6 research outputs found

    Automatic Personality Prediction; an Enhanced Method Using Ensemble Modeling

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    Human personality is significantly represented by those words which he/she uses in his/her speech or writing. As a consequence of spreading the information infrastructures (specifically the Internet and social media), human communications have reformed notably from face to face communication. Generally, Automatic Personality Prediction (or Perception) (APP) is the automated forecasting of the personality on different types of human generated/exchanged contents (like text, speech, image, video, etc.). The major objective of this study is to enhance the accuracy of APP from the text. To this end, we suggest five new APP methods including term frequency vector-based, ontology-based, enriched ontology-based, latent semantic analysis (LSA)-based, and deep learning-based (BiLSTM) methods. These methods as the base ones, contribute to each other to enhance the APP accuracy through ensemble modeling (stacking) based on a hierarchical attention network (HAN) as the meta-model. The results show that ensemble modeling enhances the accuracy of APP

    Using Personality Detection Tools for Software Engineering Research: How Far Can We Go?

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    Assessing the personality of software engineers may help to match individual traits with the characteristics of development activities such as code review and testing, as well as support managers in team composition. However, self-assessment questionnaires are not a practical solution for collecting multiple observations on a large scale. Instead, automatic personality detection, while overcoming these limitations, is based on off-the-shelf solutions trained on non-technical corpora, which might not be readily applicable to technical domains like software engineering. In this paper, we first assess the performance of general-purpose personality detection tools when applied to a technical corpus of developers’ emails retrieved from the public archives of the Apache Software Foundation. We observe a general low accuracy of predictions and an overall disagreement among the tools. Second, we replicate two previous research studies in software engineering by replacing the personality detection tool used to infer developers’ personalities from pull-request discussions and emails. We observe that the original results are not confirmed, i.e., changing the tool used in the original study leads to diverging conclusions. Our results suggest a need for personality detection tools specially targeted for the software engineering domain

