7 research outputs found

    Multimodal Discourse Analysis for Video of Learning

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa baik siswa dalam menyampaikan idenya tentang materi pembelajaran dan untuk mengetahui perasaan dan kondisi siswa. Penulis menggunakan monolog siswa di Kelas Bahasa Inggris. Video dianalisis berdasarkan teori dalam analisis multimodal discourse. Prosedur dalam menganalisis data mengacu pada beberapa sumber semiotik seperti ucapan dan fitur kinetik seperti tatapan, gerak tubuh dan postur tubuh siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan siswa menyampaikan materi pembelajaran yang baik. Untuk fitur kinetik, siswa menunjukkan mencoba untuk mengingat dengan keras; itu mengacu pada tatapan siswa. Untuk gerak tubuh dan postur tubuh siswa, keduanya menunjukkan kurangnya kepercayaan diri siswa ketika menyampaikan idenya dan memiliki sesuatu untuk disembunyikan. Artinya siswa memahami materi pembelajaran tetapi perasaan dan kondisinya tidak percaya diri. Hasil Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu para mengajar untuk tidak hanya mengetahui kemampuan akan tetapi juga kondisi siswa saat belajar, sehingga dapat membuat proses penyampaian materi berjalan lancar

    The role of moving images in the conference interpreting classroom

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    This paper reports on the study of the student interpreters’ performance in conference interpreting classes in an Indonesian university when multimodal texts were provided as part of the teaching methods. It aims to answer how multimodal texts can influence interpreting performance among students. A case study design was used to allow an in-depth analysis of the students’ interpreting performance as the phenomenon described (Yin, 2003) using triangulation of data analysis. Observation, interview, and seven transcription analysis from three students were carried out. Observation and interview result shows that the students used visual information such as lips movement, running text on video, moving images, and the speakers’ gestures in their interpreting processes. Moreover, the students said that the existing method of teaching interpreting using multimodal texts is really helpful for them in developing their interpreting skills. Furthermore, transcription analysis also confirms that the student with multimodal strategies (facing the speaker, the screen/the video) performed better during interpreting process. However, a student who faces both did not seem to perform well. The indication is that he was unable to focus, being distracted and nervous. Thus, overall the student interpreters used visual information as part of multimodal communication, in addition to speech, working on the regular mode of listening and speaking during interpreting process, which suggest significant contribution of multimodal texts to better rendition in the target language

    Effectiveness of a projection-based augmented reality exposure system in treating cockroach phobia: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Despite being the treatment of choice for phobic disorders, in vivo exposure treatment (IVET) presents some important limitations related mainly to low acceptance and high drop-out rates. Augmented reality (AR) technologies can help to overcome these limitations. Evidence supports the use of AR in exposure treatment for small animal phobia. A new projection-based AR exposure treatment system (P-ARET) that offers the possibility of projecting the animals in a natural and non-intrusive environment has been developed. There are no randomised controlled trials (RCTs) available that have tested the efficacy of this system in cockroach phobia. This paper aims to present the protocol of an RCT that evaluates the efficacy of the P-ARET, versus an IVET group and a waiting list control group (WL), in carrying out exposure treatment for cockroach phobia. Methods/design: Participants will be randomly allocated to one of three conditions: (1) P-ARET, (2) IVET and (3) WL. Both treatment conditions will follow the ‘one-session treatment’ guidelines. As a diagnostic measure, the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Health Disorders-Version 5 will be used. The Behavioral Avoidance Test will be used as the primary outcome measure. Secondary outcome measures will include an attentional biases task (measured using eye-tracking technology), the Fear of Cockroaches Questionnaire, Cockroach Phobia Beliefs Questionnaire, Fear and Avoidance Scales, Beck Depression Inventory second edition, Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity Scale-Revised-12, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Clinician Severity Scale, and Expectation and Satisfaction with the Treatment Scale. The evaluation protocol will include pretreatment and post-treatment evaluations and 1, 6 and 12 months of follow-ups. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses will be performed. Ethics and dissemination: This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain; 13 December 2019). The results of the presented RCT will be disseminated in presentations at international scientific meetings and peer-reviewed scientific journals.Funding for the study was provided by Grant Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) (Programa Estatal I+D+I) (grant number: RTI2018-100993-B-100) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by 'ERDF A way of making Europe', by the European Union.Funding for the study was provided by Grant Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) (Programa Estatal I+D+i RTI2018-100993-B-100) funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by 'ERDF A way of making Europe', by the 'European Union'

    Designing for Shareable Interfaces in the Wild

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    Despite excitement about the potential of interactive tabletops to support collaborative work, there have been few empirical demonstrations of their effectiveness (Marshall et al., 2011). In particular, while lab-based studies have explored the effects of individual design features, there has been a dearth of studies evaluating the success of systems in the wild. For this technology to be of value, designers and systems builders require a better understanding of how to develop and evaluate tabletop applications to be deployed in real world settings. This dissertation reports on two systems designed through a process that incorporated ethnography-style observations, iterative design and in the wild evaluation. The first study focused on collaborative learning in a medical setting. To address the fact that visitors to a hospital emergency ward were leaving with an incomplete understanding of their diagnosis and treatment, a system was prototyped in a working Emergency Room (ER) with doctors and patients. The system was found to be helpful but adoption issues hampered its impact. The second study focused on a planning application for visitors to a tourist information centre. Issues and opportunities for a successful, contextually-fitted system were addressed and it was found to be effective in supporting group planning activities by novice users, in particular, facilitating users’ first experiences, providing effective signage and offering assistance to guide the user through the application. This dissertation contributes to understanding of multi-user systems through literature review of tabletop systems, collaborative tasks, design frameworks and evaluation of prototypes. Some support was found for the claim that tabletops are a useful technology for collaboration, and several issues were discussed. Contributions to understanding in this field are delivered through design guidelines, heuristics, frameworks, and recommendations, in addition to the two case studies to help guide future tabletop system creators

