62 research outputs found

    Morphing of Triangular Meshes in Shape Space

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    We present a novel approach to morph between two isometric poses of the same non-rigid object given as triangular meshes. We model the morphs as linear interpolations in a suitable shape space S\mathcal{S}. For triangulated 3D polygons, we prove that interpolating linearly in this shape space corresponds to the most isometric morph in R3\mathbb{R}^3. We then extend this shape space to arbitrary triangulations in 3D using a heuristic approach and show the practical use of the approach using experiments. Furthermore, we discuss a modified shape space that is useful for isometric skeleton morphing. All of the newly presented approaches solve the morphing problem without the need to solve a minimization problem.Comment: Improved experimental result

    Local Uniqueness of the Circular Integral Invariant

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    This article is concerned with the representation of curves by means of integral invariants. In contrast to the classical differential invariants they have the advantage of being less sensitive with respect to noise. The integral invariant most common in use is the circular integral invariant. A major drawback of this curve descriptor, however, is the absence of any uniqueness result for this representation. This article serves as a contribution towards closing this gap by showing that the circular integral invariant is injective in a neighbourhood of the circle. In addition, we provide a stability estimate valid on this neighbourhood. The proof is an application of Riesz-Schauder theory and the implicit function theorem in a Banach space setting

    Leaf image retrieval using a shape based method

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    For content-based image retrieval, shape information is of great importance. This paper presents a shape descriptor of imaged leaf objects according to their boundaries for image retrieval. We take picture of leaves, exact the sketch from original images and produce a low dimensional feature vector to describe the shape. By comparing the similarity of the query image with those in database, a set of images with shape similarity are retrieved. The experiment shows that the method has high reliability and less time consuming