117 research outputs found

    Shining Light On Shadow Stacks

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    Control-Flow Hijacking attacks are the dominant attack vector against C/C++ programs. Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) solutions mitigate these attacks on the forward edge,i.e., indirect calls through function pointers and virtual calls. Protecting the backward edge is left to stack canaries, which are easily bypassed through information leaks. Shadow Stacks are a fully precise mechanism for protecting backwards edges, and should be deployed with CFI mitigations. We present a comprehensive analysis of all possible shadow stack mechanisms along three axes: performance, compatibility, and security. For performance comparisons we use SPEC CPU2006, while security and compatibility are qualitatively analyzed. Based on our study, we renew calls for a shadow stack design that leverages a dedicated register, resulting in low performance overhead, and minimal memory overhead, but sacrifices compatibility. We present case studies of our implementation of such a design, Shadesmar, on Phoronix and Apache to demonstrate the feasibility of dedicating a general purpose register to a security monitor on modern architectures, and the deployability of Shadesmar. Our comprehensive analysis, including detailed case studies for our novel design, allows compiler designers and practitioners to select the correct shadow stack design for different usage scenarios.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Security and Privacy 201

    Boosting the precision of virtual call integrity protection with partial pointer analysis for C++

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    © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery. We present, Vip, an approach to boosting the precision of Virtual call Integrity Protection for large-scale real-world C++ programs (e.g., Chrome) by using pointer analysis for the first time. Vip introduces two new techniques: (1) a sound and scalable partial pointer analysis for discovering statically the sets of legitimate targets at virtual callsites from separately compiled C++ modules and (2) a lightweight instrumentation technique for performing (virtual call) integrity checks at runtime. Vip raises the bar against vtable hijacking attacks by providing stronger security guarantees than the CHA-based approach with comparable performance overhead. Vip is implemented in LLVM-3.8.0 and evaluated using SPEC programs and Chrome. Statically, Vip protects virtual calls more effectively than CHA by significantly reducing the sets of legitimate targets permitted at 20.3% of the virtual callsites per program, on average. Dynamically, Vip incurs an average (maximum) instrumentation overhead of 0.7% (3.3%), making it practically deployable as part of a compiler tool chain

    A brief tour on control-flow protection

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    Abstract. The purpose of this work is to give an overview on the topic under discussion, control-flow protection. An effort is made for the result to be more accessible by providing sufficient background in beginning and related material in the end. Most of the work was done by searching, consuming and referring to relevant research material. Additionally a control-flow integrity feature of Clang compiler is tried out and the results reported. Control-flow protection can be attacked in various ways on multiple levels and this makes it challeging to implement a trustworthy protection. For this reason it is important to understand the topic both in depth and breadth