45,724 research outputs found

    SHREC'16: partial matching of deformable shapes

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    Matching deformable 3D shapes under partiality transformations is a challenging problem that has received limited focus in the computer vision and graphics communities. With this benchmark, we explore and thoroughly investigate the robustness of existing matching methods in this challenging task. Participants are asked to provide a point-to-point correspondence (either sparse or dense) between deformable shapes undergoing different kinds of partiality transformations, resulting in a total of 400 matching problems to be solved for each method - making this benchmark the biggest and most challenging of its kind. Five matching algorithms were evaluated in the contest; this paper presents the details of the dataset, the adopted evaluation measures, and shows thorough comparisons among all competing methods

    Inducing a map on homology from a correspondence

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    We study the homomorphism induced in homology by a closed correspondence between topological spaces, using projections from the graph of the correspondence to its domain and codomain. We provide assumptions under which the homomorphism induced by an outer approximation of a continuous map coincides with the homomorphism induced in homology by the map. In contrast to more classical results we do not require that the projection to the domain have acyclic preimages. Moreover, we show that it is possible to retrieve correct homological information from a correspondence even if some data is missing or perturbed. Finally, we describe an application to combinatorial maps that are either outer approximations of continuous maps or reconstructions of such maps from a finite set of data points
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