2,622 research outputs found

    A Review of Metamaterial Invisibility Cloaks

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    The exciting features of metamaterial in conjunction with transformation optics leads to various applications in the microwave regime with such examples as invisible cloak, frequency selective surfaces (FSS), radomes, etc. The concept of electromagnetic invisibility is very much important in aerospace platform. Hence to study the feasibility of implementation of this concept for stealth, an extensive literature survey of metamaterial cloaks has been carried out and reported in this paper along with the basic concept of cloaking. To make the review more effective, the technical papers are classified into three broad sections viz. mathematical modeling, design and simulations, and fabrications and experimental demonstration. Further the design and simulation is focused on different techniques implemented such as finite difference time domain (FDTD), finite element method (FEM), finite integration technique (FIT), inductor-capacitor representation of metamaterial (LC MTM) etc. The review also reports the methods implemented for analysis of metamaterial cloaks with possibility of application to the specific frequency rang

    Simulation and Testing of Metallic Aperture Arrays at Terahertz Frequencies

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    Since the demonstration of Extraordinary Optical Transmission (EOT) in sub-wavelength aperture arrays, first at optical then at terahertz (THz) frequencies, the role of Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPPs) in this phenomenon has been under investigation. By studying the interaction between THz radiation and free standing metal foils, which contain periodic arrays of apertures, this thesis explores the interaction between rectangular waveguided modes controlled by aperture dimensions and SPP modes defined by aperture periodicity. Fabrication of a free standing metal foil perforated by micron scale 5:1 aspect ratio rectangular holes with varied array spacings is performed by photolithography and electroplating. Such free standing metal foils are shown to demonstrate EOT at THz frequencies when studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). Results obtained by the systematic variation of aperture size and lattice spacing are presented, accompanied by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation data. The changing aperture array dimensions allow for the isolation of the different resonant modes present in the EOT phenomena. Further exploitation of the interaction between the two resonant modes is provided by altering the incident angle between the free standing metal aperture array and the THz field. The high frequency resolution provided by THz Vector Network Analyser measurements allows for small changes in transmission spectra to be observed as the resonant modes are brought into close proximity. The removal of a fixed periodic spacing between the sub-wavelength apertures perforating the metal foil removes a necessary component of SPP excitation. The design of an array of aperiodic sub wavelength apertures is presented. This array demonstrates EOT in the absence of SPPs. Furthermore, SPPs induced by the periodic x-axis aperture spacing, and controlled by THz field incidence angle, are used to extinguish the sharp transmission resonance produced by the sub-wavelength apertures. To this author’s knowledge this is the first reporting of resonant transmission extinguished by SPP excitation and manipulation

