1,325 research outputs found

    Assessment and performance of VSN-INV normalization on the NCI-60 microRNA expression profiles.

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    Multiple normalization methods have been proposed for the analysis of microRNA microarray expression profiles but there is no consensus method. One of the more robust methods, quantile normalization, is commonly used in transcript (mRNA) studies and was therefore used for normalizing the first microRNA expression profiles of the NCI-60 cell panel, published in 2007. In this study the appropriateness of VSN-Inv, a recently proposed alternative normalization method, to the NCI-60 dataset is verified. VSN-Inv normalization results in much increased inter-sample correlations among control groups, and significantly higher intra-chip correlations of duplicate probes, versus quantile and no normalization. Furthermore, VSN-Inv normalization was found to have favorable performance for hierarchical clustering and discovery of miRNA-mRNA interactions, and a lower misclassification rate for predictive analysis based on tissue of origin when using log transformed data (median 0.19, best 0.12)

    Mapping Posttranscriptional Regulation of the Human Glycome Uncovers microRNA Defining the Glycocode

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    Cell surface glycans form a critical interface with the biological milieu, informing diverse processes from the inflammatory cascade to cellular migration. Assembly of discrete carbohydrate structures requires the coordinated activity of a repertoire of proteins, including glycosyltransferases and glycosidases. Little is known about the regulatory networks controlling this complex biosynthetic process. Recent work points to a role for microRNA (miRNA) in the regulation of specific glycan biosynthetic enzymes. Herein we take a unique systems-based approach to identify connections between miRNA and the glycome. By using our glycomic analysis platform, lectin microarrays, we identify glycosylation signatures in the NCI-60 cell panel that point to the glycome as a direct output of genomic information flow. Integrating our glycomic dataset with miRNA data, we map miRNA regulators onto genes in glycan biosynthetic pathways (glycogenes) that generate the observed glycan structures. We validate three of these predicted miRNA/glycogene regulatory networks: high mannose, fucose, and terminal β-GalNAc, identifying miRNA regulation that would not have been observed by traditional bioinformatic methods. Overall, our work reveals critical nodes in the global glycosylation network accessible to miRNA regulation, providing a bridge between miRNA-mediated control of cell phenotype and the glycome

    Integrated Analyses of microRNAs Demonstrate Their Widespread Influence on Gene Expression in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma

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    The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Network recently comprehensively catalogued the molecular aberrations in 487 high-grade serous ovarian cancers, with much remaining to be elucidated regarding the microRNAs (miRNAs). Here, using TCGA ovarian data, we surveyed the miRNAs, in the context of their predicted gene targets.Integration of miRNA and gene patterns yielded evidence that proximal pairs of miRNAs are processed from polycistronic primary transcripts, and that intronic miRNAs and their host gene mRNAs derive from common transcripts. Patterns of miRNA expression revealed multiple tumor subtypes and a set of 34 miRNAs predictive of overall patient survival. In a global analysis, miRNA:mRNA pairs anti-correlated in expression across tumors showed a higher frequency of in silico predicted target sites in the mRNA 3'-untranslated region (with less frequency observed for coding sequence and 5'-untranslated regions). The miR-29 family and predicted target genes were among the most strongly anti-correlated miRNA:mRNA pairs; over-expression of miR-29a in vitro repressed several anti-correlated genes (including DNMT3A and DNMT3B) and substantially decreased ovarian cancer cell viability.This study establishes miRNAs as having a widespread impact on gene expression programs in ovarian cancer, further strengthening our understanding of miRNA biology as it applies to human cancer. As with gene transcripts, miRNAs exhibit high diversity reflecting the genomic heterogeneity within a clinically homogeneous disease population. Putative miRNA:mRNA interactions, as identified using integrative analysis, can be validated. TCGA data are a valuable resource for the identification of novel tumor suppressive miRNAs in ovarian as well as other cancers

    Joint Genome-Wide Profiling of miRNA and mRNA Expression in Alzheimer's Disease Cortex Reveals Altered miRNA Regulation

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    Although microRNAs are being extensively studied for their involvement in cancer and development, little is known about their roles in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we used microarrays for the first joint profiling and analysis of miRNAs and mRNAs expression in brain cortex from AD and age-matched control subjects. These data provided the unique opportunity to study the relationship between miRNA and mRNA expression in normal and AD brains. Using a non-parametric analysis, we showed that the levels of many miRNAs can be either positively or negatively correlated with those of their target mRNAs. Comparative analysis with independent cancer datasets showed that such miRNA-mRNA expression correlations are not static, but rather context-dependent. Subsequently, we identified a large set of miRNA-mRNA associations that are changed in AD versus control, highlighting AD-specific changes in the miRNA regulatory system. Our results demonstrate a robust relationship between the levels of miRNAs and those of their targets in the brain. This has implications in the study of the molecular pathology of AD, as well as miRNA biology in general

    Study of microRNAs-21/221 as potential breast cancer biomarkers in Egyptian women

