16 research outputs found

    Passive navigation using image irradiance tracking

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    Rotorcraft operating at low altitudes require navigational schemes for detecting terrain and obstacles. Due to the nature of the missions to be accomplished and available power onboard, a passive navigation scheme is desirable in this situation. The development of a passive navigation scheme using optical image sequences and vehicle motion variables from an onboard inertial navigation scheme is described. This approach combines the geometric properties of perspective projection and a feedback irradiance tracking scheme at each pixel in the image to determine the range to various objects within the field-of-view. Derivation of the numerical algorithm and simulation results are given. Due to the feedback nature of the implementation, the computational scheme is robust. Other applications of the proposed approach include navigation for autonomous planetary rovers and telerobots

    Kalman filter based range estimation for autonomous navigation using imaging sensors

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    Rotorcraft operating in high-threat environments fly close to the surface of the earth to utilize surrounding terrain, vegetation, or man-made objects to minimize the risk of being detected by the enemy. Two basic requirements for obstacle avoidance are detection and range estimation of the object from the current rotorcraft position. There are many approaches to the estimation of range using a sequence of images. The approach used in this analysis differes from previous methods in two significant ways: an attempt is not made to estimate the rotorcraft's motion from the images; and the interest lies in recursive algorithms. The rotorcraft parameters are assumed to be computed using an onboard inertial navigation system. Given a sequence of images, using image-object differential equations, a Kalman filter (Sridhar and Phatak, 1988) can be used to estimate both the relative coordinates and the earth coordinates of the objects on the ground. The Kalman filter can also be used in a predictive mode to track features in the images, leading to a significant reduction of search effort in the feature extraction step of the algorithm. The purpose is to summarize early results obtained in extending the Kalman filter for use with actual image sequences. The experience gained from the application of this algorithm to real images is very valuable and is a necessary step before proceeding to the estimation of range during low-altitude curvilinear flight. A simple recursive method is presented to estimate range to objects using a sequence of images. The method produces good range estimates using real images in a laboratory set up and needs to be evaluated further using several different image sequences to test its robustness. The feature generation part of the algorithm requires further refinement on the strategies to limit the number of features (Sridhar and Phatak, 1989). The extension of the work reported here to curvilinear flight may require the use of the extended Kalman filter

    Computer vision techniques for rotorcraft low altitude flight

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    Rotorcraft operating in high-threat environments fly close to the earth's surface to utilize surrounding terrain, vegetation, or manmade objects to minimize the risk of being detected by an enemy. Increasing levels of concealment are achieved by adopting different tactics during low-altitude flight. Rotorcraft employ three tactics during low-altitude flight: low-level, contour, and nap-of-the-earth (NOE). The key feature distinguishing the NOE mode from the other two modes is that the whole rotorcraft, including the main rotor, is below tree-top whenever possible. This leads to the use of lateral maneuvers for avoiding obstacles, which in fact constitutes the means for concealment. The piloting of the rotorcraft is at best a very demanding task and the pilot will need help from onboard automation tools in order to devote more time to mission-related activities. The development of an automation tool which has the potential to detect obstacles in the rotorcraft flight path, warn the crew, and interact with the guidance system to avoid detected obstacles, presents challenging problems. Research is described which applies techniques from computer vision to automation of rotorcraft navigtion. The effort emphasizes the development of a methodology for detecting the ranges to obstacles in the region of interest based on the maximum utilization of passive sensors. The range map derived from the obstacle-detection approach can be used as obstacle data for the obstacle avoidance in an automatic guidance system and as advisory display to the pilot. The lack of suitable flight imagery data presents a problem in the verification of concepts for obstacle detection. This problem is being addressed by the development of an adequate flight database and by preprocessing of currently available flight imagery. The presentation concludes with some comments on future work and how research in this area relates to the guidance of other autonomous vehicles

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    Neural networks application to divergence-based passive ranging

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    The purpose of this report is to summarize the state of knowledge and outline the planned work in divergence-based/neural networks approach to the problem of passive ranging derived from optical flow. Work in this and closely related areas is reviewed in order to provide the necessary background for further developments. New ideas about devising a monocular passive-ranging system are then introduced. It is shown that image-plan divergence is independent of image-plan location with respect to the focus of expansion and of camera maneuvers because it directly measures the object's expansion which, in turn, is related to the time-to-collision. Thus, a divergence-based method has the potential of providing a reliable range complementing other monocular passive-ranging methods which encounter difficulties in image areas close to the focus of expansion. Image-plan divergence can be thought of as some spatial/temporal pattern. A neural network realization was chosen for this task because neural networks have generally performed well in various other pattern recognition applications. The main goal of this work is to teach a neural network to derive the divergence from the imagery

