10 research outputs found

    Theory of Regulatory Compliance for Requirements Engineering

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    Regulatory compliance is increasingly being addressed in the practice of requirements engineering as a main stream concern. This paper points out a gap in the theoretical foundations of regulatory compliance, and presents a theory that states (i) what it means for requirements to be compliant, (ii) the compliance problem, i.e., the problem that the engineer should resolve in order to verify whether requirements are compliant, and (iii) testable hypotheses (predictions) about how compliance of requirements is verified. The theory is instantiated by presenting a requirements engineering framework that implements its principles, and is exemplified on a real-world case study.Comment: 16 page

    GOREWEB framework for goal oriented requirements engineering of web applications

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    In this paper, we propose a framework for modeling goal driven requirements of web applications. Web engineers mostly focus on design aspects only overlooking the real goals and expectations of the user. Goal oriented Requirement Engineering is a popular approach for Information system development but has not been explored much for Web applications. However, in today's times Web is dominating in every business making it imperative that its requirements are analyzed carefully and in profundity. Goal driven requirements analysis helps in capturing stakeholders' goals very finely, by choosing between alternatives and resolving conflicts. Detailed classification of both functional and non-functional requirements specific to web applications is discussed in the presented work. A framework, GOREWEB (Goal oriented Requirements Engineering for Web Applications) is proposed for analyzing goals and translating them into functional and non-functional web requirements

    Requirements Problem and Solution Concepts for Adaptive Systems Engineering, and their Relationship to Mathematical Optimisation, Decision Analysis, and Expected Utility Theory

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) focuses on eliciting, modelling, and analyzing the requirements and environment of a system-to-be in order to design its specification. The design of the specification, usually called the Requirements Problem (RP), is a complex problem solving task, as it involves, for each new system-to-be, the discovery and exploration of, and decision making in, new and ill-defined problem and solution spaces. The default RP in RE is to design a specification of the system-to-be which (i) is consistent with given requirements and conditions of its environment, and (ii) together with environment conditions satisfies requirements. This paper (i) shows that the Requirements Problem for Adaptive Systems (RPAS) is different from, and is not a subclass of the default RP, (ii) gives a formal definition of RPAS, and (iii) discusses implications for future research

    Ace-Cast : uma ferramenta de apoio à argumentação colaborativa

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Curso de Engenharia de Software, 2014.A argumentação possui um papel essencial na sociedade. Diariamente, as pessoas participam de atividades em que o ato de argumentar é constante. Seja ela para defender uma ideia ou para tomar uma decisão. Apesar da importância, várias ferramentas permitem apenas a representação textual dos elementos de uma argumentação. A avaliação da aceitabilidade dos argumentos fica a critério da interpretação de cada participante. O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta web colaborativa que facilite o processo de argumentação online. Esta ferramenta deve permitir que as pessoas possam estruturar e verificar a validade de seus argumentos de forma gráfica em tempo real. Para isto, um processo de desenvolvimento de software baseado em princípios ágeis foi elaborado. Ao término deste processo, a ferramenta ACE-CAST1 foi implementada. Esta ferramenta permite a representação de uma argumentação através de grafos que são atualizados e avaliados em tempo real na medida em que os participantes adicionam novas informações. Para obter as impressões iniciais dos usuários que testaram a ferramenta ACE-CAST, um cenário de uso baseado na técnica de pesquisa-ação foi definido e executado.The argument has an essential role in society. Every day, people participate in activities in which the act of arguing is constant. Whether to defend an idea or to make a decision. Despite its importance, several tools allow only the textual representation of the elements of an argument. The evaluation of the acceptability of arguments is up to the interpretation of each participant. The objective of this work is the development of a collaborative web tool that facilitates the online process of argumentation. This tool should allow multiple people to structure and evaluate their arguments in real time. For this, a software development process based on agile principles was prepared. At the end of this process, the tool ACE-CAST2 was developed. This tool allows the representation of the argument in graphs that are updated and evaluated in real time as participants add new information. Finally, a use scenario based on action research technique was performed to obtain the initial impressions of users who tested the tool ACE-CAST

    Un análisis de enfoques de Validación de Requerimientos

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    En la actualidad, se observa que los sistemas de software son cada vez más complejos, por lo que las exigencias de calidad en el desarrollo deben ser mayores. Es necesario que el desarrollo de software sea más riguroso para obtener un producto de adecuada calidad. La identificación y tratamiento de errores en etapas tempranas del proyecto de software es crucial para disminuir los costos de operación y evitar errores en etapas posteriores del desarrollo. En el marco de la Ingeniería de Requerimientos (RE por sus siglas en inglés Requirements Engineering) la validación de los requerimientos es una tarea fundamental en cualquier proyecto de Ingeniería de Software y debe ser un proceso continuo en el ciclo de vida del desarrollo del sistema. El principal objetivo de la validación de requerimientos es confirmar que los requerimientos especificados sean representaciones de las necesidades y expectativas de los usuarios y que además sean completos, correctos y consistentes entre otras características. Trabajar en la validación de requerimientos se está convirtiendo en un desafío para los equipos, clientes y usuarios. Existen diferentes causas que imponen problemas de comunicación, control, intercambio de conocimientos, confianza y retrasos en el desarrollo del software. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar información sobre las características asociadas al proceso de validación de requerimientos en el ciclo de vida del software: la naturaleza de la información Quién, Qué, Cuando, Por qué y Cómo validar los requerimientos. La identificación de información de los enfoques se realiza a través de una revisión bibliográfica y una evaluación de diversos enfoques de validación de requerimientos para obtener sus características, necesidades de información y restricciones.Facultad de Informátic

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of Multi-Party Agreement in Requirements Validation

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