    Natural Language Processing using Deep Learning in Social Media

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    [ES] En los últimos años, los modelos de aprendizaje automático profundo (AP) han revolucionado los sistemas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural (PLN). Hemos sido testigos de un avance formidable en las capacidades de estos sistemas y actualmente podemos encontrar sistemas que integran modelos PLN de manera ubicua. Algunos ejemplos de estos modelos con los que interaccionamos a diario incluyen modelos que determinan la intención de la persona que escribió un texto, el sentimiento que pretende comunicar un tweet o nuestra ideología política a partir de lo que compartimos en redes sociales. En esta tesis se han propuestos distintos modelos de PNL que abordan tareas que estudian el texto que se comparte en redes sociales. En concreto, este trabajo se centra en dos tareas fundamentalmente: el análisis de sentimientos y el reconocimiento de la personalidad de la persona autora de un texto. La tarea de analizar el sentimiento expresado en un texto es uno de los problemas principales en el PNL y consiste en determinar la polaridad que un texto pretende comunicar. Se trata por lo tanto de una tarea estudiada en profundidad de la cual disponemos de una vasta cantidad de recursos y modelos. Por el contrario, el problema del reconocimiento de personalidad es una tarea revolucionaria que tiene como objetivo determinar la personalidad de los usuarios considerando su estilo de escritura. El estudio de esta tarea es más marginal por lo que disponemos de menos recursos para abordarla pero que no obstante presenta un gran potencial. A pesar de que el enfoque principal de este trabajo fue el desarrollo de modelos de aprendizaje profundo, también hemos propuesto modelos basados en recursos lingüísticos y modelos clásicos del aprendizaje automático. Estos últimos modelos nos han permitido explorar las sutilezas de distintos elementos lingüísticos como por ejemplo el impacto que tienen las emociones en la clasificación correcta del sentimiento expresado en un texto. Posteriormente, tras estos trabajos iniciales se desarrollaron modelos AP, en particular, Redes neuronales convolucionales (RNC) que fueron aplicadas a las tareas previamente citadas. En el caso del reconocimiento de la personalidad, se han comparado modelos clásicos del aprendizaje automático con modelos de aprendizaje profundo, pudiendo establecer una comparativa bajo las mismas premisas. Cabe destacar que el PNL ha evolucionado drásticamente en los últimos años gracias al desarrollo de campañas de evaluación pública, donde múltiples equipos de investigación comparan las capacidades de los modelos que proponen en las mismas condiciones. La mayoría de los modelos presentados en esta tesis fueron o bien evaluados mediante campañas de evaluación públicas, o bien emplearon la configuración de una campaña pública previamente celebrada. Siendo conscientes, por lo tanto, de la importancia de estas campañas para el avance del PNL, desarrollamos una campaña de evaluación pública cuyo objetivo era clasificar el tema tratado en un tweet, para lo cual recogimos y etiquetamos un nuevo conjunto de datos. A medida que avanzabamos en el desarrollo del trabajo de esta tesis, decidimos estudiar en profundidad como las RNC se aplicaban a las tareas de PNL. En este sentido, se exploraron dos líneas de trabajo. En primer lugar, propusimos un método de relleno semántico para RNC, que plantea una nueva manera de representar el texto para resolver tareas de PNL. Y en segundo lugar, se introdujo un marco teórico para abordar una de las críticas más frecuentes del aprendizaje profundo, el cual es la falta de interpretabilidad. Este marco busca visualizar qué patrones léxicos, si los hay, han sido aprendidos por la red para clasificar un texto.[CA] En els últims anys, els models d'aprenentatge automàtic profund (AP) han revolucionat els sistemes de processament de llenguatge natural (PLN). Hem estat testimonis d'un avanç formidable en les capacitats d'aquests sistemes i actualment podem trobar sistemes que integren models PLN de manera ubiqua. Alguns exemples d'aquests models amb els quals interaccionem diàriament inclouen models que determinen la intenció de la persona que va escriure un text, el sentiment que pretén comunicar un tweet o la nostra ideologia política a partir del que compartim en xarxes socials. En aquesta tesi s'han proposats diferents models de PNL que aborden tasques que estudien el text que es comparteix en xarxes socials. En concret, aquest treball se centra en dues tasques fonamentalment: l'anàlisi de sentiments i el reconeixement de la personalitat de la persona autora d'un text. La tasca d'analitzar el sentiment expressat en un text és un dels problemes principals en el PNL i consisteix a determinar la polaritat que un text pretén comunicar. Es tracta per tant d'una tasca estudiada en profunditat de la qual disposem d'una vasta quantitat de recursos i models. Per contra, el problema del reconeixement de la personalitat és una tasca revolucionària que té com a objectiu determinar la personalitat dels usuaris considerant el seu estil d'escriptura. L'estudi d'aquesta tasca és més marginal i en conseqüència disposem de menys recursos per abordar-la però no obstant i això presenta un gran potencial. Tot i que el fouc principal d'aquest treball va ser el desenvolupament de models d'aprenentatge profund, també hem proposat models basats en recursos lingüístics i models clàssics de l'aprenentatge automàtic. Aquests últims models ens han permès explorar les subtileses de diferents elements lingüístics com ara l'impacte que tenen les emocions en la classificació correcta del sentiment expressat en un text. Posteriorment, després d'aquests treballs inicials es van desenvolupar models AP, en particular, Xarxes neuronals convolucionals (XNC) que van ser aplicades a les tasques prèviament esmentades. En el cas de el reconeixement de la personalitat, s'han comparat models clàssics de l'aprenentatge automàtic amb models d'aprenentatge profund la qual cosa a permet establir una comparativa de les dos aproximacions sota les mateixes premisses. Cal remarcar que el PNL ha evolucionat dràsticament en els últims anys gràcies a el desenvolupament de campanyes d'avaluació pública on múltiples equips d'investigació comparen les capacitats dels models que proposen sota les mateixes condicions. La majoria dels models presentats en aquesta tesi van ser o bé avaluats mitjançant campanyes d'avaluació públiques, o bé s'ha emprat la configuració d'una campanya pública prèviament celebrada. Sent conscients, per tant, de la importància d'aquestes campanyes per a l'avanç del PNL, vam desenvolupar una campanya d'avaluació pública on l'objectiu era classificar el tema tractat en un tweet, per a la qual cosa vam recollir i etiquetar un nou conjunt de dades. A mesura que avançàvem en el desenvolupament del treball d'aquesta tesi, vam decidir estudiar en profunditat com les XNC s'apliquen a les tasques de PNL. En aquest sentit, es van explorar dues línies de treball.En primer lloc, vam proposar un mètode d'emplenament semàntic per RNC, que planteja una nova manera de representar el text per resoldre tasques de PNL. I en segon lloc, es va introduir un marc teòric per abordar una de les crítiques més freqüents de l'aprenentatge profund, el qual és la falta de interpretabilitat. Aquest marc cerca visualitzar quins patrons lèxics, si n'hi han, han estat apresos per la xarxa per classificar un text.[EN] In the last years, Deep Learning (DL) has revolutionised the potential of automatic systems that handle Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. We have witnessed a tremendous advance in the performance of these systems. Nowadays, we found embedded systems ubiquitously, determining the intent of the text we write, the sentiment of our tweets or our political views, for citing some examples. In this thesis, we proposed several NLP models for addressing tasks that deal with social media text. Concretely, this work is focused mainly on Sentiment Analysis and Personality Recognition tasks. Sentiment Analysis is one of the leading problems in NLP, consists of determining the polarity of a text, and it is a well-known task where the number of resources and models proposed is vast. In contrast, Personality Recognition is a breakthrough task that aims to determine the users' personality using their writing style, but it is more a niche task with fewer resources designed ad-hoc but with great potential. Despite the fact that the principal focus of this work was on the development of Deep Learning models, we have also proposed models based on linguistic resources and classical Machine Learning models. Moreover, in this more straightforward setup, we have explored the nuances of different language devices, such as the impact of emotions in the correct classification of the sentiment expressed in a text. Afterwards, DL models were developed, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to address previously described tasks. In the case of Personality Recognition, we explored the two approaches, which allowed us to compare the models under the same circumstances. Noteworthy, NLP has evolved dramatically in the last years through the development of public evaluation campaigns, where multiple research teams compare the performance of their approaches under the same conditions. Most of the models here presented were either assessed in an evaluation task or either used their setup. Recognising the importance of this effort, we curated and developed an evaluation campaign for classifying political tweets. In addition, as we advanced in the development of this work, we decided to study in-depth CNNs applied to NLP tasks. Two lines of work were explored in this regard. Firstly, we proposed a semantic-based padding method for CNNs, which addresses how to represent text more appropriately for solving NLP tasks. Secondly, a theoretical framework was introduced for tackling one of the most frequent critics of Deep Learning: interpretability. This framework seeks to visualise what lexical patterns, if any, the CNN is learning in order to classify a sentence. In summary, the main achievements presented in this thesis are: - The organisation of an evaluation campaign for Topic Classification from texts gathered from social media. - The proposal of several Machine Learning models tackling the Sentiment Analysis task from social media. Besides, a study of the impact of linguistic devices such as figurative language in the task is presented. - The development of a model for inferring the personality of a developer provided the source code that they have written. - The study of Personality Recognition tasks from social media following two different approaches, models based on machine learning algorithms and handcrafted features, and models based on CNNs were proposed and compared both approaches. - The introduction of new semantic-based paddings for optimising how the text was represented in CNNs. - The definition of a theoretical framework to provide interpretable information to what CNNs were learning internally.Giménez Fayos, MT. (2021). Natural Language Processing using Deep Learning in Social Media [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172164TESI