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in cancer prognosis. They are small molecules, approximately 17–25 nucleotides in length, and their high stability in human serum supports their use as novel diagnostic biomarkers of cancer and other pathological conditions. In this study, we analyzed the expression patterns of miR-21 and miR-221 in the serum from a total of 100 Egyptian female subjects with breast cancer, fibroadenoma, and healthy control subjects. Using microarray-based expression profiling followed by real-time polymerase chain reaction validation, we compared the levels of the two circulating miRNAs in the serum of patients with breast cancer (n = 50), fibroadenoma (n = 25), and healthy controls (n = 25). The miRNA SNORD68 was chosen as the housekeeping endogenous control. We found that the serum levels of miR-21 and miR-221 were significantly overexpressed in breast cancer patients compared to normal controls and fibroadenoma patients. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis revealed that miR-21 has greater potential in discriminating between breast cancer patients and the control group, while miR-221 has greater potential in discriminating between breast cancer and fibroadenoma patients. Classification models using k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Naïve Bayes (NB), and Random Forests (RF) were developed using expression levels of both miR-21 and miR-221. Best classification performance was achieved by NB Classification models, reaching 91% of correct classification. Furthermore, relative miR-221 expression was associated with histological tumor grades. Therefore, it may be concluded that both miR-21 and miR-221 can be used to differentiate between breast cancer patients and healthy controls, but that the diagnostic accuracy of serum miR-21 is superior to miR-221 for breast cancer prediction. miR-221 has more diagnostic power in discriminating between breast cancer and fibroadenoma patients. The overexpression of miR-221 has been associated with the breast cancer grade. We also demonstrated that the combined expression of miR-21 and miR-221can be successfully applied as breast cancer biomarkers

    MicroRNA and transcription factor co-regulatory networks and subtype classification of seminoma and non-seminoma in testicular germ cell tumors

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    Recent studies have revealed that feed-forward loops (FFLs) as regulatory motifs have synergistic roles in cellular systems and their disruption may cause diseases including cancer. FFLs may include two regulators such as transcription factors (TFs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). In this study, we extensively investigated TF and miRNA regulation pairs, their FFLs, and TF-miRNA mediated regulatory networks in two major types of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT): seminoma (SE) and non-seminoma (NSE). Specifically, we identified differentially expressed mRNA genes and miRNAs in 103 tumors using the transcriptomic data from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Next, we determined significantly correlated TF-gene/miRNA and miRNA-gene/TF pairs with regulation direction. Subsequently, we determined 288 and 664 dysregulated TF-miRNA-gene FFLs in SE and NSE, respectively. By constructing dysregulated FFL networks, we found that many hub nodes (12 out of 30 for SE and 8 out of 32 for NSE) in the top ranked FFLs could predict subtype-classification (Random Forest classifier, average accuracy ≥90%). These hub molecules were validated by an independent dataset. Our network analysis pinpointed several SE-specific dysregulated miRNAs (miR-200c-3p, miR-25-3p, and miR-302a-3p) and genes (EPHA2, JUN, KLF4, PLXDC2, RND3, SPI1, and TIMP3) and NSE-specific dysregulated miRNAs (miR-367-3p, miR-519d-3p, and miR-96-5p) and genes (NR2F1 and NR2F2). This study is the first systematic investigation of TF and miRNA regulation and their co-regulation in two major TGCT subtypes

    Exploring microRNA Biology using Integrative Bioinformatics

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    Deregulation of energy metabolism is one of the emerging hallmarks of cancer required for proliferation and metastasis. MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that have crucial roles in the regulation of biological processes in organisms, including metabolism. Due to recent discovery of miRNAs in humans, roles of miRNAs in metabolism of tumour cells, and effects these have on cancer patients, are still obscure and in need of expansion. Currently, experimental and computational data on the miRNAs are being analysed by a wide range of statistical methods; however, these methods in their original forms posses many limitations. Therefore, new ways of utilising these statistical methods are needed in order to unravel the roles of miRNAs in cancer metabolism. In this thesis, the roles of a specific miRNA, miR-22, and the three metabolic target genes were investigated through the use of classical statistical methods, revealed that miR-22, the metabolic target genes, and the interactions between them, were beneficial to survival outcome of breast cancer patients. Furthermore, novel combinations of the conventional statistical methods were invented in order to investigate the global miRNA regulations on metabolic target genes. These new procedures were demonstrated by using publicly available data sets. In one analysis, it was found that miRNAs could be divided into six clusters according to the metabolic target genes through a novel combination of statistical methods. A new statistical method was also invented to provide a generalised means to test for clustering based on sets of correlations.Open Acces

    An integrated analysis of molecular aberrations in NCI-60 cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer is a complex disease where various types of molecular aberrations drive the development and progression of malignancies. Large-scale screenings of multiple types of molecular aberrations (e.g., mutations, copy number variations, DNA methylations, gene expressions) become increasingly important in the prognosis and study of cancer. Consequently, a computational model integrating multiple types of information is essential for the analysis of the comprehensive data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose an integrated modeling framework to identify the statistical and putative causal relations of various molecular aberrations and gene expressions in cancer. To reduce spurious associations among the massive number of probed features, we sequentially applied three layers of logistic regression models with increasing complexity and uncertainty regarding the possible mechanisms connecting molecular aberrations and gene expressions. Layer 1 models associate gene expressions with the molecular aberrations on the same loci. Layer 2 models associate expressions with the aberrations on different loci but have known mechanistic links. Layer 3 models associate expressions with nonlocal aberrations which have unknown mechanistic links. We applied the layered models to the integrated datasets of NCI-60 cancer cell lines and validated the results with large-scale statistical analysis. Furthermore, we discovered/reaffirmed the following prominent links: (1)Protein expressions are generally consistent with mRNA expressions. (2)Several gene expressions are modulated by composite local aberrations. For instance, CDKN2A expressions are repressed by either frame-shift mutations or DNA methylations. (3)Amplification of chromosome 6q in leukemia elevates the expression of MYB, and the downstream targets of MYB on other chromosomes are up-regulated accordingly. (4)Amplification of chromosome 3p and hypo-methylation of PAX3 together elevate MITF expression in melanoma, which up-regulates the downstream targets of MITF. (5)Mutations of TP53 are negatively associated with its direct target genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The analysis results on NCI-60 data justify the utility of the layered models for the incoming flow of cancer genomic data. Experimental validations on selected prominent links and application of the layered modeling framework to other integrated datasets will be carried out subsequently.</p