14,224 research outputs found

    A Matrix Hyperbolic Cosine Algorithm and Applications

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    In this paper, we generalize Spencer's hyperbolic cosine algorithm to the matrix-valued setting. We apply the proposed algorithm to several problems by analyzing its computational efficiency under two special cases of matrices; one in which the matrices have a group structure and an other in which they have rank-one. As an application of the former case, we present a deterministic algorithm that, given the multiplication table of a finite group of size nn, it constructs an expanding Cayley graph of logarithmic degree in near-optimal O(n^2 log^3 n) time. For the latter case, we present a fast deterministic algorithm for spectral sparsification of positive semi-definite matrices, which implies an improved deterministic algorithm for spectral graph sparsification of dense graphs. In addition, we give an elementary connection between spectral sparsification of positive semi-definite matrices and element-wise matrix sparsification. As a consequence, we obtain improved element-wise sparsification algorithms for diagonally dominant-like matrices.Comment: 16 pages, simplified proof and corrected acknowledging of prior work in (current) Section

    Bounded Expectations: Resource Analysis for Probabilistic Programs

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    This paper presents a new static analysis for deriving upper bounds on the expected resource consumption of probabilistic programs. The analysis is fully automatic and derives symbolic bounds that are multivariate polynomials of the inputs. The new technique combines manual state-of-the-art reasoning techniques for probabilistic programs with an effective method for automatic resource-bound analysis of deterministic programs. It can be seen as both, an extension of automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) to probabilistic programs and an automation of manual reasoning for probabilistic programs that is based on weakest preconditions. As a result, bound inference can be reduced to off-the-shelf LP solving in many cases and automatically-derived bounds can be interactively extended with standard program logics if the automation fails. Building on existing work, the soundness of the analysis is proved with respect to an operational semantics that is based on Markov decision processes. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated with a prototype implementation that is used to automatically analyze 39 challenging probabilistic programs and randomized algorithms. Experimental results indicate that the derived constant factors in the bounds are very precise and even optimal for many programs

    The Langevin Approach: An R Package for Modeling Markov Processes

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    We describe an R package developed by the research group Turbulence, Wind energy and Stochastics (TWiSt) at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, which extracts the (stochastic) evolution equation underlying a set of data or measurements. The method can be directly applied to data sets with one or two stochastic variables. Examples for the one-dimensional and two-dimensional cases are provided. This framework is valid under a small set of conditions which are explicitly presented and which imply simple preliminary test procedures to the data. For Markovian processes involving Gaussian white noise, a stochastic differential equation is derived straightforwardly from the time series and captures the full dynamical properties of the underlying process. Still, even in the case such conditions are not fulfilled, there are alternative versions of this method which we discuss briefly and provide the user with the necessary bibliography

    Optimal approximate matrix product in terms of stable rank

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    We prove, using the subspace embedding guarantee in a black box way, that one can achieve the spectral norm guarantee for approximate matrix multiplication with a dimensionality-reducing map having m=O(r~/ε2)m = O(\tilde{r}/\varepsilon^2) rows. Here r~\tilde{r} is the maximum stable rank, i.e. squared ratio of Frobenius and operator norms, of the two matrices being multiplied. This is a quantitative improvement over previous work of [MZ11, KVZ14], and is also optimal for any oblivious dimensionality-reducing map. Furthermore, due to the black box reliance on the subspace embedding property in our proofs, our theorem can be applied to a much more general class of sketching matrices than what was known before, in addition to achieving better bounds. For example, one can apply our theorem to efficient subspace embeddings such as the Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform or sparse subspace embeddings, or even with subspace embedding constructions that may be developed in the future. Our main theorem, via connections with spectral error matrix multiplication shown in prior work, implies quantitative improvements for approximate least squares regression and low rank approximation. Our main result has also already been applied to improve dimensionality reduction guarantees for kk-means clustering [CEMMP14], and implies new results for nonparametric regression [YPW15]. We also separately point out that the proof of the "BSS" deterministic row-sampling result of [BSS12] can be modified to show that for any matrices A,BA, B of stable rank at most r~\tilde{r}, one can achieve the spectral norm guarantee for approximate matrix multiplication of ATBA^T B by deterministically sampling O(r~/ε2)O(\tilde{r}/\varepsilon^2) rows that can be found in polynomial time. The original result of [BSS12] was for rank instead of stable rank. Our observation leads to a stronger version of a main theorem of [KMST10].Comment: v3: minor edits; v2: fixed one step in proof of Theorem 9 which was wrong by a constant factor (see the new Lemma 5 and its use; final theorem unaffected
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