116 research outputs found

    Precise linear signal generation with nonideal components and deterministic dynamic element matching

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    A dynamic element matching (DEM) approach to ADC testing is introduced. Two variants of this method are introduced and compared; a deterministic DEM method and a random DEM method. With both variants, a highly non-ideal DAC is used to generate an excitation for a DUT that has effective linearity that far exceeds that of the DAC. Simulation results show that both methods can be used for testing of ADCs. The deterministic DEM (DDEM) offers potential for a substantial reduction in the number of samples when compared with a random DEM approach with the same measurement accuracy. It is shown that the concept of usinf DEM for signal generation in a test environment finds applications well-beyond ADC testing. The DDEM approach offers potential for use in both production test and BIST environments

    Capacitor Mismatch Calibration Technique to Improve the SFDR of 14-Bit SAR ADC

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    This paper presents mismatch calibration technique to improve the SFDR in a 14-bit successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for wearable electronics application. Behavioral Monte-Carlo simulations are applied to demonstrate the effect of the proposed method where no complex digital calibration algorithm or auxiliary calibration DAC needed. Simulation results show that with a mismatch error typical of modern technology, the SFDR is enhanced by more than 20 dB with the proposed technique for a 14-bit SAR ADC

    Built-in self-test and self-calibration for analog and mixed signal circuits

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    Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) are one of the most important components in modern electronic systems. In the mission-critical applications such as automotive, the reliability of the ADC is critical as the ADC impacts the system level performance. Due to the aging effect and environmental changes, the performance of the ADC may degrade and even fail to meet the accuracy requirement over time. Built-in self-test (BIST) and self-calibration are becoming the ultimate solution to achieve lifetime reliability. This dissertation introduces two ADC testing algorithms and two ADC built-in self-test circuit implementations to test the ADC integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) on-chip. In the first testing algorithm, the ultrafast stimulus error removal and segmented model identification of linearity errors (USER-SMILE) is developed for ADC built-in self-test, which eliminates the need for precision stimulus and reduces the overall test time. In this algorithm, the ADC is tested twice with a nonlinear ramp, instead of using a linear ramp signal. Therefore, the stimulus can be easily generated on-chip in a low-cost way. For the two ramps, there is a constant voltage shift in between. As the input stimulus linearity is completely relaxed, there is no requirement on the waveform of the input stimulus as long as it covers the ADC input range. In the meantime, the high-resolution ADC linearity is modeled with segmented parameters, which reduces the number of samples required for achieving high-precision test, thus saving the test time. As a result, the USER-SMILE algorithm is able to use less than 1 sample/code nonlinear stimulus to test high resolution ADCs with less than 0.5 least significant bit (LSB) INL estimation error, achieving more than 10-time test time reduction. This algorithm is validated with both board-level implementation and on-chip silicon implementation. The second testing algorithm is proposed to test the INL/DNL for multi-bit-per-stages pipelined ADCs with reduced test time and better test coverage. Due to the redundancy characteristics of multi-bit-per-stages pipelined ADC, the conventional histogram test cannot estimate and calibrate the static linearity accurately. The proposed method models the pipelined ADC nonlinearity as segmented parameters with inter-stage gain errors using the raw codes instead of the final output codes. During the test phase, a pure sine wave is sent to the ADC as the input and the model parameters are estimated from the output data with the system identification method. The modeled errors are then removed from the digital output codes during the calibration phase. A high-speed 12-bit pipelined ADC is tested and calibrated with the proposed method. With only 4000 samples, the 12-bit ADC is accurately tested and calibrated to achieve less than 1 LSB INL. The ADC effective number of bits (ENOB) is improved from 9.7 bits to 10.84 bits and the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) is improved by more than 20dB after calibration. In the first circuit implementation, a low-cost on-chip built-in self-test solution is developed using an R2R digital-to-analog converter (DAC) structure as the signal generator and the voltage shift generator for ADC linearity test. The proposed DAC is a subradix-2 R2R DAC with a constant voltage shift generation capability. The subradix-2 architecture avoids positive voltage gaps caused by mismatches, which relaxes the DAC matching requirements and reduces the design area. The R2R DAC based BIST circuit is fabricated in TSMC 40nm technology with a small area of 0.02mm^2. Measurement results show that the BIST circuit is capable of testing a 15-bit ADC INL accurately with less than 0.5 LSB INL estimation error. In the second circuit implementation, a complete SAR ADC built-in self-test solution using the USER-SMILE is developed and implemented in a 28nm automotive microcontroller. A low-cost 12-bit resistive DAC with less than 12-bit linearity is used as the signal generator to test and calibrate a SAR ADC with a target linearity of 12 bits. The voltage shift generation is created inside the ADC with capacitor switching. The entire algorithm processing unit for USER-SMILE algorithm is also implemented on chip. The final testing results are saved in the memory for further digital calibration. Both the total harmonic distortion (THD) and the SFDR are improved by 20dB after calibration, achieving -84.5dB and 86.5dB respectively. More than 700 parts are tested to verify the robustness of the BIST solution

