2 research outputs found

    A Flashback on Control Logic Injection Attacks against Programmable Logic Controllers

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    Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) make up a substantial part of critical infrastructures (CIs) and industrial control systems (ICSs). They are programmed with a control logic that defines how to drive and operate critical processes such as nuclear power plants, petrochemical factories, water treatment systems, and other facilities. Unfortunately, these devices are not fully secure and are prone to malicious threats, especially those exploiting vulnerabilities in the control logic of PLCs. Such threats are known as control logic injection attacks. They mainly aim at sabotaging physical processes controlled by exposed PLCs, causing catastrophic damage to target systems as shown by Stuxnet. Looking back over the last decade, many research endeavors exploring and discussing these threats have been published. In this article, we present a flashback on the recent works related to control logic injection attacks against PLCs. To this end, we provide the security research community with a new systematization based on the attacker techniques under three main attack scenarios. For each study presented in this work, we overview the attack strategies, tools, security goals, infected devices, and underlying vulnerabilities. Based on our analysis, we highlight the current security challenges in protecting PLCs from such severe attacks and suggest security recommendations for future research directions

    Cybersecurity analysis of a SCADA system under current standards, client requisites, and penetration testing

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are essential for monitoring and controlling a country's Critical Infrastructures (CI) such as electrical power grids, gas, water supply, and transportation services. These systems used to be mostly isolated and secure, but this is no longer true due to the use of wider and interconnected communication networks to reap benefits such as scalability, reliability, usability, and integration. This architectural change together with the critical importance of these systems made them desirable cyber-attack targets. Just as in other Information Technology (IT) systems, standards and best practices have been developed to provide guidance for SCADA developers to increase the security of their systems against cyber-attacks.With the assistance of EFACEC, this work provides an analysis of a SCADA system under current standards, client requisites, and testing of vulnerabilities in an actual prototype system. Our aim is to provide guidance by example on how to evaluate and improve the security of SCADA systems, using a basic prototype of EFACEC's ScateX# SCADA system, following both a theoretical and practical approach. For the theoretical approach, a list of the most commonly adopted ICS (Industrial Control Systems) and IT standards is compiled, and then sets of a generic client's cybersecurity requisites are analyzed and confronted with the prototype's specifications. A study of the system's architecture is also performed to identify vulnerabilities and non-compliances with both the client's requisites and the standards and, for the identified vulnerabilities, corrective and mitigation measures are suggested. For the practical approach, a threat model was developed to help identify desirable assets on SCADA systems and possible attack vectors that could allow access to such assets. Penetration tests were performed on the prototype in order to validate the attack vectors, to evaluate compliance, and to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the corrective measures