17 research outputs found

    Congruence properties of depths in some random trees

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    Consider a random recusive tree with n vertices. We show that the number of vertices with even depth is asymptotically normal as n tends to infinty. The same is true for the number of vertices of depth divisible by m for m=3, 4 or 5; in all four cases the variance grows linearly. On the other hand, for m at least 7, the number is not asymptotically normal, and the variance grows faster than linear in n. The case m=6 is intermediate: the number is asymptotically normal but the variance is of order n log n. This is a simple and striking example of a type of phase transition that has been observed by other authors in several cases. We prove, and perhaps explain, this non-intuitive behavious using a translation to a generalized Polya urn. Similar results hold for a random binary search tree; now the number of vertices of depth divisible by m is asymptotically normal for m at most 8 but not for m at least 9, and the variance grows linearly in the first case both faster in the second. (There is no intermediate case.) In contrast, we show that for conditioned Galton-Watson trees, including random labelled trees and random binary trees, there is no such phase transition: the number is asymptotically normal for every m.Comment: 23 page

    A repertoire for additive functionals of uniformly distributed m-ary search trees

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    Using recent results on singularity analysis for Hadamard products of generating functions, we obtain the limiting distributions for additive functionals on mm-ary search trees on nn keys with toll sequence (i) nαn^\alpha with α0\alpha \geq 0 (α=0\alpha=0 and α=1\alpha=1 correspond roughly to the space requirement and total path length, respectively); (ii) ln(nm1)\ln \binom{n}{m-1}, which corresponds to the so-called shape functional; and (iii) 1n=m1\mathbf{1}_{n=m-1}, which corresponds to the number of leaves.Comment: 26 pages; v2 expands on the introduction by comparing the results with other probability model

    Transfer Theorems and Asymptotic Distributional Results for m-ary Search Trees

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    We derive asymptotics of moments and identify limiting distributions, under the random permutation model on m-ary search trees, for functionals that satisfy recurrence relations of a simple additive form. Many important functionals including the space requirement, internal path length, and the so-called shape functional fall under this framework. The approach is based on establishing transfer theorems that link the order of growth of the input into a particular (deterministic) recurrence to the order of growth of the output. The transfer theorems are used in conjunction with the method of moments to establish limit laws. It is shown that (i) for small toll sequences (tn)(t_n) [roughly, tn=O(n1/2)t_n =O(n^{1 / 2})] we have asymptotic normality if m26m \leq 26 and typically periodic behavior if m27m \geq 27; (ii) for moderate toll sequences [roughly, tn=ω(n1/2)t_n = \omega(n^{1 / 2}) but tn=o(n)t_n = o(n)] we have convergence to non-normal distributions if mm0m \leq m_0 (where m026m_0 \geq 26) and typically periodic behavior if mm0+1m \geq m_0 + 1; and (iii) for large toll sequences [roughly, tn=ω(n)t_n = \omega(n)] we have convergence to non-normal distributions for all values of m.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure. Version 2 consists of expansion and rearragement of the introductory material to aid exposition and the shortening of Appendices A and B.

    Asymptotic distribution of two-protected nodes in ternary search trees

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    We study protected nodes in mm-ary search trees, by putting them in context of generalised P\'olya urns. We show that the number of two-protected nodes (the nodes that are neither leaves nor parents of leaves) in a random ternary search tree is asymptotically normal. The methods apply in principle to mm -ary search trees with larger mm as well, although the size of the matrices used in the calculations grow rapidly with m m ; we conjecture that the method yields an asymptotically normal distribution for all m26m\leq 26. The one-protected nodes, and their complement, i.e., the leaves, are easier to analyze. By using a simpler P\'olya urn (that is similar to the one that has earlier been used to study the total number of nodes in m m -ary search trees), we prove normal limit laws for the number of one-protected nodes and the number of leaves for all m26 m\leq 26

    The fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random split trees

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    A split tree of cardinality nn is constructed by distributing nn "balls" in a subset of vertices of an infinite tree which encompasses many types of random trees such as mm-ary search trees, quad trees, median-of-(2k+1)(2k+1) trees, fringe-balanced trees, digital search trees and random simplex trees. In this work, we study Bernoulli bond percolation on arbitrary split trees of large but finite cardinality nn. We show for appropriate percolation regimes that depend on the cardinality nn of the split tree that there exists a unique giant cluster, the fluctuations of the size of the giant cluster as nn \rightarrow \infty are described by an infinitely divisible distribution that belongs to the class of stable Cauchy laws. This work generalizes the results for the random mm-ary recursive trees in Berzunza (2015). Our approach is based on a remarkable decomposition of the size of the giant percolation cluster as a sum of essentially independent random variables which may be useful for studying percolation on other trees with logarithmic height; for instance in this work we study also the case of regular trees.Comment: 43 page