    Broadband Continuous-time MASH Sigma-Delta ADCs

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    High-accuracy switched-capacitor techniques applied to filter and ADC design

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    High-Speed Delta-Sigma Data Converters for Next-Generation Wireless Communication

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    In recent years, Continuous-time Delta-Sigma(CT-ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have been extensively investigated for their use in wireless receivers to achieve conversion bandwidths greater than 15 MHz and higher resolution of 10 to 14 bits. This dissertation investigates the current state-of-the-art high-speed single-bit and multi-bit Continuous-time Delta-Sigma modulator (CT-ΔΣM) designs and their limitations due to circuit non-idealities in achieving the performance required for next-generation wireless standards. Also, we presented complete architectural and circuit details of a high-speed single-bit and multi-bit CT-ΔΣM operating at a sampling rate of 1.25 GSps and 640 MSps respectively (the highest reported sampling rate in a 0.13 μm CMOS technology node) with measurement results. Further, we propose novel hybrid ΔΣ architecture with two-step quantizer to alleviate the bandwidth and resolution bottlenecks associated with the contemporary CT-ΔΣM topologies. To facilitate the design with the proposed architecture, a robust systematic design method is introduced to determine the loop-filter coefficients by taking into account the non-ideal integrator response, such as the finite opamp gain and the presence of multiple parasitic poles and zeros. Further, comprehensive system-level simulation is presented to analyze the effect of two-step quantizer non-idealities such as the offset and gain error in the sub-ADCs, and the current mismatch between the MSB and LSB elements in the feedback DAC. The proposed novel architecture is demonstrated by designing a high-speed wideband 4th order CT-ΔΣ modulator prototype, employing a two-step quantizer with 5-bits resolution. The proposed modulator takes advantage of the combination of a high-resolution two-step quantization technique and an excess-loop delay (ELD) compensation of more than one clock cycle to achieve lower-power consumption (28 mW), higher dynamic range (\u3e69 dB) with a wide conversion bandwidth (20 MHz), even at a lower sampling rate of 400 MHz. The proposed modulator achieves a Figure of Merit (FoM) of 340 fJ/level

    Aika-digitaalimuunnin laajakaistaisiin aikapohjaisiin analogia-digitaalimuuntimiin

