3 research outputs found

    Development of mobile communication systems for high-speed railway

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    Development of high-speed railways set up challenges for new communication technologies. With the increase in speed, new requirements for communication systems have emerged that HSR requires greater reliability, capacity and shorter response time for efficient and safe operations. Mobile communication systems are crucial for the competitiveness of the railway industry and therefore have become one of the priorities addressed by the participants in the railway system to take advantage of technological opportunities to improve operational processes and the quality of provided transport services. The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) uses the Global System for Mobile Communications for Railways (GSM-R) for voice and data communication to communicate between trains and control centers. The International Railway Union is exploring new ways of communicating for high-speed railways because as speed increases this system becomes unreliable in information transmission. This paperwork presents an analysis of the evolution of communications on European railways since the usage of GSM-R. In addition, an overview of the various alternative solutions proposed during the time (LTE-R, Future Railway Mobile Communication System) as possible successors to GSM-R technology is given

    Low Frequency Electromagnetic Interferences Impact on Transport Security Systems Used in Wide Transport Areas

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    The article presents the impact of electromagnetic interferences of low frequency range, on transport security systems used in wide transport areas. Intended and unintended (stationary and mobile), electromagnetic interferences, impacting on items and components constituting transport system at wide area (seaport, railway, etc.), cause changes of its vulnerability, resistance and durability. Diagnostics of interferences sources (amplitude, frequency range, radiation characteristics, etc.), appearing within transport environment, and usage of appropriate technical solutions of systems (i.e. shielding, reliability structures), allows for safe implementation of safety surveillance of human beings, properties and communication means

    Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de un analizador l贸gico embebido en dispositivos FPGA con interfaz de comunicaci贸n ethernet

