7 research outputs found

    A Study on Preventing Node Isolation Attack in OLSR Protocol

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    AbstractA mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless communication system of continuously self-configuring and infrastructure-less network of mobile devices which can move independently in any direction at any time.Routing protocols is required for message exchange in MANET. The most widely used routing protocol is OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol). It is efficient in bandwidth utilization and path calculation. But it is vulnerable to many types of attacks. In this paper, we discuss about various methods used to prevent a type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack called the node isolation attack that is capable to compromise OLSR protocol


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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile devices which are connected by wireless links without the use of any fixed infrastructures or centralized access points. The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol is an important proactive routing protocol designed for mobile ad hoc networks. It employs periodic exchange of messages to maintain topology information of the network at each node. Based on topology information, each node is able to calculate the optimal route to a destination. One major DoS attack against the Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) known as the node isolation attack occurs when topological knowledge of the network is exploited by an attacker who is able to isolate the victim from the rest of the network and subsequently deny communication services to the victim. The proposed method named Denial Contradictions with Fictitious Node Mechanism (DCFM) relies on the internal knowledge acquired by each node during routine routing, and augmentation of virtual (fictitious) nodes. Moreover, DCFM utilizes the same techniques used by the attack in order to prevent it. DCFM successfully prevents the attack, specifically in the realistic scenario in which all nodes in the network are mobile

    Possible Solutions of Different Security Issues and Challenges in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs)

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    Abstract-Today, the rising concern for flexible infrastructure services is a call for advanced researches in the emergence of 'Mobile Ad hoc Network'. It is a key technology that supports various ultramodern applications. Security is the important issue in every network. The security of MANET is important challenge due to its unmonitored deployment nature and its inherent resources limitation. Mobile Ad hoc Network is used in very sensitive fields such as rescue operations, home and enterprise network, education, military and airports. Therefore the addressing of security issues of network is most challenging task. Because of restricted possessions of mobile stations, the MANET security is more difficult to implement as compared to other traditional networks. Today huge research is going on in the field of security. Various techniques are now deployed to resolve the security issues. This paper provides a survey of security issues in this dynamic field such as denial of service attack, active and passive attacks, spoofing, eavesdropping, black hole attack, worm hole attack and rushing attack etc. This paper also presents a comprehensive survey of possible latest solutions available e.g. AODV (Ad hoc on demand distance vector), HMTI, Intrusion detection system, Fellowship etc

    Trust based flooding attack detection and response mechanisms for ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks provide a structure-less environment, enabling participants in the coverage mobile nodes to communicate each other without using any centralized authentication agent. Thus, it is compromised in face to various sorts of attacks. Unfortunately, none of the presented secured routing protocols can detect internal Denial of Service (DoS) attacks by itself naturally. One of the most important and effective internal misbehaviors which has dramatic side effects on the network’s throughput is Flooding Attack. This project aims at proposing an alternative solution to detect and respond Flooding Attack in MANET which is based on cooperative trust evaluation mechanisms. Actually, this approach is matched to basic principles of distributed networks in which the participating nodes are responsible for any needed creation, operation and maintenance of the network. Moreover, it seems useful for high mobility networks where the suspicious nodes move around the area repeatedly. Consequently, the gained results of the project prove that the proposed Trust-based Cooperation mechanisms decreases the side effects of Flooding Attack on Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing protocol

    Evaluation of on-demand routing in mobile ad hoc networks and proposal for a secure routing protocol

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    Secure routing Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) has emerged as an important MANET research area. Initial work in MANET focused mainly on the problem of providing efficient mechanisms for finding paths in very dynamic networks, without considering the security of the routing process. Because of this, a number of attacks exploit these routing vulnerabilities to manipulate MANETs. In this thesis, we performed an in-depth evaluation and performance analysis of existing MANET Routing protocols, identifying Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) as the most robust (based on throughput, latency and routing overhead) which can be secured with negligible routing efficiency trade-off. We describe security threats, specifically showing their effects on DSR. We proposed a new routing protocol, named Authenticated Source Routing for Ad hoc Networks (ASRAN) which is an out-of-band certification-based, authenticated source routing protocol with modifications to the route acquisition process of DSR to defeat all identified attacks. Simulation studies confirm that ASRAN has a good trade-off balance in reference to the addition of security and routing efficiency

    SU-OLSR une nouvelle solution pour la sécurité du protocole OLSR

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    Un réseau Ad-Hoc mobile (Mobile Ad-Hoc NETwork : MANET) est une collection de nœuds sans fil formant un réseau dynamique sans infrastructure préexistante ou une architecture centralisée. Chaque noeud dans ce type de réseau fonctionne comme un routeur et utilise un protocole de routage pour acheminer les messages. OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) est un protocole de routage proactif pour les réseaux Ad-Hoc présenté par le groupe MANET de l’IETF. Ce protocole utilise des noeuds appelés relais multipoints (MultiPoint Relay : MPR) pour optimiser la diffusion dans le réseau. Chaque MPR doit diffuser les informations sur la topologie et réacheminer les messages aux noeuds destinations. Si l’un de ces MPR est malicieux, il présentera un danger pour la sécurité de tout le réseau. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous avons présenté un nouveau protocole dérivé du protocole OLSR et qui utilise le concept de confiance entre les noeuds. L’objectif est de faire face aux attaques par mystification de lien où un noeud malicieux cherche à forcer ses voisins à le choisir comme MPR. Le nouveau protocole SU-OLSR (SUspicious OLSR) empêche tout noeud qui présente des comportements suspects d’être choisi comme MPR. Grâce à diverses simulations et l’implémentation de SU-OLSR sous ns-2, nous avons montré que SU-OLSR fournit les mêmes performances que le protocole OLSR classique malgré qu’il soit plus sélectif lors du choix des MPR