    A parallel implementation of a multisensor feature-based range-estimation method

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    There are many proposed vision based methods to perform obstacle detection and avoidance for autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicles. All methods, however, will require very high processing rates to achieve real time performance. A system capable of supporting autonomous helicopter navigation will need to extract obstacle information from imagery at rates varying from ten frames per second to thirty or more frames per second depending on the vehicle speed. Such a system will need to sustain billions of operations per second. To reach such high processing rates using current technology, a parallel implementation of the obstacle detection/ranging method is required. This paper describes an efficient and flexible parallel implementation of a multisensor feature-based range-estimation algorithm, targeted for helicopter flight, realized on both a distributed-memory and shared-memory parallel computer

    Image-based ranging and guidance for rotorcraft

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    This report documents the research carried out under NASA Cooperative Agreement No. NCC2-575 during the period Oct. 1988 - Dec. 1991. Primary emphasis of this effort was on the development of vision based navigation methods for rotorcraft nap-of-the-earth flight regime. A family of field-based ranging algorithms were developed during this research period. These ranging schemes are capable of handling both stereo and motion image sequences, and permits both translational and rotational camera motion. The algorithms require minimal computational effort and appear to be implementable in real time. A series of papers were presented on these ranging schemes, some of which are included in this report. A small part of the research effort was expended on synthesizing a rotorcraft guidance law that directly uses the vision-based ranging data. This work is discussed in the last section

    Expansion-based passive ranging

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    This paper describes a new technique of passive ranging which is based on utilizing the image-plane expansion experienced by every object as its distance from the sensor decreases. This technique belongs in the feature/object-based family. The motion and shape of a small window, assumed to be fully contained inside the boundaries of some object, is approximated by an affine transformation. The parameters of the transformation matrix are derived by initially comparing successive images, and progressively increasing the image time separation so as to achieve much larger triangulation baseline than currently possible. Depth is directly derived from the expansion part of the transformation. To a first approximation, image-plane expansion is independent of image-plane location with respect to the focus of expansion (FOE) and of platform maneuvers. Thus, an expansion-based method has the potential of providing a reliable range in the difficult image area around the FOE. In areas far from the FOE the shift parameters of the affine transformation can provide more accurate depth information than the expansion alone, and can thus be used similarly to the way they have been used in conjunction with the Inertial Navigation Unit (INU) and Kalman filtering. However, the performance of a shift-based algorithm, when the shifts are derived from the affine transformation, would be much improved compared to current algorithms because the shifts--as well as the other parameters--can be obtained between widely separated images. Thus, the main advantage of this new approach is that, allowing the tracked window to expand and rotate, in addition to moving laterally, enables one to correlate images over a very long time span which, in turn, translates into a large spatial baseline resulting in a proportionately higher depth accuracy

    Expansion-based passive ranging

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    A new technique of passive ranging which is based on utilizing the image-plane expansion experienced by every object as its distance from the sensor decreases is described. This technique belongs in the feature/object-based family. The motion and shape of a small window, assumed to be fully contained inside the boundaries of some object, is approximated by an affine transformation. The parameters of the transformation matrix are derived by initially comparing successive images, and progressively increasing the image time separation so as to achieve much larger triangulation baseline than currently possible. Depth is directly derived from the expansion part of the transformation. To a first approximation, image-plane expansion is independent of image-plane location with respect to the focus of expansion (FOE) and of platform maneuvers. Thus, an expansion-based method has the potential of providing a reliable range in the difficult image area around the FOE. In areas far from the FOE the shift parameters of the affine transformation can provide more accurate depth information than the expansion alone, and can thus be used similarly to the way they were used in conjunction with the Inertial Navigation Unit (INU) and Kalman filtering. However, the performance of a shift-based algorithm, when the shifts are derived from the affine transformation, would be much improved compared to current algorithms because the shifts - as well as the other parameters - can be obtained between widely separated images. Thus, the main advantage of this new approach is that, allowing the tracked window to expand and rotate, in addition to moving laterally, enables one to correlate images over a very long time span which, in turn, translates into a large spatial baseline - resulting in a proportionately higher depth accuracy

    Algorithms for detection of objects in image sequences captured from an airborne imaging system

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    This research was initiated as a part of the effort at the NASA Ames Research Center to design a computer vision based system that can enhance the safety of navigation by aiding the pilots in detecting various obstacles on the runway during critical section of the flight such as a landing maneuver. The primary goal is the development of algorithms for detection of moving objects from a sequence of images obtained from an on-board video camera. Image regions corresponding to the independently moving objects are segmented from the background by applying constraint filtering on the optical flow computed from the initial few frames of the sequence. These detected regions are tracked over subsequent frames using a model based tracking algorithm. Position and velocity of the moving objects in the world coordinate is estimated using an extended Kalman filter. The algorithms are tested using the NASA line image sequence with six static trucks and a simulated moving truck and experimental results are described. Various limitations of the currently implemented version of the above algorithm are identified and possible solutions to build a practical working system are investigated