963 research outputs found

    Jitter and phase noise in ring oscillators

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    A companion analysis of clock jitter and phase noise of single-ended and differential ring oscillators is presented. The impulse sensitivity functions are used to derive expressions for the jitter and phase noise of ring oscillators. The effect of the number of stages, power dissipation, frequency of oscillation, and short-channel effects on the jitter and phase noise of ring oscillators is analyzed. Jitter and phase noise due to substrate and supply noise is discussed, and the effect of symmetry on the upconversion of 1/f noise is demonstrated. Several new design insights are given for low jitter/phase-noise design. Good agreement between theory and measurements is observed

    Design and layout strategies for integrated frequency synthesizers with high spectral purity

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Design guidelines for fractional-N phase-locked loops with a high spectral purity of the output signal are presented. Various causes for phase noise and spurious tones (spurs) in integer-N and fractional-N phase-locked loops (PLLs) are briefly described. These mechanisms include device noise, quantization noise folding, and noise coupling from charge pump (CP) and reference input buffer to the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and vice versa through substrate and bondwires. Remedies are derived to mitigate the problems by using proper PLL parameters and a careful chip layout. They include a large CP current, sufficiently large transistors in the reference input buffer, linearization of the phase detector, a high speed of the programmable frequency divider, and minimization of the cross-coupling between the VCO and the other building blocks. Examples are given based on experimental PLLs in SiGe BiCMOS technologies for space communication and wireless base stations.BMBF, 03ZZ0512A, Zwanzig20 - Verbundvorhaben: fast-spot; TP1: Modularer Basisband- Prozessor mit extrem hohen Datenraten, sehr kurzen Latenzzeiten und SiGe-Analog-Frontend-IC-Fertigung bei >200 GHz Trägerfrequen

    Dependence of VCO jitter on coupled noise

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    In mixed signal systems, the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) forms an integral part of the clock distribution scheme. The PLL is used to generate a local clock frequency, which is much higher than the external clock. The performance of a PLL is greatly influenced by the Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). Any nonlinearity introduced by the VCO affects the synchronization between operation of on-chip circuitry and the external components. The jitter or phase noise of a VCO is the most important non-ideality. Phase noise or jitter becomes critical as system frequency increases. The source of timing error maybe due to various noise sources, with power supply noise and that due to substrate coupling being the major contributors. The thesis presented here deals with the effect of these two noise sources on the time period of the VCO. The peak cycle jitter and cycle-to- cycle jitter due to noise is estimated by developing a relation between the noise source and the deviation in the output voltage in terms of the circuit parameters. First crossing theory approximation has been used to convert the voltage error to timing error. The theory has been extended to analyze the timing error when the two noise sources are present together. Good agreement has been shown between the theoretical prediction and the simulated result. The analysis can be extended to any number of stages for any operating frequency as will be demonstrated in the subsequent chapters

    Quaternary pulse position modulation electronics for free-space laser communications

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    The development of a high data-rate communications electronic subsystem for future application in free-space, direct-detection laser communications is described. The dual channel subsystem uses quaternary pulse position modulation (QPPM) and operates at a throughput of 650 megabits per second. Transmitting functions described include source data multiplexing, channel data multiplexing, and QPPM symbol encoding. Implementation of a prototype version in discrete gallium arsenide logic, radiofrequency components, and microstrip circuitry is presented

    Low jitter phase-locked loop clock synthesis with wide locking range

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    The fast growing demand of wireless and high speed data communications has driven efforts to increase the levels of integration in many communications applications. Phase noise and timing jitter are important design considerations for these communications applications. The desire for highly complex levels of integration using low cost CMOS technologies works against the minimization of timing jitter and phase noise for communications systems which employ a phase-locked loop for frequency and clock synthesis with on-chip VCO. This dictates an integrated CMOS implementation of the VCO with very low phase noise performance. The ring oscillator VCOs based on differential delay cell chains have been used successfully in communications applications, but thermal noise induced phase noise have to be minimized in order not to limit their applicability to some applications which impose stringent timing jitter and phase noise requirements on the PLL clock synthesizer. Obtaining lower timing jitter and phase noise at the PLL output also requires the minimization of noise in critical circuit design blocks as well as the optimization of the loop bandwidth of the PLL. In this dissertation the fundamental performance limits of CMOS PLL clock synthesizers based on ring oscillator VCOs are investigated. The effect of flicker and thermal noise in MOS transistors on timing jitter and phase noise are explored, with particular emphasis on source coupled NMOS differential delay cells with symmetric load elements. Several new circuit architectures are employed for the charge pump circuit and phase-frequency detector (PFD) to minimize the timing jitter due to the finite dead zone in the PFD and the current mismatch in the charge pump circuit. The selection of the optimum PLL loop bandwidth is critical in determining the phase noise performance at the PLL output. The optimum loop bandwidth and the phase noise performance of the PLL is determined using behavioral simulations. These results are compared with transistor level simulated results and experimental results for the PLL clock synthesizer fabricated in a 0.35 µm CMOS technology with good agreement. To demonstrate the proposed concept, a fully integrated CMOS PLL clock synthesizer utilizing integer-N frequency multiplier technique to synthesize several clock signals in the range of 20-400 MHz with low phase noise was designed. Implemented in a standard 0.35-µm N-well CMOS process technology, the PLL achieves a period jitter of 6.5-ps (rms) and 38-ps (peak-to-peak) at 216 MHz with a phase noise of -120 dBc/Hz at frequency offsets above 10 KHz. The specific research contributions of this work include (1) proposing, designing, and implementing a new charge pump circuit architecture that matches current levels and therefore minimizes one source of phase noise due to fluctuations in the control voltage of the VCO, (2) an improved phase-frequency detector architecture which has improved characteristics in lock condition, (3) an improved ring oscillator VCO with excellent thermal noise induced phase noise characteristics, (4) the application of selfbiased techniques together with fixed bias to CMOS low phase noise PLL clock synthesizer for digital video communications ,and (5) an analytical model that describes the phase noise performance of the proposed VCO and PLL clock synthesizer