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    Modern deeply scaled semiconductor processes make the design of voltage-domain circuits increasingly challenging. On the contrary, the area and power consumption of digital circuits are improving with every new process node. Consequently, digital solutions are designed in place of their purely analog counterparts in applications such as analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. Time-based analog-to-digital converters (ADC) employ digital-intensive architectures by processing analog quantities in time-domain. The quantization step of the time-based A/D-conversion is carried out by a time-to-digital converter (TDC). A free-running ring oscillator -based TDC design is presented for use in wideband time-based ADCs. The proposed architecture aims to maximize time resolution and full-scale range, and to achieve error resilient conversion performance with minimized power and area consumptions. The time resolution is maximized by employing a high-frequency multipath ring oscillator, and the full-scale range is extended using a high-speed gray counter. The error resilience is achieved by custom sense-amplifier -based sampling flip-flops, gray coded counter and a digital error correction algorithm for counter sampling error correction. The implemented design achieves up to 9-bit effective resolution at 250 MS/s with 4.3 milliwatt power consumption.Modernien puolijohdeteknologioiden skaalautumisen seurauksena jännitetason piirien suunnittelu tulee entistä haasteellisemmaksi. Toisaalta digitaalisten piirirakenteiden pinta-ala sekä tehonkulutus pienenevät prosessikehityksen myötä. Tästä syystä digitaalisia ratkaisuja suunnitellaan vastaavien puhtaasti analogisien rakenteiden tilalle. Analogia-digitaalimuunnos (A/D-muunnos) voidaan toteuttaa jännitetason sijaan aikatasossa käyttämällä aikapohjaisia A/D-muuntimia, jotka ovat rakenteeltaan pääosin digitaalisia. Kvantisointivaihe aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa toteutetaan aika-digitaalimuuntimella. Työ esittelee vapaasti oskilloivaan silmukkaoskillaattoriin perustuvan aika-digitaalimuuntimen, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi laajakaistaisessa aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa. Esitelty rakenne pyrkii maksimoimaan muuntimen aikaresoluution sekä muunnosalueen, sekä saavuttamaan virhesietoisen muunnostoiminnan minimoidulla tehon sekä pinta-alan kulutuksella. Aikaresoluutio on maksimoitu hyödyntämällä suuritaajuista monipolkuista silmukkaoskillaattoria, ja muunnosalue on maksimoitu nopealla Gray-koodi -laskuripiirillä. Muunnosprosessin virhesietoisuus on saavutettu toteuttamalla näytteistys herkillä kiikkuelementeillä, hyödyntämällä Gray-koodattua laskuria, sekä jälkiprosessoimalla laskurin näytteistetyt arvot virheenkorjausalgoritmilla. Esitelty muunnintoteutus saavuttaa 9 bitin efektiivisen resoluution 250 MS/s näytetaajuudella ja 4.3 milliwatin tehonkulutuksella

    Design techniques for low noise and high speed A/D converters

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    Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion is a process that bridges the real analog world to digital signal processing. It takes a continuous-time, continuous amplitude signal as its input and outputs a discrete-time, discrete-amplitude signal. The resolution and sampling rate of an A/D converter vary depending on the application. Recently, there has been a growing demand for broadband (>1 MHz), high-resolution (>14bits) A/D converters. Applications that demand such converters include asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) modems, cellular systems, high accuracy instrumentation, and medical imaging systems. This thesis suggests some design techniques for such high resolution and high sampling rate A/D converters. As the A/D converter performance keeps on increasing it becomes increasingly difficult for the input driver to settle to required accuracy within the sampling time. This is because of the use of larger sampling capacitor (increased resolution) and a decrease in sampling time (higher speed). So there is an increasing trend to have a driver integrated onchip along with A/D converter. The first contribution of this thesis is to present a new precharge scheme which enables integrating the input buffer with A/D converter in standard CMOS process. The buffer also uses a novel multi-path common mode feedback scheme to stabilize the common mode loop at high speeds. Another major problem in achieving very high Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR) is the capacitor mismatch in Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) inherent in the A/D converters. The mismatch between the capacitor causes harmonic distortion, which may not be acceptable. The analysis of Dynamic Element Matching (DEM) technique as applicable to broadband data-converters is presented and a novel second order notch-DEM is introduced. In this thesis we present a method to calibrate the DAC. We also show that a combination of digital error correction and dynamic element matching is optimal in terms of test time or calibration time. Even if we are using dynamic element matching techniques, it is still critical to get the best matching of unit elements possible in a given technology. The matching obtained may be limited either by random variations in the unit capacitor or by gradient effects. In this thesis we present layout techniques for capacitor arrays, and the matching results obtained in measurement from a test-chip are presented. Thus we present various design techniques for high speed and low noise A/D converters in this thesis. The techniques described are quite general and can be applied to most of the types of A/D converters