10,643 research outputs found

    Calipso: Physics-based Image and Video Editing through CAD Model Proxies

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    We present Calipso, an interactive method for editing images and videos in a physically-coherent manner. Our main idea is to realize physics-based manipulations by running a full physics simulation on proxy geometries given by non-rigidly aligned CAD models. Running these simulations allows us to apply new, unseen forces to move or deform selected objects, change physical parameters such as mass or elasticity, or even add entire new objects that interact with the rest of the underlying scene. In Calipso, the user makes edits directly in 3D; these edits are processed by the simulation and then transfered to the target 2D content using shape-to-image correspondences in a photo-realistic rendering process. To align the CAD models, we introduce an efficient CAD-to-image alignment procedure that jointly minimizes for rigid and non-rigid alignment while preserving the high-level structure of the input shape. Moreover, the user can choose to exploit image flow to estimate scene motion, producing coherent physical behavior with ambient dynamics. We demonstrate Calipso's physics-based editing on a wide range of examples producing myriad physical behavior while preserving geometric and visual consistency.Comment: 11 page


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    Price responsiveness of herbicide demand in corn for farmers in Indiana'Â’s White River Basin using cross-section data from individual farms is estimated. Particular attention is paid to appropriate treatment of binding nonnegativity constraints. Estimation was first attempted using an approach to demand systems estimation suggested by Lee and Pitt. However, analytical and computational difficulties effectively preclude estimation by the Lee and Pitt approach. As an alternative, a maximum entropy (ME) approach is presented and discussed. Results from the ME estimator tentatively indicate limited response of herbicide demand to changes in own prices. The maximum entropy approach to demand systems estimation appears to have merit and warrants further attention.Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Comparing demand functions when different price manipulations are used: Does unit price help?

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    Six hens pecked a key (Experiment 1) or pushed a door (Experiment 2) to obtain food reinforcement. In both experiments and as an analogue of price changes, the response requirements were varied in two ways: by increasing the number of responses required and by increasing the required force of each response. The two price manipulations (response number and response force) had different effects on behavior and produced different-shaped demand functions when the rates of consumption were plotted logarithmically against the price analogues. Irrespective of response topography, when the number of required responses was varied, the data paths appeared linear, with slopes close to -1.0. When the required force of each keypeck and doorpush was varied, the data paths were clearly curved, with increasingly steep downward slopes as the force increased. Using the concept of unit price did not fully remove the different effects of the two price manipulations. Those differences are best attributed to the differing times needed in order to complete each response unit under those price manipulations

    Entropic Elasticity of Double-Strand DNA Subject to Simple Spatial Constraints

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    The aim of the present paper is the study of the entropic elasticity of the dsDNA molecule, having a cristallographic length L of the order of 10 to 30 persistence lengths A, when it is subject to spatial obstructions. We have not tried to obtain the single molecule partition function by solving a Schodringer-like equation. We prefer to stay within a discretized version of the WLC model with an added one-monomer potential, simulating the spatial constraints. We derived directly from the discretized Boltzmann formula the transfer matrix connecting the partition functions relative to adjacent "effective monomers". We have plugged adequate Dirac delta-functions in the functional integral to ensure that the monomer coordinate and the tangent vector are independent variables. The partition function is, then, given by an iterative process which is both numerically efficient and physically transparent. As a test of our discretized approach, we have studied two configurations involving a dsDNA molecule confined between a pair of parallel plates.Comment: The most formal developments of Section I have been moved into an appendix and replaced by a direct derivation of the transfer matrix used in the applications. of Section II. Two paragraphs and two figures have been added to clarify the physical interpretation of the result

    Remarks on explicit strong ellipticity conditions for anisotropic or pre-stressed incompressible solids

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    We present a set of explicit conditions, involving the components of the elastic stiffness tensor, which are necessary and sufficient to ensure the strong ellipticity of an orthorhombic incompressible medium. The derivation is based on the procedure developed by Zee & Sternberg (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 83, 53-90 (1983)) and, consequently, is also applicable to the case of the homogeneously pre-stressed incompressible isotropic solids. This allows us to reformulate the results by Zee & Sternberg in terms of components of the incremental stiffness tensor. In addition, the resulting conditions are specialized to higher symmetry classes and compared with strong ellipticity conditions for plane strain, commonly used in the literature.The first author’s work and the second author’s visit to Brunel University were partly supported by Brunel University’s ‘BRIEF’ award scheme

    Partial constraint singularities in elastic rods

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    We present a unified classical treatment of partially constrained elastic rods. Partial constraints often entail singularities in both shapes and reactions. Our approach encompasses both sleeve and adhesion problems, and provides simple and unambiguous derivations of counterintuitive results in the literature. Relationships between reaction forces and moments, geometry, and adhesion energies follow from the balance of energy during quasistatic motion. We also relate our approach to the balance of material momentum and the concept of a driving traction. The theory is generalizable and can be applied to a wide array of contact, adhesion, gripping, and locomotion problems.Comment: edited tex

    Port-based modeling and optimal control for a new very versatile energy efficient actuator

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    In this paper, we analyze in depth the innovative very versatile and energy efficient (V2E2) actuator proposed in Stramigioli et al. (2008). The V2E2 actuator is intended to be used in all kind of robotics and powered prosthetic applications in which energy consumption is a critical issue. In particular, this work focuses on the development of a port-based Hamiltonian model of the V2E2 and presents an optimal control architecture which exploits the intrinsic hybrid characteristics of the actuator design. The optimal control guarantees the minimization of dissipative power losses during torque tracking transients

    Growth-induced blisters in a circular tube

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    The growth of an elastic film adhered to a confining substrate might lead to the formation of delimitation blisters. Many results have been derived when the substrate is flat. The equilibrium shapes, beyond small deformations, are determined by the interplay between the sheet elastic energy and the adhesive potential due to capillarity. Here, we study a non-trivial generalization to this problem and consider the adhesion of a growing elastic loop to a confining \emph{circular} substrate. The fundamental equations, i.e., the Euler Elastica equation, the boundary conditions and the transversality condition, are derived from a variational procedure. In contrast to the planar case, the curvature of the delimiting wall appears in the transversality condition, thus acting as a further source of adhesion. We provide the analytic solution to the problem under study in terms of elliptic integrals and perform the numerical and the asymptotic analysis of the characteristic lengths of the blister. Finally, and in contrast to previous studies, we also discuss the mechanics and the internal stresses in the case of vanishing adhesion. Specifically, we give a theoretical explanation to the observed divergence of the mean pressure exerted by the strip on the container in the limit of small excess-length