86,805 research outputs found

    On Mitigation of Side-Channel Attacks in 3D ICs: Decorrelating Thermal Patterns from Power and Activity

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    Various side-channel attacks (SCAs) on ICs have been successfully demonstrated and also mitigated to some degree. In the context of 3D ICs, however, prior art has mainly focused on efficient implementations of classical SCA countermeasures. That is, SCAs tailored for up-and-coming 3D ICs have been overlooked so far. In this paper, we conduct such a novel study and focus on one of the most accessible and critical side channels: thermal leakage of activity and power patterns. We address the thermal leakage in 3D ICs early on during floorplanning, along with tailored extensions for power and thermal management. Our key idea is to carefully exploit the specifics of material and structural properties in 3D ICs, thereby decorrelating the thermal behaviour from underlying power and activity patterns. Most importantly, we discuss powerful SCAs and demonstrate how our open-source tool helps to mitigate them.Comment: Published in Proc. Design Automation Conference, 201

    On the ICS interpretation of the Hard X-Ray Excesses in Galaxy Clusters: the case of Ophiuchus

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    (Abridged) High-E electrons produce Hard X-Ray (HXR) emission in galaxy clusters by via Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) of CMB photons. We derive the ICS HXR emission of Ophiuchus under various scenarios: primary cosmic ray model, secondary cosmic rays model and neutralino DM annihilation scenario. We further discuss the predictions of the Warming Ray model for the cluster atmosphere. Under the assumption to fit the observed HXR emission, we find that the high-E electrons induce various consequences on the cluster atmosphere: i) primary electrons can be marginally consistent with the data provided that their spectrum is cutoff at E~30(90) MeV for spectral index of 3.5 (4.4); ii) secondary electron models from pp collisions are inconsistent with gamma-ray limits, cosmic ray protons produce too much heating of the IC gas and their pressure at the cluster center largely exceeds the thermal one; iii) secondary electron models from DM annihilation are inconsistent with gamma-ray and radio limits and electrons produce too much heating of the IC gas at the cluster center, unless the neutralino annihilation cross section is much lower than the proposed value. We conclude that ICS by secondary electrons from both neutralino DM annihilation and pp collisions cannot be the mechanism responsible for the HXR excess emission; primary electrons are still a marginally viable solution provided that their spectrum has a low-energy cutoff at E~30-90 MeV. The WR model offers, so far, the best description of the cluster in terms of temperature distribution, heating, pressure and spectral energy distribution. Fermi observations of Ophiuchus will set further constraints to this model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, A&A in pres

    Warming rays in cluster cool cores

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    We present a model of cosmic ray heating of clusters' cores that reproduces the observed temperature distribution in clusters by using an energy balance condition in which the emitted X-ray energy is supplied by the hadronic cosmic rays, which act as warming rays (WRs). The temperature profile of the IC gas is correlated with the WR pressure distribution and, consequently, with the non-thermal emission (radio, hard X-ray and gamma-ray) induced by the interaction of the WRs with the IC gas and magnetic field. The temperature distribution of the IC gas in both cool-core and non cool-core clusters is successfully predicted from the measured IC gas density distribution. Under this contraint, the WR model is also able to reproduce the thermal and non-thermal pressure distribution in clusters, as well as their radial entropy distribution. The WR model provides other observable features: a correlation of the pressure ratio (WRs to thermal IC gas) with the inner cluster temperature T_{inner}, a correlation of the gamma-ray luminosity with T_{inner}, a substantial number of cool-core clusters observable with the GLAST-LAT experiment, a surface brightness of radio halos in cool-core clusters that recovers the observed one, a hard X-ray emission from cool-core clusters that is systematically lower than the observed limits and yet observable with the next generation HXR experiments like Simbol-X. The specific theoretical properties and the multi-frequency distribution of the e.m. signals predicted in the WR model render it quite different from the other models proposed for the heating of clusters' cool-cores. Such differences make it possible to prove or disprove our model as an explanation of the cooling-flow problems on the basis of multi-frequency observations of galaxy clusters.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, A&A in pres

