3 research outputs found

    Model Theory of Holomorphic Functions

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    This thesis is concerned with a conjecture of Zilber: that the complex field expanded with the exponential function should be `quasi-minimal'; that is, all its definable subsets should be countable or have countable complement. Our purpose is to study the geometry of this structure and other expansions by holomorphic functions of the complex field without having first to settle any number-theoretic problems, by treating all countable sets on an equal footing. We present axioms, modelled on those for a Zariski geometry, defining a non-first-order class of ``quasi-Zariski'' structures endowed with a dimension theory and a topology in which all countable sets are of dimension zero. We derive a quantifier elimination theorem, implying that members of the class are quasi-minimal. We look for analytic structures in this class. To an expansion of the complex field by entire holomorphic functions R\mathcal{R} we associate a sheaf OR\mathcal{O}^{\scriptscriptstyle{\mathcal{R}}} of analytic germs which is closed under application of the implicit function theorem. We prove that OR\mathcal{O}^{\scriptscriptstyle{\mathcal{R}}} is also closed under partial differentiation and that it admits Weierstrass preparation. The sheaf defines a subclass of the analytic sets which we call R\mathcal{R}-analytic. We develop analytic geometry for this class proving a Nullstellensatz and other classical properties. We isolate a condition on the asymptotes of the varieties of certain functions in R\mathcal{R}. If this condition is satisfied then the R\mathcal{R}-analytic sets induce a quasi-Zariski structure under countable union. In the motivating case of the complex exponential we prove a low-dimensional case of the condition, towards the original conjecture

    Analytic Zariski structures and the Hrushovski construction

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    A set of axioms is presented defining an ‘analytic Zariski structure’, as a generalisation of Hrushovski and Zilber’s Zariski structures. Some consequences of the axioms are explored. A simple example of a structure constructed using Hrushovski’s method of free amalgamation is shown to be a non-trivial example of an analytic Zariski structure. A number of ‘quasi-analytic’ results are derived for this example e.g. analogues of Chow’s theorem and the proper mapping theorem