    High-speed communication circuits: voltage control oscillators and VCO-derived filters

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    Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO) and filters are the two main topics of focus in this dissertation.;A temperature and process compensated VCO, which is designed to operate at 2 GHz, and whose frequency variation due to incoming data is limited to 1% of its center frequency was presented. The test results show that, without process changes present, the frequency variation due to a temperature change over 0°C to 100°C is around 1.1% of its center frequency. This is a reduction of a factor of 10 when compared to the temperature variation of a conventional VCO.;A new method of designing continuous-time monolithic filters derived from well-known voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) was introduced. These VCO-derived filters are capable of operating at very high frequencies in standard CMOS processes. Prototype low-pass and band-pass filters designed in a TSMC 0.25 mum process are discussed. Simulation results for the low-pass filter designed for a cutoff frequency of 4.3 GHz show a THD of -40 dB for a 200 mV peak-peak sinusoidal input. The band-pass filter has a resonant frequency programmable from 2.3 GHz to 3.1 GHz, a programmable Q from 3 to 85, and mid-band THD of -40 dB for an 80 mV peak-peak sinusoidal input signal.;A third contribution in this dissertation was the design of a new current mirror with accurate mirror gain for low beta bipolar transistors. High mirror gain accuracy is achieved by using a split-collector transistor to compensate for base currents of the source-coupled

    Low jitter design techniques for monolithic CMOS phase-locked and delay-locked systems

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    Timing jitter is a major concern in almost every type of communication system. Yet the desire for high levels of integration works against minimization of this error, especially for systems employing a phase-locked loop (PLL) or delay-locked loop (DLL) for timing generation or timing recovery. There has been an increasing demand for fully-monolithic CMOS PLL and DLL designs with good jitter performance. In this thesis, the system level as well as the transistor level low jitter design techniques for integrated PLLs and DLLs have been explored.;On the system level, a rigorous jitter analysis method based on a z-domain model is developed, in which the jitter is treated as a random event. Combined with statistical methods, the rms value of the accumulated jitter can be expressed with a closed form solution that successfully ties the jitter performance with loop parameters. Based on this analysis, a cascaded PLL/DLL structure is proposed which combines the advantage of both loops. The resulting system is able to perform frequency synthesis with the jitter as low as that of a DLL.;As an efficient tool to predict the jitter performance of a PLL or DLL system, a new nonlinear behavioral simulator is developed based on a novel behavioral modeling of the VCO and delay-line. Compared with prior art, this simulator not only simplifies the computation but also enables the noise simulation. Both jitter performance during tracking and lock condition can be predicted. This is also the first reported top-level simulation tool for DLL noise simulation.;On the transistor level, three prototype chips for different applications were implemented and tested. The first two chips are the application of PLL in Gigabit fibre channel transceivers. High speed circuit blocks that have good noise immunity are the major design concern. Testing results show that both designs have met the specifications with low power dissipation. For the third chip, an adaptive on-chip dynamic skew calibration technique is proposed to realize a precise delay multi-phase clock generator, which is a topic that has not been addressed in previous work thus far. Experimental results strongly support the effectiveness of the calibration scheme. At the same time, this design achieves by far the best reported jitter performance

    A high speed serializer/deserializer design

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    A Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) is a circuit that converts parallel data into a serial stream and vice versa. It helps solve clock/data skew problems, simplifies data transmission, lowers the power consumption and reduces the chip cost. The goal of this project was to solve the challenges in high speed SerDes design, which included the low jitter design, wide bandwidth design and low power design. A quarter-rate multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX) was implemented. This quarter-rate structure decreases the required clock frequency from one half to one quarter of the data rate. It is shown that this significantly relaxes the design of the VCO at high speed and achieves lower power consumption. A novel multi-phase LC-ring oscillator was developed to supply a low noise clock to the SerDes. This proposed VCO combined an LC-tank with a ring structure to achieve both wide tuning range (11%) and low phase noise (-110dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset). With this structure, a data rate of 36 Gb/s was realized with a measured peak-to-peak jitter of 10ps using 0.18microm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The power consumption is 3.6W with 3.4V power supply voltage. At a 60 Gb/s data rate the simulated peak-to-peak jitter was 4.8ps using 65nm CMOS technology. The power consumption is 92mW with 2V power supply voltage. A time-to-digital (TDC) calibration circuit was designed to compensate for the phase mismatches among the multiple phases of the PLL clock using a three dimensional fully depleted silicon on insulator (3D FDSOI) CMOS process. The 3D process separated the analog PLL portion from the digital calibration portion into different tiers. This eliminated the noise coupling through the common substrate in the 2D process. Mismatches caused by the vertical tier-to-tier interconnections and the temperature influence in the 3D process were attenuated by the proposed calibration circuit. The design strategy and circuits developed from this dissertation provide significant benefit to both wired and wireless applications
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