall. Scoria is thus making Architectural Risk Analysis, which is today mostly manual and informal, a more rigorous, principled and repeatable activity

    Static Extraction Of Dataflow Communication For Security

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    The cost of security vulnerabilities in widely-deployed code such as mobile applications is high. As a result, many companies are using Architectural Risk Analysis (ARA) to find security vulnerabilities before releasing their applications. The existing analyses are focused on finding local coding bugs such as a hard-coded password, rather than architectural flaws such as bypassing the authentication component. During ARA, to find vulnerabilities that are architectural flaws, security architects use a forest-level view of the runtime architecture instead of reading the code. Unfortunately, such a view is often missing from the documentation or is inconsistent with the code. This thesis contributes Scoria, a semi-automated approach for finding architectural flaws that uses a static analysis to extract from code with annotations an approximation of the runtime architecture as an abstract object graph with dataflow edges that refer to abstract objects. The annotations express local, modular hints about architectural tiers, logical containment, and strict encapsulation, such that the extracted object graph is hierarchical, which provides architects with both high-level and detailed understanding of the runtime architecture. Moreover, the abstract object graph is sound such that it has unique representatives for all objects and dataflow communication that may exist at runtime. Architects assisted by Scoria can write as machine-checkable constraints various security policies that are documented only informally. The constraints are in terms of object provenance and indirect communication and can find vulnerabilities missed by constraints that focus only on the presence or the absence of communication, or constraints that track only information flow from sources to sinks. The evaluation consists of expressing several rules from the CERT Secure Coding Standard for Java for which automated detection was previously unavailable. Scoria is also being used to find information disclosure in open-source Android apps. Based on an existing benchmark, Scoria performs better than commercial and research tools in terms of precision and recall. Scoria is thus making Architectural Risk Analysis, which is today mostly manual and informal, a more rigorous, principled and repeatable activity

    Analyzing Security Architectures

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    We present a semi-automated approach, Secoria, for analyzing a security runtime architecture for security and for conformance to an object-oriented implementation. Typecheckable annotations describe architectural intent within the code, enabling a static analysis to extract a hierarchical object graph that soundly reflects all runtime objects and runtime relations between them. In addition, the annotations can describe modular, code-level policies. A separate analysis establishes traceability between the extracted object graph and a target architecture documented in an architecturedescription language. Finally, architecturaltypes, properties, and logic predicates describe global constraints on the target architecture, which will also hold in the implementation. We validate the Secoria approach by analyzing a 3,000-line pedagogical Java implementation and a runtime architecture designed by a security expert