    Disentangling the gamma-ray emission of NGC1275 and that of the Perseus cluster

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    (Abridged). The gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters hosting active galaxies is a complex combination of diffuse and point-like emission with different spectral and spatial properties. We discuss the case of the Perseus cluster containing the radio-galaxy NGC 1275 that has been detected as a bright gamma-ray source by the Fermi-LAT experiment. We provide a detailed study of the gamma-ray emission coming from the core of Perseus by modeling the central AGN emission with a multiple plasma blob model, and the emission from the cluster atmosphere with both a Warming Ray (WR) model and Dark Matter (DM) neutralino annihilation models. We set constraints on both the central galaxy and cluster SED models by using multi-frequency data including the observations obtained by Fermi and MAGIC. We find that: i) in all the viable models for the cluster gamma-ray emission, the emission detected by Fermi from the Perseus core is dominated by the active galaxy NGC 1275, that is found in a high-emission state; ii) the diffuse gamma-ray emission of the cluster, in the WR model and in the DM models with the highest allowed normalization, could be detected by Fermi if the central emission from NGC1275 is in a low-emission state; iii) Fermi can have the possibility to resolve and detect the diffuse gamma-ray flux coming from the outer corona of the Perseus atmosphere at r> 800 kpc. Our results show that a simultaneous study of the various emission mechanisms that produce diffuse gamma-rays from galaxy clusters and those producing gamma-rays from active galaxies residing in the cluster atmospheres is crucial first to disentangle the spectral and spatial characteristics of the gamma-ray emission and secondly to assess the optimal observational strategy in the attempt to reveal the still elusive diffuse gamma-ray emission widely predicted for the atmospheres of large-scale structures.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, A&A in pres

    SZ effect from radio-galaxy lobes: astrophysical and cosmological relevance

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    We derive the SZ effect arising in radio-galaxy lobes that are filled with high-energy, non-thermal electrons. We provide here quantitative estimates for SZ effect expected from the radio galaxy lobes by normalizing it to the Inverse-Compton light, observed in the X-ray band, as produced by the extrapolation to low energies of the radio emitting electron spectrum in these radio lobes. We compute the spectral and spatial characteristics of the SZ effect associated to the radio lobes of two distant radio galaxies (3C294 and 3C432) recently observed by Chandra, and we further discuss its detectability with the next generation microwave and sub-mm experiments with arcsec and μ\sim \muK sensitivity. We finally highlight the potential use of the SZE from radio-galaxy lobes in the astrophysical and cosmological context.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Dark Matter in Modern Cosmology

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    The presence of Dark Matter (DM) is required in the universe regulated by the standard general relativistic theory of gravitation. The nature of DM is however still elusive to any experimental search. We discuss here the process of accumulation of evidence for the presence of DM in the universe, the astrophysical probes for the leading DM scenarios that can be obtained through a multi-frequency analysis of cosmic structures on large scales, and the strategies related to the multi-messenger and multi-experiment astrophysical search for the nature of the DM.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Updated version of the review included in ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY AFTER GAMOW: Proceedings of the 4th Gamow International Conference on Astrophysics and Cosmology After Gamow and the 9th Gamow Summer School "Astronomy and Beyond: Astrophysics, Cosmology, Radio Astronomy, High Energy Physics and Astrobiology". AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1206, p.