    Personlighetstrekk, matverdier og forbrukeratferd

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    The thesis consists of four papers investigating the effects of personality traits and food values on food-related choices and behavior. The analysis uses data from the Norwegian Monitor Survey (NMS) and an online survey (OS) conducted in Norway and the US. Both data sets include a twenty-item version of the Big Five personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The OS include a bestworst choice experiment with twelve food values: naturalness, safety, environmental impact, origin, fairness, nutrition, taste, appearance, convenience, price, animal welfare, and novelty. In the NMS, a simplified version of the method is used. The overall findings of the thesis can be summarized in four points: (1) Personality traits influence the preference structure for food values. Openness to experience and agreeableness are associated with more altruistic preferences. (2) The effects of personality traits on attitudes towards GM food are neither large nor consistent across products and samples. Food values are more important in determining the attitudes towards GM food. A large part of the resistance towards GM food seems to be based on perceptions that these products are less natural, less fair to stakeholders in the supply chain, more harmful to the environment, and bad for the welfare of animals. (3) Respondents’ food consumption patterns reflect their differences in personalities and food values. More open and agreeable respondents adopt the dietary patterns that they perceive to have lower environmental impacts, fairer towards farmers, processors, and retailers, and protect local production. (4) Food values have larger and more consistent effects on food behavior than personality traits.Avhandlingen omhandler effekter av personlighetsfaktorer og matverdier på matrelatert atferd. Det blir brukt tverrsnittsdata fra Norsk Monitor (NM) i 2015 og fra en internettbasert spørreundersøkelse (IS) som ble gjennomført i 2015 i Norge og USA. En norsk versjon av Femfaktormodellen, som er basert på 20 spørsmål, blir brukt for å måle de fem personlighetsfaktorene åpenhet, planmessighet, ekstroversjon, omgjengelighet og nevrotisisme. De tolv matverdiene som måles er naturlighet, trygghet, miljøpåvirkning, opprinnelse, rettferdighet, ernæring, smak, utseende, enkelhet, pris, dyrevelferd og nyhet. IS kartlegger hvilke matverdier forbrukerne har ut fra «best-worst scaling»-metoden. NM bruker en forenklet utgave av metoden. Det er fire hovedfunn i avhandlingen. (1) Personlighetsfaktorene påvirker preferansestrukturen for matverdier. Åpenhet og omgjengelighet er assosiert med mer altruistiske preferanser. (2) Effektene av personlighetsfaktorene på holdningene til genmodifisert mat er verken store eller konsistente over produkter eller datasett. Matverdiene er viktigere for holdningene til genmodifisert mat. En stor del av motstanden mot genmodifisert mat er tilsynelatende basert på oppfatninger om at disse produktene er mindre naturlige, mindre rettferdige overfor deltakerne i matforsyningskjeden, farligere for miljøet og negative for dyrevelferden. (3) Kostholdsmønstre reflekterer forskjeller i personlighetsfaktorer og matverdier. Åpne og mer omgjengelige respondenter velger kostholdsmønstre som de tror har lavere miljøpåvirkning, er mer rettferdig overfor bønder, matindustri og dagligvarehandel og beskytter lokal matproduksjon. (4) Matverdiene har større og mer konsistente effekter på matrelatert atferd enn personlighetsfaktorene