20 research outputs found

    Using NMF for analyzing war logs

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    We investigate a semi-automated identification of technical problems occurred by armed forces weapon systems during mission of war. The proposed methodology is based on a semantic analysis of textual information in reports from soldiers (war logs). Latent semantic indexing (LSI) with non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) as technique from multivariate analysis and linear algebra is used to extract hidden semantic textual patterns from the reports. NMF factorizes the term-by-war log matrix - that consists of weighted term frequencies into two non-negative matrices. This enables natural parts-based representation of the report information and it leads to an easy evaluation by human experts because human brain also uses parts-based representation. For an improved research and technology planning, the identified technical problems are a valuable source of information. A case study extracts technical problems from military logs of the Afghanistan war. Results are compared to a manual analysis written by journalists of 'Der Spiegel'

    Essays on text mining for improved decision making

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    Identifying Interesting Knowledge Factors from Big Data for Effective E-Market Prediction

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    Knowledge management plays an important role in disseminating valuable information. Knowledge creation involves analyzing data and transforming information into knowledge. Knowledge management plays an important role in improving organizational decision-making. It is evident that data mining and predictive analytics contribute a major part in the creation of knowledge and forecast the future outcomes. The ability to predict the performance of the advertising campaigns can become an asset to the advertisers. Tools like Google analytics were able to capture user logs. Large amounts of information ranging from visitor location, visitor flow throughout the website to various actions the visitor performs after clicking an ad resides in those logs. This research approach is an effort to identify key knowledge factors in the marketing sector that can further be optimized for effective e-market prediction

    Using webcrawling of publicly available websites to assess E-commerce relationships

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    We investigate e-commerce success factors concerning their impact on the success of commerce transactions between businesses companies. In scientific literature, many e-commerce success factors are introduced. Most of them are focused on companies' website quality. They are evaluated concerning companies' success in the business-to- consumer (B2C) environment where consumers choose their preferred e-commerce websites based on these success factors e.g. website content quality, website interaction, and website customization. In contrast to previous work, this research focuses on the usage of existing e-commerce success factors for predicting successfulness of business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce. The introduced methodology is based on the identification of semantic textual patterns representing success factors from the websites of B2B companies. The successfulness of the identified success factors in B2B ecommerce is evaluated by regression modeling. As a result, it is shown that some B2C e-commerce success factors also enable the predicting of B2B e-commerce success while others do not. This contributes to the existing literature concerning ecommerce success factors. Further, these findings are valuable for B2B e-commerce websites creation

    Research Methodology for Analysis of E-Commerce User Activity Based on User Interest using Web Usage Mining

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    Visitor interaction with e-commerce websites generates large amounts of clickstream data stored in web access logs. From a business standpoint, clickstream data can be used as a means of finding information on user interest. In this paper, the authors propose a method to find user interest in products offered on e-commerce websites based on web usage mining of clickstream data. In this study, user interest was investigated using the PIE approach coupled with clustering and classification techniques. The experimental results showed that the method is able to assist in analyzing visitor behavior and user interest in e-commerce products by identifying those products that prompt visitor interest

    A Systematic Review of Consumer Behaviour Prediction Studies

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    Due to the importance of Customer behaviour prediction, it is necessary to have a systematic review of previous studies on this subject. To this effect, this paper therefore provides a systematic review of Customer behaviours prediction studies with a focus on components of customer relationship management, methods and datasets. In order to provide a comprehensive literature review and a classification scheme for articles on this subject 74 customer behaviour prediction papers in over 25 journals and several conference proceedings were considered between the periods of 1999- 2014. Two hundred and thirty articles were identified and reviewed for their direct relevance to predicting customer behaviour out of which 74 were subsequently selected, reviewed and classified appropriately. The findings show that the literature on predicting customer behaviour is ongoing and is of most importance to organisation. It was observed that most studies investigated customer retention prediction and organizational dataset were mostly used for the prediction as compared to other form of dataset. Also, comparing the statistical method to data mining in predicting customer behaviour, it was discovered through this review that data mining is mostly used for prediction. On the other hand, Artificial Neural Network is the most commonly used data mining method for predicting customer behaviour. The review was able to identify the limitations of the current research on the subject matter and identify future research opportunities in customer behaviour prediction

    A Systematic Review of Consumer Behaviour Prediction Studies

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    Due to the importance of Customer behaviour prediction, it is necessary to have a systematic review of previous studies on this subject. To this effect, this paper therefore provides a systematic review of Customer behaviours prediction studies with a focus on components of customer relationship management, methods and datasets. In order to provide a comprehensive literature review and a classification scheme for articles on this subject 74 customer behaviour prediction papers in over 25 journals and several conference proceedings were considered between the periods of 1999-2014. Two hundred and thirty articles were identified and reviewed for their direct relevance to predicting customer behaviour out of which 74 were subsequently selected, reviewed and classified appropriately. The findings show that the literature on predicting customer behaviour is ongoing and is of most importance to organisation. It was observed that most studies investigated customer retention prediction and organizational dataset were mostly used for the prediction as compared to other form of dataset. Also, comparing the statistical method to data mining in predicting customer behaviour, it was discovered through this review that data mining is mostly used for prediction. On the other hand, Artificial Neural Network is the most commonly used data mining method for predicting customer behaviour. The review was able to identify the limitations of the current research on the subject matter and identify future research opportunities in customer behaviour prediction.Keywords: Consumer Behaviour, Prediction, Statistics, Data Mining, Dataset, Customer Relationship Management, Literature Revie

    Weak signal identification with semantic web mining

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    We investigate an automated identification of weak signals according to Ansoff to improve strategic planning and technological forecasting. Literature shows that weak signals can be found in the organization's environment and that they appear in different contexts. We use internet information to represent organization's environment and we select these websites that are related to a given hypothesis. In contrast to related research, a methodology is provided that uses latent semantic indexing (LSI) for the identification of weak signals. This improves existing knowledge based approaches because LSI considers the aspects of meaning and thus, it is able to identify similar textual patterns in different contexts. A new weak signal maximization approach is introduced that replaces the commonly used prediction modeling approach in LSI. It enables to calculate the largest number of relevant weak signals represented by singular value decomposition (SVD) dimensions. A case study identifies and analyses weak signals to predict trends in the field of on-site medical oxygen production. This supports the planning of research and development (R&D) for a medical oxygen supplier. As a result, it is shown that the proposed methodology enables organizations to identify weak signals from the internet for a given hypothesis. This helps strategic planners to react ahead of time

    Analyzing existing customers' websites to improve the customer acquisition process as well as the profitability prediction in B-to-B marketing

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    We investigate the issue of predicting new customers as profitable based on information about existing customers in a business-to-business environment. In particular, we show how latent semantic concepts from textual information of existing customers' websites can be used to uncover characteristics of websites of companies that will turn into profitable customers. Hence, the use of predictive analytics will help to identify new potential acquisition targets. Additionally, we show that a regression model based on these concepts is successful in the profitability prediction of new customers. In a case study, the acquisition process of a mail-order company is supported by creating a prioritized list of new customers generated by this approach. It is shown that the density of profitable customers in this list outperforms the density of profitable customers in traditional generated address lists (e.g. from list brokers). From a managerial point of view, this approach supports the identification of new business customers and helps to estimate the future profitability of these customers in a company. Consequently, the customer acquisition process can be targeted more effectively and efficiently. This leads to a competitive advantage for B2B companies and improves the acquisition process that is time- and cost-consuming with traditionally low conversion rates