7 research outputs found

    Образ России в разноязычных разделах "Википедии": феномен интернет-энциклопедии со свободным контентом в условиях глобального информационного конфликта

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    В исследовании проведена контекстуализация образа России с глобальным информационным конфликтом Россия - Запад и позицией отдельных государств в указанном противостоянии. Предметом анализа является содержание статей "Википедии" на семи языках народов мира, посвященных Росси

    Wikipedia Citations: A comprehensive dataset of citations with identifiers extracted from English Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia's contents are based on reliable and published sources. To this date, relatively little is known about what sources Wikipedia relies on, in part because extracting citations and identifying cited sources is challenging. To close this gap, we release Wikipedia Citations, a comprehensive dataset of citations extracted from Wikipedia. A total of 29.3M citations were extracted from 6.1M English Wikipedia articles as of May 2020, and classified as being to books, journal articles or Web contents. We were thus able to extract 4.0M citations to scholarly publications with known identifiers -- including DOI, PMC, PMID, and ISBN -- and further equip an extra 261K citations with DOIs from Crossref. As a result, we find that 6.7% of Wikipedia articles cite at least one journal article with an associated DOI, and that Wikipedia cites just 2% of all articles with a DOI currently indexed in the Web of Science. We release our code to allow the community to extend upon our work and update the dataset in the future

    From academic to media capital: To what extent does the scientific reputation of universities translate into Wikipedia attention?

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    Universities face increasing demands to improve their visibility, public outreach, and online presence. There is a broad consensus that scientific reputation significantly increases the attention universities receive. However, in most cases estimates of scientific reputation are based on composite or weighted indicators and absolute positions in university rankings. In this study, we adopt a more granular approach to assessment of universities' scientific performance using a multidimensional set of indicators from the Leiden Ranking and testing their individual effects on university Wikipedia page views. We distinguish between international and local attention and find a positive association between research performance and Wikipedia attention which holds for regions and linguistic areas. Additional analysis shows that productivity, scientific impact, and international collaboration have a curvilinear effect on universities' Wikipedia attention. This finding suggests that there may be other factors than scientific reputation driving the general public's interest in universities. Our study adds to a growing stream of work which views altmetrics as tools to deepen science-society interactions rather than direct measures of impact and recognition of scientific outputs

    Quantifying Engagement with Citations on Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, is one of the most visited sites on the Web and a common source of information for many users. As an encyclopedia, Wikipedia is not a source of original information, but was conceived as a gateway to secondary sources: according to Wikipedia's guidelines, facts must be backed up by reliable sources that reflect the full spectrum of views on the topic. Although citations lie at the very heart of Wikipedia, little is known about how users interact with them. To close this gap, we built client-side instrumentation for logging all interactions with links leading from English Wikipedia articles to cited references during one month, and conducted the first analysis of readers' interaction with citations on Wikipedia. We find that overall engagement with citations is low: about one in 300 page views results in a reference click (0.29% overall; 0.56% on desktop; 0.13% on mobile). Matched observational studies of the factors associated with reference clicking reveal that clicks occur more frequently on shorter pages and on pages of lower quality, suggesting that references are consulted more commonly when Wikipedia itself does not contain the information sought by the user. Moreover, we observe that recent content, open access sources and references about life events (births, deaths, marriages, etc) are particularly popular. Taken together, our findings open the door to a deeper understanding of Wikipedia's role in a global information economy where reliability is ever less certain, and source attribution ever more vital.Comment: The Web Conference WWW 2020, 10 page

    Methoden kontrastiver Medienlinguistik

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    Die Medienlinguistik ist seit einiger Zeit eine etablierte Disziplin im deutschsprachigen Raum. Dabei stellt gerade im Kontext kulturanalytischer Fragestellungen das Prinzip der Kontrastivität einen zentralen Bezugspunkt dar: Mediale Praktiken sind in der Regel so selbstverständlich, dass sie oft unsichtbar bleiben und so in ihrer Charakteristik schwer erkennbar sind. Methoden des Vergleichens und der Kontrastierung ermöglichen es, die Spezifik medialer Praktiken zu ergründen. Dieser Sammelband vertieft die Reflexion über qualitative und quantitative Ansätze im Rahmen einer kontrastiven Medienlinguistik, die heuristisch validiert und ethisch befriedigend sind. Die Beiträge exemplifizieren das Thema im Kontext verschiedener Medien (z. B. WhatsApp-Kommunikation, YouTube-Filme, Diskussionsforen, digitale Restaurantkritiken, Tweets, Live-Ticker, Zeitungsrubriken, Radioformate etc.) und verbinden so empirische Beobachtungen mit theoretischen und methodologischen Überlegungen