6 research outputs found

    Analysis of SLA compliance in the cloud: An automated, model-based approach

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    Service Level Agreements (SLA) are commonly used to specify the quality attributes between cloud service providers and the customers. A violation of SLAs can result in high penalties. To allow the analysis of SLA compliance before the services are deployed, we describe in this paper an approach for SLA-aware deployment of services on the cloud, and illustrate its workflow by means of a case study. The approach is based on formal models combined with static analysis tools and generated runtime monitors. As such, it fits well within a methodology combining software development with information technology operations (DevOps)

    Conceptual Service Level Agreement Mechanism to Minimize the SLA Violation with SLA Negotiation Process in Cloud Computing Environment

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    تُستخدم الخدمة عبر الإنترنت لتكون بمثابة الدفع لكل استخدام في الحوسبة السحابية. لا يحتاج مستخدم الخدمة إلى عقد طويل مع مزودي الخدمات السحابية. اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة (SLAs) هي تفاهمات تم تحديدها بين مزودي الخدمة السحابية وغيرهم ، على سبيل المثال ، مستخدم الخدمة أو المشغل الوسيط أو المشغلين المراقبين. نظرًا لأن الحوسبة السحابية هي تقنية مستمرة تقدم العديد من الخدمات لتطبيقات الأعمال الأساسية وأنظمة قابلة للتكيف لإدارة الاتفاقيات عبر الإنترنت تعتبر مهمة تحافظ على اتفاقية مستوى الخدمةو جودة الخدمة لمستخدم السحابة. إذا فشل مزود الخدمة في الحفاظ على الخدمة المطلوبة ، فإن اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة تعتبر انتهاكًا لاتفاقية مستوى الخدمة. الهدف الرئيسي هو تقليل انتهاكات اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة (SLA) للحفاظ على جودة الخدمة لمستخدمي السحابة. في هذه المقالة البحثية ، اقترحنا صندوق أدوات للمساعدة في إجراء تبادل اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة مع مزودي الخدمة والذي سيمكن العميل السحابي من الإشارة إلى متطلبات جودة الخدمة واقترح خوارزمية بالإضافة إلى نموذج التفاوض من اجل التفاوض على الطلب مع الخدمة لمقدمي الخدمة لإنتاج اتفاقية أفضل بين مقدم الخدمة ومستهلك الخدمة السحابية. وبالتالي ، يمكن للإطار الذي تمت مناقشته تقليل انتهاكات اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة وكذلك خيبات الأمل في المفاوضات وتوسيع نطاق كفاية التكلفة. علاوة على ذلك ، فإن مجموعة أدوات اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة المقترحة منتجة بشكل إضافي للعملاء حتى يتمكن العملاء من تأمين سداد قيمة معقولة مقابل تقليل جودة الخدمة أو وقت التنازل. يوضح هذا البحث أنه يمكن الحفاظ على مستوى الضمان في موفري الخدمات السحابية من خلال نقل الخدمات دون انقطاع من منظور العميل.Online service is used to be as Pay-Per-Use in Cloud computing. Service user need not be in a long time contract with cloud service providers. Service level agreements (SLAs) are understandings marked between a cloud service providers and others, for example, a service user, intermediary operator, or observing operators. Since cloud computing is an ongoing technology giving numerous services to basic business applications and adaptable systems to manage online agreements are significant. SLA maintains the quality-of-service to the cloud user. If service provider fails to maintain the required service SLA is considered to be SLA violated. The main aim is to minimize the SLA violations for maintain the QoS of their cloud users. In this research article, a toolbox is proposed to help the procedure of exchanging of a SLA with the service providers that will enable the cloud client in indicating service quality demands and an algorithm as well as Negotiation model is also proposed to negotiate the request with the service providers to produce a better agreement between service provider and cloud service consumer. Subsequently, the discussed framework can reduce SLA violations as well as negotiation disappointments and have expanded cost-adequacy. Moreover, the suggested SLA toolkit is additionally productive to clients so clients can secure a sensible value repayment for diminished QoS or conceding time. This research shows the assurance level in the cloud service providers can be kept up by as yet conveying the services with no interruption from the client's perspectiv

    An Acceptable Cloud Computing Model for Public Sectors

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    Cloud computing enables information technology (IT) leaders to shift from passive business support to active value creators. However, social economic-communication barriers inhibit individual users from strategic use of the cloud. Grounded in the theory of technology acceptance, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies IT leaders in public sector organizations implement to utilize cloud computing. The participants included nine IT leaders from public sector organizations in Texas, USA. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, field notes, and publicly available artifacts documents. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis: five themes emerged (a) user-centric and data-driven cloud model; (b) multi-cloud, (c) visibility, (d) integrations, and (e) innovation and agility due to cloud. A key recommendation is for IT leaders to strategize for individual user behavior through the top-down approach. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve civic services, civic engagement, collaborations between the public and government, policymaking, and added socioeconomic value