    Bayesian semi-blind component separation for foreground removal in interferometric 21-cm observations

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    We present in this paper a new Bayesian semi-blind approach for foreground removal in observations of the 21-cm signal with interferometers. The technique, which we call HIEMICA (HI Expectation-Maximization Independent Component Analysis), is an extension of the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique developed for two-dimensional (2D) CMB maps to three-dimensional (3D) 21-cm cosmological signals measured by interferometers. This technique provides a fully Bayesian inference of power spectra and maps and separates the foregrounds from signal based on the diversity of their power spectra. Only relying on the statistical independence of the components, this approach can jointly estimate the 3D power spectrum of the 21-cm signal and, the 2D angular power spectrum and the frequency dependence of each foreground component, without any prior assumptions about foregrounds. This approach has been tested extensively by applying it to mock data from interferometric 21-cm intensity mapping observations under idealized assumptions of instrumental effects. We also discuss the impact when the noise properties are not known completely. As a first step toward solving the 21 cm power spectrum analysis problem we compare the semi-blind HIEMICA technique with the commonly used Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Under the same idealized circumstances the proposed technique provides significantly improved recovery of the power spectrum. This technique can be applied straightforwardly to all 21-cm interferometric observations, including epoch of reionization measurements, and can be extended to single-dish observations as well.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, added some discussions about the impact of noise misspecificatio

    Solar flares and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities: A parameter survey

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    Hard X-ray (HXR) sources are frequently observed near the top of solar flare loops, and the emission is widely ascribed to bremsstrahlung. We here revisit an alternative scenario which stresses the importance of inverse Compton processes and the Kelvin- Helmholtz instability (KHI) proposed by Fang et al. (2016). This scenario adds a novel ingredient to the standard flare model, where evaporation flows from flare-impacted chromospheric foot-points interact with each other near the loop top and produce turbulence via KHI. The turbulence can act as a trapping region and as an efficient accelerator to provide energetic electrons, which scatter soft X-ray (SXR) photons to HXR photons via the inverse Compton mechanism. This paper focuses on the trigger of the KHI and the resulting turbulence in this new scenario. We perform a parameter survey to investigate the necessary ingredients to obtain KHI through interaction of chromospheric evaporation flows. When turbulence is produced in the loop apex, an index of -5/3 can be found in the spectra of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations. The KHI development and the generation of turbulence are controlled by the amount of energy deposited in the chromospheric foot-points and the time scale of its energy deposition, but typical values for M class flares show the KHI development routinely. Asymmetry of energy deposition determines the location where the turbulence is produced, and the synthesized SXR light curve shows a clear periodic signal related to the sloshing motion of the vortex pattern created by the KHI.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    A multi-frequency study of the SZE in giant radio galaxies

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    Radio-galaxy (RG) lobes contain relativistic electrons embedded in a tangled magnetic field that produce, in addition to low-frequency synchrotron radio emission, inverse-Compton scattering (ICS) of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons. This produces a relativistic, non-thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE). We study the spectral and spatial properties of the non-thermal SZE in a sample of radio galaxies and make predictions for their detectability in both the negative and the positive part of the SZE, with space experiments like Planck, OLIMPO, and Herschel-SPIRE. These cover a wide range of frequencies, from radio to sub-mm. We model the SZE in a general formalism that is equivalent to the relativistic covariant one and describe the electron population contained in the lobes of the radio galaxies with parameters derived from their radio observations, namely, flux, spectral index, and spatial extension. We further constrain the electron spectrum and the magnetic field of the RG lobes using X-ray, gamma-ray, and microwave archival observations. We determine the main spectral features of the SZE in RG lobes, namely, the minimum, the crossover, and the maximum of the SZE. We show that these typical spectral features fall in the frequency ranges probed by the available space experiments. We provide the most reliable predictions for the amplitude and spectral shape of the SZE in a sample of selected RGs with extended lobes. In three of these objects, we also derive an estimate of the magnetic field in the lobe at the muG level by combining radio (synchrotron) observations and X-ray (ICS) observations. These data, together with the WMAP upper limits, set constraints on the minimum momentum of the electrons residing in the RG lobes and allow realistic predictions for the visibility of their SZE to be derived with Planck, OLIMPO, and Herschel-SPIRE. [abridged]Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures; Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres