10,875 research outputs found

    Effective sourcing strategies for perishable product supply chains

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess whether an existing sourcing strategy can effectively supply products of appropriate quality with acceptable levels of product waste if applied to an international perishable product supply chain. The authors also analyse whether the effectiveness of this sourcing strategy can be improved by including costs for expected shelf life losses while generating order policies. Design/methodology/approach – The performance of sourcing strategies is examined in a prototype international strawberry supply chain. Appropriate order policies were determined using parameters both with and without costs for expected shelf life losses. Shelf life losses during transport and storage were predicted using microbiological growth models. The performance of the resulting policies was assessed using a hybrid discrete event chain simulation model that includes continuous quality decay. Findings – The study's findings reveal that the order policies obtained with standard cost parameters result in poor product quality and large amounts of product waste. Also, including costs for expected shelf life losses in sourcing strategies significantly reduces product waste and improves product quality, although transportation costs rise. Practical implications – The study shows that in perishable product supply chain design a trade-off should be made between transportation costs, shortage costs, inventory costs, product waste, and expected shelf life losses. Originality/value – By presenting a generically applicable methodology for perishable product supply chain design, the authors contribute to research and practice efforts to reduce food waste. Furthermore, product quality information is included in supply chain network design, a research area that is still in its infancy

    A decision-making approach for investigating the potential effects of near sourcing on supply chain

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    Purpose - Near sourcing is starting to be regarded as a valid alternative to global sourcing in order to leverage supply chain (SC) responsiveness and economic efficiency. The present work proposes a decision-making approach developed in collaboration with a leading Italian retailer that was willing to turn the global store furniture procurement process into near sourcing. Design/methodology/approach - Action research is employed. The limitations of the traditional SC organisation and purchasing process of the company are first identified. On such basis, an inventory management model is applied to run spreadsheet estimates where different purchasing and SC management strategies are adopted to determine the solution providing the lowest cost performance. Finally, a risk analysis of the selected best SC arrangement is conducted and results are discussed. Findings - Switching from East Asian suppliers to continental vendors enables a SC reengineering that increases flexibility and responsiveness to demand uncertainty which, together with decreased transportation costs, assures economic viability, thus proving the benefits of near sourcing. Research limitations/implications - The decision-making framework provides a methodological roadmap to address the comparison between near and global sourcing policies and to calculate the savings of the former against the latter. The approach could include additional organisational aspects and cost categories impacting on near sourcing and could be adapted to investigate different products, services, and business sectors. Originality/value - The work provides SC researchers and practitioners with a structured approach for understanding what drives companies to adopt near sourcing and for quantitatively assessing its advantage

    Programming problems on time scales: Theory and computation

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    In this dissertation, novel formulations for several classes of programming problems are derived and proved using the time scales technique. The new formulations unify the discrete and continuous programming models and extend them to other cases in between. Moreover, the new formulations yield the exact optimal solution for the programming problems on arbitrary isolated time scales, which solve an important open problem. Throughout this dissertation, six distinct classes of programming problems are presented as follows. First, the primal as well as the dual time scales linear programming models on arbitrary time scales are formulated. Second, separated linear programming primal and dual models have been established using the time scales approach. Third, state-constraints separated linear programming primal and dual models on time scales are considered. Fourth, linear fractional primal and dual models have been constructed on time scales. Fifth, quadratic programming problems are formulated using the time scales technique. Sixth, quadratic fractional programming problems have been constructed using a hybrid of the parametric approach and the time scales technique. In addition, for each class of these programming problems the weak duality theorem and the optimality conditions theorem are established for arbitrary time scales, while the strong duality theorem is given for isolated time scales to ensure that our formulation is indeed a perfect formulation. Furthermore, examples for the most well-known isolated time scales are given to illustrate the main results --Abstract, page iv

    Production distribution planning in a multiechelon supply chain using carbon policies: A review and reflections

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    Sustainability of a supply chain has gained more attention from economists, environmentalists, consumers, manufacturers, government and the academia. In this paper, the literature survey has been performed on production allocation problem in a multi-echelon supply chain with carbon policies. With web-based search engines such as Scopus and Web of Science several resources such as journals, conference proceedings and books are selected and reviewed. It is observed from the literature that the mentioned problem traces the progression of carbon policies in a supply chain over the past 22 years to provide substantiation for Green Supply Chain. The research papers are then analyzed and categorized to construct the useful foundation of previous studies. Moreover, the importance of this problem in recent years needs has been highlighted by mentioning the gaps in the literature. Further, at the end of the paper, several future work directions in this area also suggested.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainable sourcing of strategic raw materials by integrating recycled materials

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    In this paper we investigate a manufacturer's sustainable sourcing strategy that includes recycled materials. To produce a short life-cycle electronic good, strategic raw materials can be bought from virgin material suppliers in advance of the season and via emergency shipments, as well as from a recycler. Hence, we take into account virgin and recycled materials from different sources simultaneously. Recycling makes it possible to integrate raw materials out of steadily increasing waste streams back into production processes. Considering stochastic prices for recycled materials, stochastic supply quantities from the recycler and stochastic demand as well as their potential dependencies, we develop a single-period inventory model to derive the order quantities for virgin and recycled raw materials to determine the related costs and to evaluate the effectiveness of the sourcing strategy. We provide managerial insights into the benefits of such a green sourcing approach with recycling and compare this strategy to standard sourcing without recycling. We conduct a full factorial design and a detailed numerical sensitivity analysis on the key input parameters to evaluate the cost savings potential. Furthermore, we consider the effects of correlations between the stochastic parameters. Green sourcing is especially beneficial in terms of cost savings for high demand variability, high prices of virgin raw material and low expected recycling prices as well as for increasing standard deviation of the recycling price. Besides these advantages it also contributes to environmental sustainability as, compared to sourcing without recycling, it reduces the total quantity ordered and, hence, emissions are reduced

