1 research outputs found

    TD-LTE network optimization analysis based on drive test

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    移动互联网的高速发展以及4g移动网络的逐渐商用,将带动全球通信行业产生前所未有的巨大变革。面对高速增长的4g用户数以及用户对移动网络更丰富的需求、更优异的体验,4g网络优化更加凸显其在网络质量中的地位。基于路测,对单站的网络优化重要指标进行分析,并结合实测数据对可能造成无线网络上下行吞吐率不稳定等问题的原因进行排查定位,达到覆盖、容量、质量的最佳组合,提高用户满意度,提升运营商的品牌形象。With the rapid development of mobile internet and gradually commercial using of 4G mobile network,it leads the unprecedented great change of global communication industry.Since the rapid growth of 4G users,and their more abundant demands and greater excellent experience over mobile network,4G network optimization becomes a more important factor in network quality.Based on the drive test,the important index of single station network optimization is analyzed;the reason possible caused by unstable throughput rate of wireless network is found out with measured data.The proposed method achieves the best combination of coverage,capacity and quality,improves customer satisfaction and promotes the brand image of operators.国家自然科学基金面上项目资助(61172097;61371081