14 research outputs found

    Attacks on Hash Functions based on Generalized Feistel -- Application to Reduced-Round Lesamnta and Shavite-3-512

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    International audienceIn this paper we study the strength of two hash functions which are based on Generalized Feistels. We describe a new kind of attack based on a cancellation property in the round function. This new technique allows to efficiently use the degrees of freedom available to attack a hash function. Using the cancellation property, we can avoid the non-linear parts of the round function, at the expense of some freedom degrees. Our attacks are mostly independent of the round function in use, and can be applied to similar hash functions which share the same structure but have different round functions. We start with a 22-round generic attack on the structure of Lesamnta , and adapt it to the actual round function to attack 24-round Lesamnta (the full function has 32 rounds). We follow with an attack on 9-round SHAvite-3 512 which also works for the tweaked version of SHAvite-3 512

    Attacks on Hash Functions based on Generalized Feistel - Application to Reduced-Round Lesamnta and SHAvite-3_{512}

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    In this paper we study the strength of two hash functions which are based on Generalized Feistels. Our proposed attacks themselves are mostly independent of the round function in use, and can be applied to similar hash functions which share the same structure but have different round functions. We start with a 22-round generic attack on the structure of Lesamnta, and adapt it to the actual round function to attack 24-round Lesamnta. We then show a generic integral attack on 20-round Lesamnta (which can be used against the block cipher itself). We follow with an attack on 9-round SHAvite-3_{512} which is the first cryptanalytic result on the hash function (which also works for the tweaked version of SHAvite-3_{512})

    Performance Analysis of the SHA-3 Candidates on Exotic Multi-core Architectures

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    The NIST hash function competition to design a new cryptographic hash standard 'SHA-3' is currently one of the hot topics in cryptologic research, its outcome heavily depends on the public evaluation of the remaining 14 candidates. There have been several cryptanalytic efforts to evaluate the security of these hash functions. Concurrently, invaluable benchmarking efforts have been made to measure the performance of the candidates on multiple architectures. In this paper we contribute to the latter; we evaluate the performance of all second-round SHA-3 candidates on two exotic platforms: the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell) and the NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Firstly, we give performance estimates for each candidate based on the number of arithmetic instructions, which can be used as a starting point for evaluating the performance of the SHA-3 candidates on various platforms. Secondly, we use these generic estimates and Cell-/GPU-specific optimization techniques to give more precise figures for our target platforms, and finally, we present implementation results of all 10 non-AES based SHA-3 candidates

    Side-channel Analysis of Six SHA-3 Candidates

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    In this paper we study six 2nd round SHA-3 candidates from a side-channel cryptanalysis point of view. For each of them, we give the exact procedure and appropriate choice of selection functions to perform the attack. Depending on their inherent structure and the internal primitives used (Sbox, addition or XOR), some schemes are more prone to side channel analysis than others, as shown by our simulations

    Comparing Hardware Performance of Fourteen Round Two SHA-3 Candidates Using FPGAs

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    Performance in hardware has been demonstrated to be an important factor in the evaluation of candidates for cryptographic standards. Up to now, no consensus exists on how such an evaluation should be performed in order to make it fair, transparent, practical, and acceptable for the majority of the cryptographic community. In this report, we formulate a proposal for a fair and comprehensive evaluation methodology, and apply it to the comparison of hardware performance of 14 Round~2 SHA-3 candidates. The most important aspects of our methodology include the definition of clear performance metrics, the development of a uniform and practical interface, generation of multiple sets of results for several representative FPGA families from two major vendors, and the application of a simple procedure to convert multiple sets of results into a single ranking. The VHDL codes for 256 and 512-bit variants of all 14 SHA-3 Round 2 candidates and the old standard SHA-2 have been developed and thoroughly verified. These codes have been then used to evaluate the relative performance of all aforementioned algorithms using ten modern families of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) from two major vendors, Xilinx and Altera. All algorithms have been evaluated using four performance measures: the throughput to area ratio, throughput, area, and the execution time for short messages. Based on these results, the 14 Round 2 SHA-3 candidates have been divided into several groups depending on their overall performance in FPGAs