    Automating SLA enforcement in the cloud computing

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    Cloud computing is playing an increasingly important role, not only by facilitating digital trading platforms but also by transforming conventional services from client-server models to cloud computing. This domain has given the global economic and technological benefits, it offers to both the service providers and service subscribers. Digital marketplaces are no longer limited only to trade tangible commodities but also facilitates enormous service virtualization across various industries. Software as a Service (SaaS) being the largest service segment, dominates the global cloud migration. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and cloud-based application development also known as Platform as a Service (PaaS) are also next-generation computing platforms for their ultimate futuristic demand by both, public and private sector. These service segments are now hosted on cloud platforms to compute, store, and network, an enormous amount of service requests, which process data incredibly fast and economically. Organizations also perform data analytics and other similar computing amenities to manage their business without maintaining on-premise computing infrastructures which are hard to maintain. This computing capability has extensively improved the popularity and increased the demand for cloud services to an extent, that businesses worldwide are heavily migrating their computing resources to these platforms. Diverse cloud service providers take the responsibility of provisioning such cloud-based services for subscribers. In return, a certain subscription fee is charged to them periodically and depending upon the service package, availability and security. On the flip side, such intensive technology shift and outsourcing reliance have also introduced scenarios that any failure on their part leads to serious consequences to the business community at large. In recent years technology industry has observed critical and increased service outages at various cloud service providers(CSP) such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft, Google, which ultimately interrupts the entire supply chain and causes several well-known web services to be taken offline either due to a human error, failed change control implementation or in more recently due to targeted cyber-attacks like DDoS. These web-based solutions such as compute, storage, network or other similar services are provisioned to cloud service subscribers (CSS) platforms. Regardless of a cloud service deployment, a legal binding such as a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is signed between the CSP and CSS. The SLA holds a service scope and guarantees in case of failure. There are probabilities where these SLA may be violated, revoked, or dishonoured by either party, mostly the CSP. An SLA violation along with an unsettled dispute leads to some financial losses for the service subscribers or perhaps cost them their business reputation. Eventually, the subscriber may request some form of compensation from the provider such as a service credit or a refund. In either case, the burden of proof lies with the subscribers, who have to capture and preserve those data or forensically sound system or service logs, supporting their claims. Most of the time, this is manually processed, which is both expensive and time-consuming. To address this problem, this research first analyses the gaps in existing arrangements. It then suggests automation of SLA enforcement within cloud environments and identifies the main properties of a solution to the problem covering various other avenues associated with the other operating environments. This research then subsequently proposes architectures, based on the concept of fair exchange, and shows that how intelligently the approach enforces cloud SLA using various techniques. Furthermore, by extending the research scope covering two key scenarios (a) when participants are loss averse and (b) when interacting participants can act maliciously. Our proposed architectures present robust schemes by enforcing the suggested solutions which are effective, efficient, and most importantly resilient to modern-day security and privacy challenges. The uniqueness of our research is that it does not only ensure the fairness aspect of digital trading but it also extends and logically implements a dual security layer throughout the service exchange. Using this approach protects business participants by securely automating the dispute resolutions in a more resilient fashion. It also shields their data privacy and security from diverse cyber challenges and other operational failures. These architectures are capable of imposing state-of-the-art defences through integrated secure modules along with full encryption schemes, mitigating security gaps previously not dealt with, based upon fair exchange protocols. The Protocol also accomplishes achieving service exchange scenarios either with or without dispute resolution. Finally, our proposed architectures are automated and interact with hardcoded procedures and verifications mechanism using a variant of trusted third parties and trusted authorities, which makes it difficult to cause potential disagreements and misbehaviours during a cloud-based service exchange by enforcing SLA

    Analysis of SLA compliance in the cloud: An automated, model-based approach

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    Service Level Agreements (SLA) are commonly used to specify the quality attributes between cloud service providers and the customers. A violation of SLAs can result in high penalties. To allow the analysis of SLA compliance before the services are deployed, we describe in this paper an approach for SLA-aware deployment of services on the cloud, and illustrate its workflow by means of a case study. The approach is based on formal models combined with static analysis tools and generated runtime monitors. As such, it fits well within a methodology combining software development with information technology operations (DevOps)

    Analysis of SLA compliance in the cloud: An automated, model-based approach

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    Service Level Agreements (SLA) are commonly used to specify the quality attributes between cloud service providers and the customers. A violation of SLAs can result in high penalties. To allow the analysis of SLA compliance before the services are deployed, we describe in this paper an approach for SLA-aware deployment of services on the cloud, and illustrate its workflow by means of a case study. The approach is based on formal models combined with static analysis tools and generated runtime monitors. As such, it fits well within a methodology combining software development with information technology operations (DevOps)