    Active and Fast Tunable Plasmonic Metamaterials

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    Active and Fast Tunable Plasmonic Metamaterials is a research development that has contributed to studying the interaction between light and matter, specifically focusing on the interaction between the electromagnetic field and free electrons in metals. This interaction can be stimulated by the electric component of light, leading to collective oscillations. In the field of nanotechnology, these phenomena have garnered significant interest due to their ability to enable the transmission of both optical signals and electric currents through the same thin metal structure. This presents an opportunity to connect the combined advantages of photonics and electronics within a single platform. This innovation gives rise to a new subfield of photonics known as plasmonic metamaterials.Plasmonic metamaterials are artificial engineering materials whose optical properties can be engineered to generate the desired response to an incident electromagnetic wave. They consist of subwavelength-scale structures which can be understood as the atoms in conventional materials. The collective response of a randomly or periodically ordered ensemble of such meta-atoms defines the properties of the metamaterials, which can be described in terms of parameters such as permittivity, permeability, refractive index, and impedance. At the interface between noble metal particles and dielectric media, collective oscillations of the free electrons in the metal particles can be resonantly excited, known as plasmon resonances. This work considered two plasmon resonances: localised surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) and propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs).The investigated plasmonic metamaterials, designed with specific structures, were considered for use in various applications, including telecommunications, information processing, sensing, industry, lighting, photovoltaic, metrology, and healthcare. The sample structures are manufactured using metal and dielectric materials as artificial composite materials. It can be used in the electromagnetic spectrum's visible and near-infrared wavelength range. Results obtained proved that artificial composite material can produce a thermal coherent emission at the mid-infrared wavelength range and enable active and fast-tunable optoelectronic devices. Therefore, this work focused on the integrated thermal infrared light source platforms for various applications such as thermal analysis, imaging, security, biosensing, and medical diagnosis. Enabled by Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation, this work combined the concepts of material absorption with material emission. Hence, the results obtained proved that this approach enhances the overall performance of the active and fast-tunable plasmonic metamaterial in terms of with effortless and fast tunability. This work further considers the narrow line width of the coherent thermal emission, tunable emission, and angular tunable emission at the mid-infrared, which are achieved through plasmonic stacked grating structure (PSGs) and plasmonic infrared absorber structure (PIRAs).Three-dimensional (3D) plasmonic stacked gratings (PSGs) was used to create a tunable plasmonic metamaterial at optical wavelengths ranging from 3 m to 6 m, and from 6m to 9 m. These PSGs are made of a metallic grating with corrugations caused by narrow air openings, followed by a Bragg grating (BG). Additionally, this work demonstrated a thermal radiation source customised for the mid-infrared wavelength range of 3 μm to 5 μm. This source exhibits intriguing characteristics such as high emissivity, narrowband spectra, and sharp angular response capabilities. The proposed thermal emitter consists of a two-dimensional (2D) metallic grating on top of a one-dimensional dielectric BG.Results obtained presented a plasmonic infrared absorber (PIRA) graphene nanostructure designed for a wavelength range of 3 to 14 μm. It was observed and concluded that this wavelength range offers excellent opportunities for detection, especially when targeting gas molecules in the infrared atmospheric windows. The design framework is based on active plasmon control for subwavelength-scale infrared absorbers within the mid-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Furthermore, this design is useful for applications such as infrared microbolometers, infrared photodetectors, and photovoltaic cells.Finally, the observation and conclusion drawn for the sample of nanostructure used in this work, which consists of an artificial composite arrangement with plasmonic material, can contribute to a highly efficient mid-infrared light source with low power consumption, fast response emissions, and is a cost-effective structure

    Numerical methods for computing Casimir interactions

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    We review several different approaches for computing Casimir forces and related fluctuation-induced interactions between bodies of arbitrary shapes and materials. The relationships between this problem and well known computational techniques from classical electromagnetism are emphasized. We also review the basic principles of standard computational methods, categorizing them according to three criteria---choice of problem, basis, and solution technique---that can be used to classify proposals for the Casimir problem as well. In this way, mature classical methods can be exploited to model Casimir physics, with a few important modifications.Comment: 46 pages, 142 references, 5 figures. To appear in upcoming Lecture Notes in Physics book on Casimir Physic


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    In-depth analysis of the theory, properties and description of the most potential technological applications of metamaterials for the realization of novel devices such as subwavelength lenses, invisibility cloaks, dipole and reflector antennas, high frequency telecommunications, new designs of bandpass filters, absorbers and concentrators of EM waves etc. In order to create a new devices it is necessary to know the main electrodynamical characteristics of metamaterial structures on the basis of which the device is supposed to be created. The electromagnetic wave scattering surfaces built with metamaterials are primarily based on the ability of metamaterials to control the surrounded electromagnetic fields by varying their permeability and permittivity characteristics. The book covers some solutions for microwave wavelength scales as well as exploitation of nanoscale EM wavelength such as visible specter using recent advances of nanotechnology, for instance in the field of nanowires, nanopolymers, carbon nanotubes and graphene. Metamaterial is suitable for scholars from extremely large scientific domain and therefore given to engineers, scientists, graduates and other interested professionals from photonics to nanoscience and from material science to antenna engineering as a comprehensive reference on this artificial materials of tomorrow