4 research outputs found

    Analyzing and Patching SPEKE in ISO/IEC

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    Simple password exponential key exchange (SPEKE) is a well-known password authenticated key exchange protocol that has been used in Blackberry phones for secure messaging and Entrust's TruePass end-to-end web products. It has also been included into international standards such as ISO/IEC 11770-4 and IEEE P1363.2. In this paper, we analyze the SPEKE protocol as specified in the ISO/IEC and IEEE standards. We identify that the protocol is vulnerable to two new attacks: an impersonation attack that allows an attacker to impersonate a user without knowing the password by launching two parallel sessions with the victim, and a key-malleability attack that allows a man-in-the-middle to manipulate the session key without being detected by the end users. Both attacks have been acknowledged by the technical committee of ISO/IEC SC 27 and ISO/IEC 11770-4 revised as a result. We propose a patched SPEKE called P-SPEKE and present a formal analysis in the Applied Pi Calculus using ProVerif to show that the proposed patch prevents both attacks. The proposed patch has been included into the latest revision of ISO/IEC 11770-4 published in 2017

    An Empirical Assessment of the Use of Password Workarounds and the Cybersecurity Risk of Data Breaches

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    Passwords have been used for a long time to grant controlled access to classified spaces, electronics, networks, and more. However, the dramatic increase in user accounts over the past few decades has exposed the realization that technological measures alone cannot ensure a high level of IS security; this leaves the end-users holding a critical role in protecting their organization and personal information. The increased use of IS as a working tool for employees increases the number of accounts and passwords required. Despite being more aware of password entropy, users still often participate in deviant password behaviors, known as ‘password workarounds’ or ‘shadow security.’ These deviant password behaviors can put individuals and organizations at risk, resulting in data privacy. This study, engaging 303 IS users and 27 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), focused on designing, developing, and empirically validating Password Workaround Cybersecurity Risk Taxonomy (PaWoCyRiT)—a model supported on perceived cybersecurity risks from Password Workarounds (PWWA) techniques and their usage frequency. A panel of SMEs validated the PWWA list from existing literature with recommended adjustments. Additionally, the perception level of the cybersecurity risks of each technique was measured from the 27 SMEs and 303 IS users. They also provided their self-reported and reported on coworkers\u27 engagement frequencies related to the PWWA list. Noteworthy, significant differences were found between SMEs and IS users in their aggregated perceptions of cybersecurity risks of the PWWAs, with IS users perceiving higher risks. Engagement patterns varied between the groups, as well as factors like years of IS experience, gender, and job level had significant differences among groups. The PaWoCyRiT was developed to provide insights into password-related risks and behaviors

    A methodology for the quantitative evaluation of attacks and mitigations in IoT systems

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    PhD ThesisAs we move towards a more distributed and unsupervised internet, namely through the Internet of Things (IoT), the avenues of attack multiply. To compound these issues, whilst attacks are developing, the current security of devices is much lower than for traditional systems. In this thesis I propose a new methodology for white box behaviour intrusion detection in constrained systems. I leverage the characteristics of these types of systems, namely their: heterogeneity, distributed nature, and constrained capabilities; to devise a pipeline, that given a specification of a IoT scenario can generate an actionable intrusion detection system to protect it. I identify key IoT scenarios for which more traditional black box approaches would not suffice, and devise means to bypass these limitations. The contributions include; 1) A survey of intrusion detection for IoT; 2) A modelling technique to observe interactions in IoT deployments; 3) A modelling approach that focuses on the observation of specific attacks on possible configurations of IoT devices; Combining these components: a specification of the system as per contribution 1 and a attack specification as per contribution 2, we can deploy a bespoke behaviour based IDS for the specified system. This one of a kind approach allows for the quick and efficient generation of attack detection from the onset, positioning this approach as particularly suitable to dynamic and constrained IoT environments