2,414 research outputs found

    Block Tridiagonal Reduction of Perturbed Normal and Rank Structured Matrices

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    It is well known that if a matrix A∈Cn×nA\in\mathbb C^{n\times n} solves the matrix equation f(A,AH)=0f(A,A^H)=0, where f(x,y)f(x, y) is a linear bivariate polynomial, then AA is normal; AA and AHA^H can be simultaneously reduced in a finite number of operations to tridiagonal form by a unitary congruence and, moreover, the spectrum of AA is located on a straight line in the complex plane. In this paper we present some generalizations of these properties for almost normal matrices which satisfy certain quadratic matrix equations arising in the study of structured eigenvalue problems for perturbed Hermitian and unitary matrices.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Conditional quasi-exact solvability of the quantum planar pendulum and of its anti-isospectral hyperbolic counterpart

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    We have subjected the planar pendulum eigenproblem to a symmetry analysis with the goal of explaining the relationship between its conditional quasi-exact solvability (C-QES) and the topology of its eigenenergy surfaces, established in our earlier work [Frontiers in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 2, 1-16, (2014)]. The present analysis revealed that this relationship can be traced to the structure of the tridiagonal matrices representing the symmetry-adapted pendular Hamiltonian, as well as enabled us to identify many more -- forty in total to be exact -- analytic solutions. Furthermore, an analogous analysis of the hyperbolic counterpart of the planar pendulum, the Razavy problem, which was shown to be also C-QES [American Journal of Physics 48, 285 (1980)], confirmed that it is anti-isospectral with the pendular eigenproblem. Of key importance for both eigenproblems proved to be the topological index κ\kappa, as it determines the loci of the intersections (genuine and avoided) of the eigenenergy surfaces spanned by the dimensionless interaction parameters η\eta and ζ\zeta. It also encapsulates the conditions under which analytic solutions to the two eigenproblems obtain and provides the number of analytic solutions. At a given κ\kappa, the anti-isospectrality occurs for single states only (i.e., not for doublets), like C-QES holds solely for integer values of κ\kappa, and only occurs for the lowest eigenvalues of the pendular and Razavy Hamiltonians, with the order of the eigenvalues reversed for the latter. For all other states, the pendular and Razavy spectra become in fact qualitatively different, as higher pendular states appear as doublets whereas all higher Razavy states are singlets

    Eigenvalue distributions from a star product approach

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    We use the well-known isomorphism between operator algebras and function spaces equipped with a star product to study the asymptotic properties of certain matrix sequences in which the matrix dimension DD tends to infinity. Our approach is based on the su(2)su(2) coherent states which allow for a systematic 1/D expansion of the star product. This produces a trace formula for functions of the matrix sequence elements in the large-DD limit which includes higher order (finite-DD) corrections. From this a variety of analytic results pertaining to the asymptotic properties of the density of states, eigenstates and expectation values associated with the matrix sequence follows. It is shown how new and existing results in the settings of collective spin systems and orthogonal polynomial sequences can be readily obtained as special cases. In particular, this approach allows for the calculation of higher order corrections to the zero distributions of a large class of orthogonal polynomials.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Decay properties of spectral projectors with applications to electronic structure

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    Motivated by applications in quantum chemistry and solid state physics, we apply general results from approximation theory and matrix analysis to the study of the decay properties of spectral projectors associated with large and sparse Hermitian matrices. Our theory leads to a rigorous proof of the exponential off-diagonal decay ("nearsightedness") for the density matrix of gapped systems at zero electronic temperature in both orthogonal and non-orthogonal representations, thus providing a firm theoretical basis for the possibility of linear scaling methods in electronic structure calculations for non-metallic systems. We further discuss the case of density matrices for metallic systems at positive electronic temperature. A few other possible applications are also discussed.Comment: 63 pages, 13 figure
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