    Whirlwind: a new cryptographic hash function

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    A new cryptographic hash function Whirlwind is presented. We give the full specification and explain the design rationale. We show how the hash function can be implemented efficiently in software and give first performance numbers. A detailed analysis of the security against state-of-the-art cryptanalysis methods is also provided. In comparison to the algorithms submitted to the SHA-3 competition, Whirlwind takes recent developments in cryptanalysis into account by design. Even though software performance is not outstanding, it compares favourably with the 512-bit versions of SHA-3 candidates such as LANE or the original CubeHash proposal and is about on par with ECHO and MD6

    Preparation for Post-Quantum era: a survey about blockchain schemes from a post-quantum perspective

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    Blockchain is a type of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that has been included in various types of fields due to its numerous benefits: transparency, efficiency, reduced costs, decentralization, and distributivity realized through public-key cryptography and hash functions. At the same time, the increased progress of quantum computers and quantum-based algorithms threatens the security of the classical cryptographic algorithms, in consequence, it represents a risk for the Blockchain technology itself. This paper briefly presents the most relevant algorithms and procedures that have contributed to the progress of quantum computing and the categories of post-quantum cryptosystems. We also included a description of the current quantum capabilities because their evolution directly influences the necessity of increasing post-quantum research. Further, the paper continues as a guide to understanding the fundamentals of blockchain technology, and the primitives that are currently used to ensure security. We provide an analysis of the most important cryptocurrencies according to their ranking by market capitalization (MC) in the context of quantum threats, and we end up with a review of post-quantum blockchain (PQB) schemes proposals

    Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms for Authentication

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    During the previous decades, the upcoming demand for security in the digital world, e.g., the Internet, lead to numerous groundbreaking research topics in the field of cryptography. This thesis focuses on the design and analysis of cryptographic primitives and schemes to be used for authentication of data and communication endpoints, i.e., users. It is structured into three parts, where we present the first freely scalable multi-block-length block-cipher-based compression function (Counter-bDM) in the first part. The presented design is accompanied by a thorough security analysis regarding its preimage and collision security. The second and major part is devoted to password hashing. It is motivated by the large amount of leaked password during the last years and our discovery of side-channel attacks on scrypt – the first modern password scrambler that allowed to parameterize the amount of memory required to compute a password hash. After summarizing which properties we expect from a modern password scrambler, we (1) describe a cache-timing attack on scrypt based on its password-dependent memory-access pattern and (2) outline an additional attack vector – garbage-collector attacks – that exploits optimization which may disregard to overwrite the internally used memory. Based on our observations, we introduce Catena – the first memory-demanding password-scrambling framework that allows a password-independent memory-access pattern for resistance to the aforementioned attacks. Catena was submitted to the Password Hashing Competition (PHC) and, after two years of rigorous analysis, ended up as a finalist gaining special recognition for its agile framework approach and side-channel resistance. We provide six instances of Catena suitable for a variety of applications. We close the second part of this thesis with an overview of modern password scramblers regarding their functional, security, and general properties; supported by a brief analysis of their resistance to garbage-collector attacks. The third part of this thesis is dedicated to the integrity (authenticity of data) of nonce-based authenticated encryption schemes (NAE). We introduce the so-called j-IV-Collision Attack, allowing to obtain an upper bound for an adversary that is provided with a first successful forgery and tries to efficiently compute j additional forgeries for a particular NAE scheme (in short: reforgeability). Additionally, we introduce the corresponding security notion j-INT-CTXT and provide a comparative analysis (regarding j-INT-CTXT security) of the third-round submission to the CAESAR competition and the four classical and widely used NAE schemes CWC, CCM, EAX, and GCM.Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat dazu geführt, dass sich das Forschungsfeld der Kryptographie bedeutsam weiterentwickelt hat. Diese, im Wesentlichen aus drei Teilen bestehende Dissertation, widmet sich dem Design und der Analyse von kryptographischen Primitiven und Modi zur Authentifizierung von Daten und Kommunikationspartnern. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich dabei mit blockchiffrenbasierten Kompressionsfunktionen, die in ressourcenbeschränkten Anwendungsbereichen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir die erste frei skalierbare und sichere blockchiffrenbasierte Kompressionsfunktion Counter-bDM und erweitern somit flexibel die erreichbare Sicherheit solcher Konstruktionen. Der zweite Teil und wichtigste Teil dieser Dissertation widmet sich Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren. Zum einen ist dieser motiviert durch die große Anzahl von Angriffen auf Passwortdatenbanken großer Internet-Unternehmen. Zum anderen bot die Password Hashing Competition (PHC) die Möglichkeit, unter Aufmerksamkeit der Expertengemeinschaft die Sicherheit bestehender Verfahren zu hinterfragen, sowie neue sichere Verfahren zu entwerfen. Im Rahmen des zweiten Teils entwarfen wir Anforderungen an moderne Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren und beschreiben drei Arten von Seitenkanal-Angriffen (Cache-Timing-, Weak Garbage-Collector- und Garbage-Collector-Angriffe) auf scrypt – das erste moderne Password-Hashing-Verfahren welches erlaubte, den benötigten Speicheraufwand zur Berechnung eines Passworthashes frei zu wählen. Basierend auf unseren Beobachtungen und Angriffen, stellen wir das erste moderne PasswordHashing-Framework Catena vor, welches für gewählte Instanzen passwortunabhängige Speicherzugriffe und somit Sicherheit gegen oben genannte Angriffe garantiert. Catena erlangte im Rahmen des PHC-Wettbewerbs besondere Anerkennung für seine Agilität und Resistenz gegen SeitenkanalAngriffe. Wir präsentieren sechs Instanzen des Frameworks, welche für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet sind. Abgerundet wird der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit mit einem vergleichenden Überblick von modernen Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren hinsichtlich ihrer funktionalen, sicherheitstechnischen und allgemeinen Eigenschaften. Dieser Vergleich wird unterstützt durch eine kurze Analyse bezüglich ihrer Resistenz gegen (Weak) Garbage-Collector-Angriffe. Der dritte teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Integrität von Daten, genauer, der Sicherheit sogenannter Nonce-basierten authentisierten Verschlüsselungsverfahren (NAE-Verfahren), welche ebenso wie Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren in der heutigen Sicherheitsinfrastruktur des Internets eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Während Standard-Definitionen keine Sicherheit nach dem Fund einer ersten erfolgreich gefälschten Nachricht betrachten, erweitern wir die Sicherheitsanforderungen dahingehend wie schwer es ist, weitere Fälschungen zu ermitteln. Wir abstrahieren die Funktionsweise von NAEVerfahren in Klassen, analysieren diese systematisch und klassifizieren die Dritt-Runden-Kandidaten des CAESAR-Wettbewerbs, sowie vier weit verbreitete NAE-Verfahren CWC, CCM, EAX und GCM

    Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms for Authentication

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    During the previous decades, the upcoming demand for security in the digital world, e.g., the Internet, lead to numerous groundbreaking research topics in the field of cryptography. This thesis focuses on the design and analysis of cryptographic primitives and schemes to be used for authentication of data and communication endpoints, i.e., users. It is structured into three parts, where we present the first freely scalable multi-block-length block-cipher-based compression function (Counter-bDM) in the first part. The presented design is accompanied by a thorough security analysis regarding its preimage and collision security. The second and major part is devoted to password hashing. It is motivated by the large amount of leaked password during the last years and our discovery of side-channel attacks on scrypt – the first modern password scrambler that allowed to parameterize the amount of memory required to compute a password hash. After summarizing which properties we expect from a modern password scrambler, we (1) describe a cache-timing attack on scrypt based on its password-dependent memory-access pattern and (2) outline an additional attack vector – garbage-collector attacks – that exploits optimization which may disregard to overwrite the internally used memory. Based on our observations, we introduce Catena – the first memory-demanding password-scrambling framework that allows a password-independent memory-access pattern for resistance to the aforementioned attacks. Catena was submitted to the Password Hashing Competition (PHC) and, after two years of rigorous analysis, ended up as a finalist gaining special recognition for its agile framework approach and side-channel resistance. We provide six instances of Catena suitable for a variety of applications. We close the second part of this thesis with an overview of modern password scramblers regarding their functional, security, and general properties; supported by a brief analysis of their resistance to garbage-collector attacks. The third part of this thesis is dedicated to the integrity (authenticity of data) of nonce-based authenticated encryption schemes (NAE). We introduce the so-called j-IV-Collision Attack, allowing to obtain an upper bound for an adversary that is provided with a first successful forgery and tries to efficiently compute j additional forgeries for a particular NAE scheme (in short: reforgeability). Additionally, we introduce the corresponding security notion j-INT-CTXT and provide a comparative analysis (regarding j-INT-CTXT security) of the third-round submission to the CAESAR competition and the four classical and widely used NAE schemes CWC, CCM, EAX, and GCM.Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat dazu geführt, dass sich das Forschungsfeld der Kryptographie bedeutsam weiterentwickelt hat. Diese, im Wesentlichen aus drei Teilen bestehende Dissertation, widmet sich dem Design und der Analyse von kryptographischen Primitiven und Modi zur Authentifizierung von Daten und Kommunikationspartnern. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich dabei mit blockchiffrenbasierten Kompressionsfunktionen, die in ressourcenbeschränkten Anwendungsbereichen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir die erste frei skalierbare und sichere blockchiffrenbasierte Kompressionsfunktion Counter-bDM und erweitern somit flexibel die erreichbare Sicherheit solcher Konstruktionen. Der zweite Teil und wichtigste Teil dieser Dissertation widmet sich Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren. Zum einen ist dieser motiviert durch die große Anzahl von Angriffen auf Passwortdatenbanken großer Internet-Unternehmen. Zum anderen bot die Password Hashing Competition (PHC) die Möglichkeit, unter Aufmerksamkeit der Expertengemeinschaft die Sicherheit bestehender Verfahren zu hinterfragen, sowie neue sichere Verfahren zu entwerfen. Im Rahmen des zweiten Teils entwarfen wir Anforderungen an moderne Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren und beschreiben drei Arten von Seitenkanal-Angriffen (Cache-Timing-, Weak Garbage-Collector- und Garbage-Collector-Angriffe) auf scrypt – das erste moderne Password-Hashing-Verfahren welches erlaubte, den benötigten Speicheraufwand zur Berechnung eines Passworthashes frei zu wählen. Basierend auf unseren Beobachtungen und Angriffen, stellen wir das erste moderne PasswordHashing-Framework Catena vor, welches für gewählte Instanzen passwortunabhängige Speicherzugriffe und somit Sicherheit gegen oben genannte Angriffe garantiert. Catena erlangte im Rahmen des PHC-Wettbewerbs besondere Anerkennung für seine Agilität und Resistenz gegen SeitenkanalAngriffe. Wir präsentieren sechs Instanzen des Frameworks, welche für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet sind. Abgerundet wird der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit mit einem vergleichenden Überblick von modernen Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren hinsichtlich ihrer funktionalen, sicherheitstechnischen und allgemeinen Eigenschaften. Dieser Vergleich wird unterstützt durch eine kurze Analyse bezüglich ihrer Resistenz gegen (Weak) Garbage-Collector-Angriffe. Der dritte teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Integrität von Daten, genauer, der Sicherheit sogenannter Nonce-basierten authentisierten Verschlüsselungsverfahren (NAE-Verfahren), welche ebenso wie Passwort-Hashing-Verfahren in der heutigen Sicherheitsinfrastruktur des Internets eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Während Standard-Definitionen keine Sicherheit nach dem Fund einer ersten erfolgreich gefälschten Nachricht betrachten, erweitern wir die Sicherheitsanforderungen dahingehend wie schwer es ist, weitere Fälschungen zu ermitteln. Wir abstrahieren die Funktionsweise von NAEVerfahren in Klassen, analysieren diese systematisch und klassifizieren die Dritt-Runden-Kandidaten des CAESAR-Wettbewerbs, sowie vier weit verbreitete NAE-Verfahren CWC, CCM, EAX und GCM