    A utilização da mesa interativa por multitoque na sala de aula e o seu impacte na aprendizagem de conteúdos de Astronomia

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    A Mesa Interativa por Multitoque (MIM) é um ecrã de grandes dimensões com tecnologia touch-screen de ecrã tátil, disposto horizontalmente, que funciona de modo análogo ao tablet, mas com a vantagem de permitir vários utilizadores em simultâneo. Alguns autores referem que as MIM estarão disseminadas pelas escolas num futuro muito próximo e já existem vários estudos que apresentam evidências dos efeitos positivos que estas mesas têm na aprendizagem, embora não sejam abundantes as pesquisas realizadas com estes dispositivos em contextos educativos reais. Algumas das empresas que comercializam os quadros interativos multimédia que equipam as nossas escolas também já apresentam a MIM como uma solução educativa, pois depressa se aperceberam das vantagens que a combinação do multitoque/ multiutilizadores permite no âmbito do trabalho cooperativo entre alunos. Estes dispositivos comercializam-se atualmente com preços proibitivos, pelo que são muito poucas as nossas escolas que as possuem. No entanto, existem soluções funcionais de baixo custo que são possíveis de implementar nas salas de aula, embora haja necessidade de uma plataforma multitoque acessível aos professores para construir os seus recursos educativos. Assim, neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo piloto da construção de uma mesa interativa por multitoque low cost de baixo custo, a ser utilizada por alunos na faixa etária dos 11-15 anos de idade, a qual testámos com um pequeno grupo cooperativo de três elementos numa experiência de ensino-aprendizagem no ano letivo 2015/16. O principal objetivo da nossa investigação foi averiguar qual o impacto direto que a utilização dessas mesas tem nos resultados da aprendizagem da Física. Este trabalho apresenta também as conclusões de um estudo empírico que realizámos numa sala de aula do Agrupamento de Escolas de Paião (Figueira da Foz), utilizando como recursos educativos três Mesas Interativas por Multitoque. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida durante o ano letivo de 2016/17 com uma turma experimental do 7.º ano de escolaridade no âmbito da disciplina de Físico-Química. Realizámos quatro experiências de ensino-aprendizagem, tendo nós, o professor investigador, elaborado previamente recursos educativos digitais multitoque para serem explorados pelos alunos, em grupo, com as mesas. A metodologia de trabalho de grupo que implementámos teve por base a aprendizagem cooperativa, concretamente o método “cabeças numeradas juntas” que é o indicado para atividades de revisão de conteúdos. Na aula seguinte à utilização da mesa, os alunos da turma experimental foram sujeitos a uma mini ficha de avaliação formativa e individual cujas questões incidiram nos conteúdos explorados com as MIM. Outros alunos de uma turma diferente (turma de controlo), não sujeitos às mesmas estratégias e recursos, realizaram também a mesma mini ficha de avaliação, tendo os seus resultados sido comparados com os da turma experimental. Mais tarde, todos os alunos do 7.º ano deste Agrupamento foram avaliados nos mesmos conteúdos através de uma ficha de avaliação formativa. A comparação e análise de todos os resultados sugere que a utilização sistemática das MIM na sala de aula tem consequências positivas no sucesso educativo dos alunos e na sua motivação para as aprendizagens.The Interactive Multi-Touch Table is a large size touch screen display laid out horizontally. It works like a tablet, but it has the advantage of allowing several simultaneously interacting users. Some authors assert that these tables will be widespread throughout schools in a near future and there are several studies that present evidence of the positive effects that these tables have on learning. However, the research done with these devices in real educational contexts isn’t abundant. Some of the companies that sell the interactive multimedia whiteboards that equip our schools, currently also offer the multi-touch table as an educational solution, because they were quick to realize the advantages that the multi-touch / multi-user combination brings to the collaborative work between students. These devices currently are marketed with prohibitively expensive prices, so very few schools have them, however, there are low cost functional solutions that it is possible to implement in classrooms, although there is a need for an accessible multi-touch platform on which teachers can build their educational resources. So, in this work we present a pilot study of the construction of an interactive low-cost multi-touch table, to be used by students aged 11-15 years old, which we validated with a small cooperative group of three elements in a real learning experience. This study also synthesizes the conclusions of a qualitative study that we conducted in a classroom of the Agrupamento de Escolas do Paião (Figueira da Foz), using as educational resources three Interactive Multi-touch Tables (IMT). The research was developed during the year of 2016/17 with an experimental group of the 7th year of schooling within the discipline of Physics and Chemistry. We performed four teaching-learning experiences, and we, as researcher, previously developed digital multi-touch educational resources to be explored by the students, in a group, with the tables. The methodology of group work that we implemented was based on cooperative learning, concretely the "numbered heads together" method that is indicated for content review activities. In the class following the use of the table, the students of the experimental group were subject to a small and individual evaluation test whose questions focused on the contents explored with the IMT. Other students from a different class (control group), not subject to the same strategies and resources, also performed the same small and individual evaluation test, and their results were compared with those of the experimental group. Later, all the students of the 7th year of schooling of this Agrupamento were evaluated in the same contents through a formative evaluation test. Our main objective of the investigation was to investigate the direct impact that the use of these tables has on the results of the learning of Physics. The comparison and analysis of all the results suggests that the systematic use of the Interactive Multi-touch Tables in the classroom has positive consequences on the educational success of students and their motivation for learning