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    El continuo desarrollo social y el avance tecnol贸gico, han generado una fuerte y creciente necesidad de desarrollar sistemas hardware cada vez m谩s complejos, que se ajusten a las caracter铆sticas de los nuevos sistemas dentro de la industria, y que sean capaces de proporcionar todas las prestaciones que dichos sistemas requieren. Gracias a los dispositivos FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), los dise帽adores hardware son capaces de programar, probar, corregir y ampliar sus dise帽os, antes de ser fabricados y puestos en marcha, lo que a su vez proporciona mayor seguridad y garant铆a de un correcto funcionamiento. Para facilitar la tarea de los dise帽adores, los proveedores de estos dispositivos no solo han desarrollado varias herramientas software, a trav茅s de las cuales se puede realizar la programaci贸n y depuraci贸n del dise帽o. Sino que tambi茅n han dise帽ado varias placas de desarrollo, sobre las cuales se pueden realizar las pruebas y ensayos, tanto de un dise帽o hardware como un dise帽o Software. Una de las herramientas m谩s utilizadas a la hora de realizar dichas pruebas en dispositivos FPGAs, son los analizadores l贸gicos embebidos o ILA (Integrated logic Analyzer). Estos analizadores l贸gicos permiten crear una conexi贸n con un sistema de control para realizar la monitorizaci贸n y depuraci贸n de las se帽ales internas del dise帽o. La conexi贸n con dicho sistema de control se realiza a trav茅s de la interfaz JTAG Boundary Scan del dispositivo FPGA. Esta interfaz de comunicaci贸n serie es de corto alcance y requiere cortas distancias entre las placas de desarrollo y los sistemas de control. Esto supone un gran problema dentro de las necesidades de la sociedad actual, ya que impide a los dise帽adores realizar pruebas y ensayos de forma remota desde cualquier parte del mundo y los limita tambi茅n en aspectos como el tiempo y recursos. Partiendo de esta base, en el presente proyecto se busca eliminar dichos problemas a帽adiendo una interfaz de comunicaci贸n Ethernet dentro de un dise帽o en FPGA, que sea capaz de conectarse al n煤cleo del depurador ILA para recoger y trasmitir los datos adquiridos, a un sistema de control de forma remota. Para ello, se ha realizado un an谩lisis e investigaci贸n de las herramientas de depuraci贸n que hay en el mercado actual, haciendo hincapi茅 principalmente en las que ofrece el proveedor Xilinx: los n煤cleos de depuraci贸n LogiCore IP ILA y el LocgiCore IP Debug Bridge y la aplicaci贸n software xvcServer dentro de las herramientas de Petalinux. Se han estudiado sus caracter铆sticas y limitaciones, sus funcionalidades, las configuraciones y requerimientos necesarios, etc. para posteriormente combinarlas de tal forma que pueda crearse un dise帽o sencillo en FPGA, capaz de cumplir con la necesidad de monitorizar y depurar el sistema de forma remota. Del dise帽o obtenido se han realizado tres pruebas de conexi贸n en entornos diferentes: Conexi贸n directa a trav茅s de cable Ethernet, conexi贸n remota por wifi en una misma red de 谩rea local y conexi贸n remota a trav茅s de una red VPN (Virtual Private Network) por internet. De cada prueba se han hecho varias depuraciones para observar y comparar las principales diferencias de cada entorno, teniendo en cuenta sobre todo, la estabilidad de la conexi贸n, las velocidades de transmisi贸n de datos y los posibles problemas que puedan llegar a ocurrir dentro de cada red.Etengabeko garapen sozialak eta aurrerapen teknologikoak hardware sistema gero eta konplexuagoak garatzeko premia gero eta handiagoa sortu dute, industria barruko sistema berrien ezaugarrietara egokituko direnak eta sistema horiek eskatzen dituzten prestazio guztiak emateko gai izango direnak. FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) gailuei esker, hardware diseinatzaileak gai dira beren diseinuak programatu, probatu, zuzendu eta zabaltzeko, fabrikatu eta martxan jarri aurretik, eta horrek, aldi berean, segurtasun eta berme handiagoa ematen du behar bezala funtzionatzeko. Diseinatzaileen lana errazteko, gailu horien hornitzaileek software-tresna bat baino gehiago garatu dituzte, eta horien bidez, diseinua programatu eta araztu daiteke. Horrez gain, hainbat garapen-plaka diseinatu dituzte, eta horien gainean egin daitezke probak eta saiakuntzak, bai hardware-diseinu zein software-diseinu batean. Proba horiek FPGAetan egiteko gehien erabiltzen diren tresnetako bat; analizatzaile logiko txertatuak edo ILA (Integrated logic Analizer) dira. Analizatzaile logiko horiei esker, konexio bat sor daiteke kontrol-sistema batekin, diseinuaren barne-seinaleak monitorizatzeko eta arazteko. Kontrol-sistema horrekiko konexioa FPGA gailuaren JTAG Boundary Scan interfazearen bidez egiten da. Serieko komunikazio-interfaze hori irismen laburrekoa da, eta garapen-plaken eta kontrol-sistemen arteko konexioak distantzia laburrak eskatzen ditu. Hori arazo handia da gaur egungo gizartearen premien barruan, diseinatzaileei munduko edozein leku urrunetik probak eta saiakuntzak egitea eragozten dielako, eta denbora eta baliabide aldetik ere mugatzen dituelako. Egoera horretatik abiatuz, proiektu honetan arazo horiek ezabatu nahi dira Ethernet interfazea gehituz FPGAko diseinu baten barruan, ILA araztegira konektatzeko eta eskuratutako datuak bildu eta urrutiko kontrol-sistema batera transmititzeko gai izan dadin. Horretarako, gaur egungo merkatuan dauden arazketa-tresnak ikertu eta aztertu dira: ezaugarriak, mugak, funtzionalitateak, beharrezko konfigurazioak, eskakizunak, eta abar. Horrela, FPGAn diseinu erraz bat sortu ahal izango da, sistema urrutitik monitorizatzeko eta arazteko beharra betetzeko gai izango dena. Lortutako diseinutik hiru konexio-proba egin dira ingurune desberdinetan: zuzeneko konexioa, Ethernet kablearen bidez; wifi bidezko urruneko konexioa, eremu lokaleko sare berean eta urruneko konexioa, Internet bidezko VPN sare baten bidez (Virtual Private Network). Proba bakoitzetik hainbat arazketa egin dira ingurune bakoitzaren desberdintasun nagusiak behatzeko eta alderatzeko, batez ere kontuan hartuta konexioaren egonkortasuna, datuak transmititzeko abiadurak eta gerta daitezkeen arazoak.The continuous social development and technological advancement has generated a strong and growing need to develop more and more complex hardware systems, which can adjust to the characteristics of one or more systems within the industry and are capable of providing all the features that such systems require. Thanks to Field Programmable Gate Arrays devices or FPGAs, hardware designers are able to program, test, correct and expand their designs, even before being manufactured and commissioned, which in turn provides greater security and guarantee of correct operation. To facilitate the task of designers, the suppliers of these devices have not only developed various software tools through which programming and debugging of the design can be carried out, but also they have designed several development boards, on which tests and trials can be carried out, both of a hardware design and a Software design. One of the most used tools when performing such tests on FPGAs devices are the Integrated logic Analyzer, or ILA. These logic analyzers allow you to create a connection with a control system to perform the monitoring and debugging of the internal signals of the design. The connection with this control system is made through the JTAG Boundary Scan interface of the FPGA device. This serial communication interface has a short-range and requires short distances between development boards and control systems. This is a big problem within the needs of nowadays society, since it prevents designers from carrying out tests and trials remotely from anywhere in the world and also limits them in aspects such as time or resources. Based on this panorama, this project seeks to eliminate these problems by adding an Ethernet interface within an FPGA design, which can connect to the ILA debugger and collecting and transmitting the acquired data to a control system remotely. For this purpose, an analysis and investigation of the debugging tools available in the current market has been carried out, emphasizing mainly those offered by the supplier Xilinx: the debugging cores LogiCore IP ILA and LogiCore IP Debug Bridge and the software application xvcServer within the Petalinux tools. Their characteristics and limitations, functionalities, necessary configurations and requirements have been studied in order to later combine them in such a way that a simple FPGA design capable of fulfilling the need to monitor and debug the system remotely can be created. From the design obtained, three connection tests have been carried out in different environments: Direct connection through Ethernet cable, remote connection by Wi-Fi in the same local area network and remote connection through a Virtual Private Network, VPN, by Internet. Several debugging tests have been made to observe and compare the main differences of each environment, considering above all, the stability of the connection, the speed of data transmission and the different possible problems that may occur within each network