6 research outputs found


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    How Does Rasch Model Reveal Dishonesty between Coastal Students and Easy Grammar Test?

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    Academic dishonesty can occur with the supports of the technology devices and it also can be prevented with the help of the technology with its applications like Rasch Model. It can give detail information of the analyzed data and can trace the academic dishonesty like cheating. The aims of this research are to (1) analyze the grammar test items whether they are difficult items or easy ones using Rasch Model, (2) know the percentage of those who are assumed to do cheating based upon their origins and sex, and (3) expose their patterns in working on the grammar test in the form of multiple choice through the Rasch Model analysis. The researcher hypothesized that the academic dishonesty i.e. cheating was undergone by students who are from rural and urban areas of Riau Archipelago Province. The results of this research were: (1) through the students’ responses analyzed by Rasch Model, the grammar test was for medium ability, (2) The Rasch Model revealed that the percentage came to the number 5.71% or 4 of 70 students who were identified to cheat while working on the grammar test. They were two female students from rural area and the other two male students from urban area, and (3) The Rasch Model revealed that their responses did not represent their ability. The Rasch Model has helped the researcher to exposes the cheating deeds on exams. The practitioners just need methods, approaches, strategies, techniques, and media to prevent them in the future Keywords: Rasch Model, Wright Maps, Grammar Test

    ChatGPT and higher education assessments: More opportunities than concerns?

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    In recent times, higher education has seen a growing concern regarding the utilisation of artificial intelligence, especially with the emergence of ChatGPT. This technology can generate written content and respond to queries at a level that is nearly indistinguishable from a human writer. This feature has drawn substantial interest from students in higher education and has led to concern that students will use ChatGPT’s capabilities to cheat on written formative and summative assessments. In this paper, we will review the usage of ChatGPT in higher education assessments and investigate why students want to cheat using artificial intelligence capabilities. It also offers a critical perspective on the challenges associated with detecting ChatGPT-generated content and its impact on academic integrity. We also consider whether artificial intelligence provides more opportunities for academics to focus on assessing higher-order thinking and strategies

    Theories and Models Relevant to Cheating-Behaviour

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    Reviewers of previous-research, for the study of academic-dishonesty, cite lack of a theoretical-framework as a serious-flaw that limits the generalizations to be reasonably-made. The concept and term of theory are essential in any-discipline, that perceives itself as scholarly or scientific, hence theory is essential in educational-research as a research-domain. Interest in theory-method relations, comes from previous-works on structure and agency in teaching-learning-interactions in higher-education. In addition, there have been criticisms of the extent of theory use and the type of theory applied in higher-education-research. This study is therefore, focused on illustrative-review of theories and models relevant to cheating-behaviour, which resulted in an array of 19 theories, 10 models and 3 supportive-approaches. This contribution seeks inspiring an interest in the academic-fraternity into using solid-theoretical-foundation for their-study on cheating-behaviour, thus promoting of educational-research of high-scientific-value. It also anticipates enhancing the knowledge-base for professional-education and its policy-making and administration, among other-areas. Keywords: theory, model, cheating, behaviour, education, reseach