    The dark side of global sourcing: a systematic literature review and research agenda

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic review of the literature concerning the negative aspects of global sourcing (GS). It complements prior research on the positive aspects of GS, advances theoretical understanding of the phenomenon, and suggests an agenda for future research. Design/methodology/approach: The sourcing, international business and supply chain management literature is systematically reviewed and findings from 83 previous studies are investigated. Findings: Research on the downsides of GS has intensified over the last decade, but the related knowledge has been very fragmented and oftentimes latent. This literature review extracts knowledge around 28 antecedents to GS downsides from the literature and illustrates their potential harmful effects along operational and financial performance dimensions. Findings suggest that future research should focus more on the effects of decision-making biases and the effects of firm-internal barriers. The dynamic and hidden costs of GS should also be scrutinized in more depth. Originality/value: This study is the first systematic literature review of the downsides of GS. It facilitates a more balanced and nuanced picture of GS to help managers make better-informed GS decisions. The review also offers a holistic research framework that opens up avenues for much-needed research into the “dark side” of GS

    Synchromodality in the physical internet: Dual sourcing and real-time switching between transport modes

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    Synchromodality, also referred to as "synchronized intermodality", employs multiple transport modes in a flexible, dynamic way in order to induce a modal shift towards more environmentally friendly transport modes like rail or inland waterways, without compromising on responsiveness and quality of service. It is characterized by the synchronized parallel usage of different transport modes and/or the ability to switch freely between transport modes at particular times while a consignment is in transit. We present a decision rule that can integrate both the parallel usage, as well as real-time switching of transport modes, either in combination or separately. It takes into account real-time stock levels and service requirements of the shipper. The policy first determines at the source which volumes will be shipped using each modes at an intermediate terminal. Using a simulation study we demonstrate how our synchromodal transport policy can induce a modal shift towards low carbon transport modes

    A Representation of Tactical and Strategic Precursors of Supply Network Resilience Using Simulation Based Experiments

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    Modern supply chains are becoming increasingly complex and are exposed to higher levels of risk. Globalization, market uncertainty, mass customization, technological and innovation forces, among other factors, make supply networks more susceptible to disruptions (both those that are man-made and/or ones associated with natural events) that leave suppliers unavailable, shut-down facilities and entail lost capacity. Whereas several models for disruption management exist, there is a need for operational representations of concepts such as resilience that expand the practitioners’ understanding of the behavior of their supply chains. These representations must include not only specific characteristics of the firm’s supply network but also its tactical and strategic decisions (such as sourcing and product design). Furthermore, the representations should capture the impact those characteristics have on the performance of the network facing disruptions, thus providing operations managers with insights on what tactical and strategic decisions are most suitable for their specific supply networks (and product types) in the event of a disruption. This research uses Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS) and an experimental set-up to develop a representation of the relationships between tactical and strategic decisions and their impact on the performance of multi-echelon networks under supply uncertainty. Two main questions are answered: 1) How do different tactical and strategic decisions give rise to resilience in a multi-echelon system?, and 2) What is the nature of the interactions between those factors, the network’s structure and its performance in the event of a disruption? Product design was found to have the most significant impact on the reliability (Perfect Order Fulfillment) for products with high degrees of componentization when dual sourcing is the chosen strategy. However, when it comes to network responsiveness (Order Fulfillment Cycle Time), this effect was attenuated. Generally, it was found that the expected individual impact these factors have on the network performance is affected by the interactions between them

    Industry Life Cycle and the Evolution of an Industry Network

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    This paper addresses the problem of the general validity of models of the industry life cycle, which have been proposed to analyse the long-term evolution of many industries, exhibiting a typical pattern of shakeout. We study a case of non shake-out in the commercial jet aero-engine industry, marked by a small number of entry events distributed over 40 years of industry evolution, by no exits and by a resulting slowly increasing number of firms. We argue that the vertical structure of the industry, as represented by the network of vertical relations between aero-engine suppliers and aircraft manufacturers, "regulated" the process of entry and exit and posed the conditions for a non shakeout to take place.industry life cycle; entry, exit; network; vertical relations


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    Supply chain management is a complex process requiring the coordination of numerous decisions in the attempt to balance often-conflicting objectives such as quality, cost, and on-time delivery. To meet these and other objectives, a focal company must develop organized systems for establishing and managing its supplier relationships. A reliable, decision-support tool is needed for selecting the best procurement strategy for each supplier, given knowledge of the existing sourcing environment. Supplier segmentation is a well-established and resource-efficient tool used to identify procurement strategies for groups of suppliers with similar characteristics. However, the existing methods of segmentation generally select strategies that optimize performance during normal operating conditions, and do not explicitly consider the effects of the chosen strategy on the supply chain’s ability to respond to disruption. As a supply chain expands in complexity and scale, its exposure to sources of major disruption like natural disasters, labor strikes, and changing government regulations also increases. With increased exposure to disruption, it becomes necessary for supply chains to build in resilience and robustness in the attempt to guard against these types of events. This work argues that the potential impacts of disruption should be considered during the establishment of day-to-day procurement strategy, and not solely in the development of posterior action plans. In this work, a case study of a laser printer supply chain is used as a context for studying the effects of different supplier segmentation methods. The system is examined using agent-based modeling and simulation with the objective of measuring disruption impact, given a set of initial conditions. Through insights gained in examination of the results, this work seeks to derive a set of improved rules for segmentation procedure whereby the best strategy for resilience and robustness for any supplier can be identified given a set of the observable supplier characteristics